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About qnvtwesoegv

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  1. Didn't work, altho that wasn't my problem. That console door is open and I can use the switch - it'll say it isn't functional. It's the switch on the boat. I can't interact with it. I'm just stuck.
  2. What are those requirements? These are some of the things I remember - [...] Hope that helps. Thank you.
  3. I only endorse mods if these 3 things hold true: 1) I used the mod for enough time to have used it in a few different situations. 2) Said mod works as advertised. (minor bugs aren't a big deal if it's a very new mod, I report it then wait & see) 3) The mod author doesn't whine about endorsements. I end up endorsing like 98% of mods I use. Don't do anything anywhere if receiving a "thank-you" is a motivating factor.
  4. Access point for a future DLC. :wink:
  6. Is it me or is there literally one dozen posts in this thread that directly relates to the thread title?
  7. FTFY It was close, though. By the time I found the setting to opt-out, the beta was already ~90% downloaded. Damn you fast connection! :pinch:
  8. IDK about that, but it certainly has a negative effect on my playing. (as in, I haven't touched it much at all since my first playthrough; waiting for the GECK > polished/full mods)
  9. That's where I stand, and why I block ads. I do it on principle; I refuse to cave into something I disagree with simply because "well that's just how it is and you can't win." Luckily, it's already trivial to circumvent anti-adblock methods anyway. I still have no problem with Forbes. (PS: Anyone remember this fiasco? http://www.engadget.com/2016/01/08/you-say-advertising-i-say-block-that-malware/ :laugh: ) The entire sphere of internet ads (and internet monetization, in general) needs to change; until then, it'll remain a case of never-ending "adblock leapfrog". It's sad that sites such as this one have little to no other recourse, though.
  10. At this stage I'm mostly waiting for DLC and especially the GECK, while simply mucking about a bit with the game. I've just done 1 playthrough, and I don't feel like starting another until certain bugs are fixed but mostly I'm waiting for more/better/GECK-polished mods. I imagine there's a fair number of folks who are basically in the same place.
  11. Dammit, I still can't build on Spectacle Island because of this glitch. I haven't found anything that fixes it. :sad: :down:
  12. Aww man, April? Feels like it's been forever already. haha
  13. We get what you're saying, but it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things because it's not all about you, geez. This is actually fairly quick turnaround for DLC, overall. Nothing legit to complain about. The one thing I could see an argument for would be the GECK release. That could be done sooner, IMHO. Main game release | 4-6 weeks = GECK | ~12 weeks = 1st DLC People get bored of everything quicker - OOH WHAT'S THAT SHINY THING!?! - these days, it seems. But there's also market cycles / product profit / dev timelines to consider... tl;dr there's other factors that have to be considered other than "I'm bored RIGHT NOW."
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