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Everything posted by FleischHals

  1. Sorry for the late reply. First things first: I'm not blaming anyone or something, but I was wondering. I specifically asked if other people experienced the same. And if there is a drop by 95% and at the same time a new system is introduced (which I don't understand in every detail since I didn't care) there could be a link... Again, please notice the "could"... Yes, there could be other reasons and in the end there probably are other reasons... And I have enough points left to buy 2 or 3 more interesting games, so I got more from the donation points than I ever anticipated. Still, I'm just curious if someone else has such a problem :wink: And btw: I'm a scientist in RL, that's why I know that "Correlation does not always imply causation." :D Nevertheless, thanks for the answers :smile: Edit: OK, re-reading my original message, it sounds as if I'm really "pissed" by the new system but this was meant more in a sarcastic way.
  2. Dear all, sorry if this has already been discussed or if this is the wrong subforum. Did someone else also note a drop of the number of unique downloads and thus the mod rewards linked to this number? Since January it is only going down. I don't have much but the unique downloads dropped from something around 1000 to 251 in January, then 47 in February and 28 in March... This is a change be more than 95%. So, from this point of view, the new system with collections seems to be a real problem at least for me... Some feedback from other mod authors would be very much appreciated. Thanks & Cheerio FleischHals
  3. Ok, it does not change if I set the ownership of the items before adding them to the container... Nobody had this problem before? How is the ownership set in normal chest in vanilla?
  4. Hi! I create in game a new container and want to set the ownership dynamically, i.e., by finding the nearest object, look for its owner and use it as new owner of the container... Works fine with SetActorOwner and/or SetFactionOwner. In game, the label of the container is "red" telling me that I have to steal the stuff. However, if I take stuff from the container (which was added before the "SetActorOwner") I get a bounty of only 1 and in the statistic there is nothing written... Stolen items = 0 ?!?! However, the items are marked stolen in the inventory... Do I need to set the ownership of the items before adding? Why does the game mark the stuff as "stolen" but does not show this in the statistics? Why is the bounty only 1?
  5. I create in game a new container and want to set the ownership dynamically, i.e., by finding the nearest object, look for its owner and use it as new owner of the container... Works fine with SetActorOwner and/or SetFactionOwner. In game the container is "red" telling me that I have to steal the stuff. However, if I take stuff from the container (which was added before the "SetActorOwner") I just get a bounty of 1 and in the statistic there is nothing written... Stolen items = 0 ?!?! Do I have to set the ownership of the container before adding new stuff? Do I need to set the ownership of the items before adding? Edit: Wrong subforum... Can an admin please shift delete this to the modding subforum?
  6. In response to post #9071460. #9071760 is also a reply to the same post. Me too :) Thought already about it the last few months and now I'm in ;)
  7. Nope... This did not help... And this can also not explain that the problem also occurs when I install only SMIM (in this case no file is overwritten). Neverthelss, thanks for your help ;)
  8. Dear all, maybe someone can help me. And yes, I checked the web and forums and found nothing. The problem: as soon as I activate SMIM I get missing snow textures on the world map: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/images/257036/? I deinstalled every mod, except the unofficial patches and just installed SMIM and I get the same problem. Brumbek says "SMIM does not in any way touch the world map. This is entirely unrelated to SMIM." Well and he is of course right. I had the same problem with headbombs better sorting mod as soon as I activated the spell sorting esp. I don't know the reason for this strange behavior... Maybe some wrong INI setting? I tried the automatically generated INI's - same prob... Memory problems? With 8GB? SMIM is not that large I guess... Many thanks in advance FleischHals
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