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Everything posted by peregrine111
LE Better ways to kill dragons, anyone?
peregrine111 replied to uruku7's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Yeah, Dragons are soooo annoying.. mainly for melee characters. You see, I'm a Dual Wield Nord. My skills are One handed, Heavy Armor, Smithing and Enchanting. That means I have very very very freaking little damage with bows or spells (not to mention I can cast like 2 before going OOM) Killing a dragon is almost impossible (as I play on master difficulty) as they just WON'T LAND (where I take them out with 2 dual wield power attacks), but they just swoop on me (taking 1/3 hp each time on this difficulty), and IF they land, they land on high ground (they especially like tower and house roofs), where I can't reach them. Last time I was so angry (accidentally got attacked by 2(!) ancient dragons) I just turned "tcl" command on in the console and sprinted to them in the sky lol... (for those who don't know, tcl works for dragons too - - they can just sit down in the air as if it was a roof, preparing to shout, so you can catch up with them) -
Bethesda ONCE AGAIN failed at primitive things for half year they fed us with beautiful artworks and screens.. and yet now we don't even have SHIELD ON BACK. so would be nice to create a mod that would contain animations: sheathing both weapons on hips sheathing both weapons on the back putting shield on the back putting shield and 1hander on the back. In game like this I just run around world with weapons always R-eady. At least my char is in the middle of freaking screen (no more headache) and I don't have to look on how my char petrifies the air in his left hand to form a sword..
great idea, would be nice. I gave up sneaking after I had an open eye ALL THE TIME even in freaking wilderness. Trees have eyes!
yup, it works that way. it's pain on the lower levels (5 skillups grant you whole level till about lvl 9 - thank the Divines it's so expensive), however, as you level up, it won't give you that much.
Diablo3-like crossbows? I LIKE that would be epic
or it would be nice if at least a DIRECT HEADSHOT was doing more damage than a shoulder scratch.. that's why I don't use bows... the Draugr Scourgelord has 10 arrows poiting out of his head and he's still cutting you into pieces
If guns, then make them like historical single-shot pistols (watch Pirates of Caribbean if you can't imagine it) advantages: very high single target damage (100% kill on "lesser" creeps like Draugr or Bandits, but not that high it would take out a dungeon boss or semiboss by single shot) 100% chance to stagger no "draw" time, opposed to bows when you need to wait almost 3 sec before actually hitting disadvantages: very damn noisy (NOT usable by stealth characters like assassins or thieves) you just have 1 shot and then about 5-10 sec "cooldown" (not sure how to implement) strategy: fire it on the closest enemy, then change to melee weapons and charge in. After you kill someone and enemies are farther, change to pistol again and fire it again and repeat.
LE Shield on the back, dual sheat for weapons
peregrine111 replied to Greyhound1337's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
yeah, would be nice.. bethesda fed us with nice artworks of all that, and in the end they were too lazy to change anything. obviously the left hand weapon is just petrified air since it just appears in your hand without sheathing it and all that shield holding... my left arm should be double the size of right arm right now :S -
I'd rather see less of it.. it seriously breaks the game, especially if you are to execute someone and your companion finishes him before you do, you have to stare at a wall for 3 secs till camera reacts. I'd rather get rid of those slowed cutscenes in favor of 3rd person camera - like when you watch your companion decapitating someone (no slowed time, no wicked sounds of chopped down tree if you stab someone...). It would be far less disturbing and it would even look better.
meh, if it was that simple.... I could change what I need in Construction set (IF it was out... but it seems we'll get is as a Christmas present :S)... but I can't work with textures and meshes. So I came here, there always has been plenty of talented ppl who can do miracles with them.
If you read that till the end you would see following: "Ignore helm, Ancient Nord one is far more badass looking." and it fits the scheme more... right now I'm using Ancient Nord Helm Ancient Nord Gauntlets Ancient Nord Boots Studded Armor which is kinda bad since at least gauntlets don't fit the set as they look too different (boots are kinda OK), but I'm refusing to use ANY IRON armor (or shall I call it rust armor? can't see metal on that anyway, texture looks horrible and mesh is really really low poly) also Studded armor is LIGHT so I'm losing quite a few possible perks from heavy armor skill.
well, kind of.. You see, I have about level 44 champ, with 2x Nord Hero Sword (284 dmg each). And THAT IS just about Skyforge steel level. If they were daedric I guess they would have about 500 dmg at least. I have 1 point in dual wield, 1/3 of Elemental Fury and I feel like a GOD. With SIMPLE dual attack I cut down all but most powerful foes (no matter if they try to block or not), cut a blood dragon in half by dual wield power attack. When I activate Elemental Fury, I can attack about 3 times a sec. I imagine I could slaughter entire imperial legion alone. Adding difficulty is just like in Oblivion - the only thing that scales is damage. SO enemies are still dumb, still uses the same moves and gear, but they miraculously can cut you in pieces in 2 sec with Iron sword even though you have maxed up armor.. the only thing that bugs you is that favorites don't work on dual wield. You can have sword/sword, but once you have to heal, the heal spell will remain in your left hand and you HAVE TO go to inventory and equip that left hand sword manually.
As I stared at the wallpaper, I realized how godly badass it looks, but as poorly it looks ingame, doesn't fit armor category and it's TERRIBLY WEAK. On the other hand Ancient Nord armor is harder to get and doesn't have any taste for male characters. So it would be nice to combine this into the new Nord Hero set. Ancient Nord Helm - that with dragon horns, not caribou! (you can get one in few dungs or by crafting if you are lucky, since the game decides what model you can craft for whole game when you finish companions questline - dunno why, but one of my chars had deer horns and the other had dragon horns) - changes needed: brightening texture a little bit, so it looks like metal of Nord Hero weapons or like on the pic below (so little more shiny instead of that battered rusty piece) Studded Armor - changes needed: darkening the color of leather parts to dark brown, metal parts should have similar texture as above helm. And gods please make fur look like fur and not like fleece that has been pissed on, like original texture Iron Gauntlets - changes needed: FAR better quality textures to make metal look similar to those above items, and leather/fur parts darkened to the level of studded armor above Iron Boots - changes needed: same as gauntlets all these meshes and textures should replace original craftable Ancient Nord set for MALES (female one is looking good - look at Aela). All pieces should be HEAVY armor, with rating comparable to at least Orcish/Ebony (though Daedric would be nice of you - it requires daedric to craft anyway) pic can be found here: http://newelderscrolls.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Skyrim.jpg it's DARK though. Ignore helm, Ancient Nord one is far more badass looking. Just please don't make it look like chrome (aka super reflective), it's very dark in darkness and burns your eyes when something glows on screen. It should be decent, like true metal If anyone feels like he/she can do it, please upload it to nexus using words like Nord or Ancient so it's easier to find in those 100 daily mods. Thanks
Just like in oblivion, all hairs are TERRIBLY looking and even crappier modeled (looks like spaghetti with a ton of melted butter on them, not like a hair) Even some loading screens are false - eg. that breton redhaired spellcaster can't actually be made, since bretons don't have gray skin color, nor red hair (closest one is brown), not even that hairstyle. So, could someone make (when it gets possible ofc) new set of hairstyles that looks more realistic, and the new set of colors (mainly ruby red, ginger red, dark blue, dark purple, etc) if it will be possible