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Everything posted by sirenscreams

  1. attempts to make a snowball - gets hungry and makes a snow cone instead! Anyone want one?
  2. Thanks for looking into that I appreciate it - so it must be mod related then correct?
  3. I suspect it is mod related, or game difficulty level related. Playing on survival, I can see how corpses might harbor disease that can shorten your life. :smile: OH! now that makes sense - in a way! ... other than the instant death, unless some heavy heavy rads were involved.
  4. I feel you - I had to start over on every one of my modlisits due to getting a new setup...Its so painful with so many of my favorites now gone, hidden, or moved....
  5. OH! I have this one its called - Its by the mod author VTAW I forget which wardrobe pack that one is from ( I think it's 6) but you can see all of the armor packs here! They all rock for sure! https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/users/9956362?tab=user+files
  6. I have had this game since it came out and have never once seen or experienced something like this - would you mind giving more detail please? Thank you!
  7. So happy to have you back friend - Welcome home! Enjoy your time here, and hopefully you can make new friends and memories again!
  8. I agree that removing lifetime was a poor idea - Why could they not just raise the price for it and keep it up? or at least make it or the yearly subscription liftable to others. I got my account as a gift from my parents and was very touched by that, it would be nice if I could pay that forward to others.
  9. It's sad to see all these sudden losses in terms of mods and modding - I just got back from traveling and turned on my computer only to find that 45% of the mods I use have now bee hidden, deleted, or moved to another platform. Not to mention how mean and rude some of the commenter and some mod authors have been getting lately in there mod posts - Hopefully this will all pass over soon enough! This community has lived through worse (looking at you paid mods fiasco) ...
  10. If anyone is into rock, metal, and punk - here is a pretty killer playlist! It's not the heaviest works in each genre, but still good to rock out too from time to time! Please enjoy! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1Ds8f2gfo5aiZ9pOHsixzo?si=0bdd87f65b0d4ca7
  11. Hello, Nice to meet you all - My name is Sirenscreams! I am new to the forums but I've been a member since 2012? Anyway, I've decided that with all the new changes coming to the nexus it might be nice to finally start using the forums, make some friends, and see if I can learn a thing are two here with all you lovely folks! If anyone wants to simply chat, hangout here, discuss the modding scene, or ask questions feel free! This is a SAFEPLACE for everyone! so all that I ask it that you reply please eep it clean, and be nice and respectful to any one that's here (thank you!) As for a bit of information on myself, I am an avid fan of any and all single-player RPG's, horror games, strategy games, and sandbox games! From high fantasy, sci-fi, post apocalyptic, to even your everyday settings - if you name it I'll play it! I also have an unhealthy addiction to modding to the point that I swear I spend more time modding, sorting, changing, and updating my files then I do any real gaming! lol, such is the life right? My favorite game tittle developer, and distributor is Bethseda - despite all there glaring in game issues, I have many fond memories with all their games...
  12. As a fan of both games! - That does sound pretty rad I have to say! :wub: Would it effect NPC voices lines as well? Such as the infamous "SYRIM IS FOR THE NORDS"... Edit: Spelling
  13. <p align=center><a target=_blank href=http://www.nodiatis.com/personality.htm><img border=0 src=http://www.nodiatis.com/pub/18.jpg></a></p>
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