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Everything posted by silencer711

  1. In response to post #58941836. Holy crap Thandal, taking one look at your post count made me feel like I'm under-performing in life. +1 to the bucket list... =D
  2. "I used to be an adventurer like you, until I took an arrow to the knee." Town Guard, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
  3. I’m sure that Terrorfox1234 & SirSalami have already figured out what it takes to get the “Right” to work in the UK. Despite this, I will do some investigating and figure out what it takes to do this. I remain hopeful. Edit1: Looks like I’m on the bright side of meeting all the criteria for a UK Work Visa. I’d love to pursue this!
  4. In response to post #47393330. #47394385, #47409845, #47410090, #47410120, #47411905 are all replies on the same post. I actually like Vortex a lot. It's a new name altogether and long name could be NVM (Nexus Vortex Manager) or something. I like VORTEX better than my own suggestion lol :)
  5. How about [Nexus One Manager] or "NOM". Since this will be the HUB of all of one's mod library, it is both professional and theoretically if the plans for the NEW Mod Manager delves into the Revolutionary/Versatile category; Most advanced, all-inclusive mod manager ever created. I see "One" to manage them, and "One" to rule them all. :)
  6. @ELIANORA - Congrats gurl! =D (This Applies to *EVERYONE* ; Mod Authors & Users alike) I completely agree with telling certain folks to *F* off if they come across as rude or condescending, or simply did not care to appropriately word their comments in such a way to dispel any doubt as to the message's true intent. Not that I encourage unacceptable behavior in general, it's that I encourage *NEGATIVE PEOPLE* to be publicly humiliated for their lack of good will, humility, social aptitude, moral compass, or a combination of these. -So that it associates certain choices with a negative outcome within the user's mind. "If you SOUND rude, you ARE rude." The LESSON for today is: "PERCEPTION IS REALITY. Comment with grace." Very Respectfully, -Doc "Silencer"
  7. NEW COMPANION MOD: Chris Fathom - Navy SEAL Corpsman (Combat Medic) Companion, out now! *LINK*: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18526
  8. In response to post #43213960. #43215115, #43215850, #43216775, #43216980 are all replies on the same post. @darthbdaman: Yea I feel ya. I have a desktop that runs my playthrough mods, and a laptop that I create mods on. I understand a mod author's point of view any day.
  9. In response to post #43214710. #43214820 is also a reply to the same post. @Bonechip: Lol, I totally forgot about that, yes please! :D
  10. In response to post #43213960. It depends wholesomely on what you make[NMM] it do. For some of us, we install mods in a specific order, from a personally curated list and don't mess with it from that point because our end goal has been achieved. I have no experience with MO, I'd love to try it but currently I have a stable, organized 122 mod install with NMM 62.1 Credit is due however, to the albeit aging NMM, as it is an ORIGINAL piece of software that sort of came first from where others have built upon it or based their own managers upon its features and abilities. Not speaking for Tannin42, but if I was going to create a mod manager from scratch I would look to others as a template, write my own code to do the same and just add features from everyone else's mod managers to make mine the ultimate one lol. You gotta start somewhere. -Keep in mind: If the author of your favorite mod manager is now head of NMM development, you can expect the new NMM to present all the best things about NMM and all the best things from MO... no need to have serious doubts here. :)
  11. In response to post #43211435. #43213045, #43213095, #43213590, #43213755, #43213855, #43214480, #43214700 are all replies on the same post. Well played. It appears the JOKE'S ON ME!!!! Aaaaah! :D
  12. In response to post #43211435. #43213045, #43213095, #43213590, #43213755, #43213855 are all replies on the same post. @Dark0ne: You just revealed he's single. Now all the wonderful single nerd ladies will be working *Extra* hard for it ;) -Not me -I'm a guy #AwkwardButNotSureHowElseToSayIt
  13. @Tannin42: Dude, I can completely relate to the having a job that interferes with life on a grand scale (messing with personal ambitions/projects). You are welcomed by all to the Nexus mods team no doubt! I'm really happy to hear a success story of how someone switched jobs to be able to work on their personal passion/strengths. Strong work! ----------Intelligent ideas:---------- ---1--- Disregard backwards compatibility with users current hundred+ mod database; Legacy NMM would provide the functionality needed to maintain those profiles and installation profiles. ***In order to move from bicycles to vehicles, no one was permanently really worried about what that meant for them about using bicycles on the road anymore or how this would affect their commute to work. Eventually the entire world switched to motor-propelled vehicles as we developed. ***This is about forward evolution, not "let's keep the ability to pedal manually while installing a motor in the car." ---2--- [Already Mentioned] Incorporate tools for seperate purposes into modules, instead of the base code ***This would provide specific tools seperate from the mod manager to be run as standalone modules that can be downloaded/enabled as needed. (A Modular Mod Manager?) ---3--- [Already Mentioned] A default start of the simple NMM with the ability/function to switch to the Advanced side of the house similar to a UEFI bios menu in newer computers. Perhaps even look into the way some bios menus look and see if you want to pull any ideas from the way they present options? ---4--- Have a "useful guides" section / FAQ regarding mod load order, helpful tidbits from the modder to the mod-ee, etc. that is curated for quality control? ---5--- Repurpose old NMM as a legacy tool (and depending on the complexity of code used) maybe even create a NEW version designed to remove any Implementations that are experimental in nature, only if easily applicable, to create a dedicated simple NMM 1.0 (keeping previous versions in the archive for those who depend upon their current installations. ---More to come!--- -Full time IT Networking Student with ADD and OCD, LOL! --Silencer711 :)
  14. In response to post #43209810. #43210050, #43211665, #43211820 are all replies on the same post. DISREGARD. Redundant text, reposted on main page.
  15. Companion mod almost ready for public release 1.0. Can't wait!
  16. In response to post #40844245. Original Article: http://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Main_Page "The Creation Kit is free to anyone with a PC copy of Fallout 4 and a Bethesda.net account. Download the Bethesda.net Launcher, create a Bethesda.net account and log into the Bethesda.net Launcher. You can install the Creation Kit from the Launcher." 1.) Bethesda.net Launcher: http://download.cdp.bethesda.net/BethesdaNetLauncher_Setup.exe You're Welcome =) -Silencer
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