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Everything posted by Testudini

  1. Have you tried checking your Recycle Bin?
  2. I ran into this problem with my mod. Try using this command to force him to recheck his packages.
  3. Have you found the farm? It's "Sunnyside Ranch". There should be a map marker at the bottom right of your world map.
  4. Try installing one of your simplest mods manually. If you don't know how, just match up the folders in your selected mod's .zip and Fallout: New Vegas's directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas if you have a 64-bit OS. If not, drop the (x86) on Program Files). Basically what I mean by that is if there's a "Data" folder in your .zip merge that "Data" folder with the "Data" folder in your Fallout: New Vegas directory. If you're asked to overwrite any files, select yes (YOLO). If there's only something like a "textures" or "meshes" folder in your .zip, open the "Data" folder in the "Fallout: New Vegas" folder and merge those folders. Once you've done that, make sure the mod you've manually installed is activated in the "Data Files" option on the launcher and see if it works in-game. Sometimes the NMM likes to not work (and when I say sometimes I mean all the time). EDIT: Quick thought. You say you've activated your mods, but have you only activated them in NMM? Check "Data Files" on the launcher and make sure all of your mods are checked before you do what I just said.
  5. That's strange. Do other milkman hats work fine?
  6. You likely have another mod that's replaced them. Either put "milkman.esp" at the bottom of your load order or open your console, select the walls, and type "disable".
  7. Here comes the milkman. The mod is now live! http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/60791/?
  8. I'm unfortunately not able to make any markers for you right now, but I do have a quick question. Will there be different markers for quests, objects, people, etc.? If not, you should definitely consider the idea (maybe a Vault-Tec logo for quest markers, a smiling Vault Boy head for people, etc.)
  9. I would call it something like "Visual Quest Markers" or "Metal Gear Solid 5 Quest Markers". Maybe even "V.A.N.S for New Vegas".
  10. This is wicked awesome! I do have to ask, though, if there will be an option to make the markers smaller? Big markers work well in third person but sort of just take up space in first person.
  11. That's what you get for trying to help when you're half-awake. :p I tried putting your script into the G.E.C.K. without the colon in the name and it worked just fine for me. Here's how it appears in my G.E.C.K.: https://i.gyazo.com/792b4737f76d34d9782ab3f671276102.png This may be a dumb question, but you haven't accidentally deleted the ticket from the G.E.C.K., have you?
  12. As Ladez said, remove the colon and you'll be fine. However, I do have to wonder if you're wanting to safe to unlock upon being activated. The way it works right now, the safe will unlock and take the player's ticket as soon as it loads, not as soon as it's activated. If you're wanting to have it unlock on being activated, use a script like this: scn NiptonLotteryScript Begin OnActivate ; The code will only activate if the player activates the safe and if the player has at least 1 ticket (always use >= when counting how much of an item a player has). if (IsActionRef == Player) && (Player.GetItemCount NiptonLotteryTicket >=1) Unlock Player.RemoveItem NiptonLotteryTicket 1 Activate ; If you don't put this here, activating the safe will only remove the ticket. endif end Of course, this script will remove a lottery ticket from the player EVERY TIME they activate the safe. I'll let you figure out how to get around that though. There's no better way to learn than to try something yourself :wink:.
  13. Big update! First thing's first, the mod is coming out October 20 (next week). For more info, watch the brand spankin' new trailer! So, what'll you get with the mod? Well, as was covered in the video, you'll be getting fifteen new quests, nine new perks, a fully functional farm, and a complete overhaul of milk. Of course, that's all a bit vague and not nearly all what you can expect, so let's go into more detail. 1. There are eight main quests, three required side quests, two optional side quests, and two farm-related quests (one of which is optional). 2. There are nine new perks. These include Lactose Intolerance (tougher limbs and +1 STR), Rather Be A Mule (the lower your INT, the more melee damage you deal), Moonlight Serenade (+2 LCK and +25 Speech while the moon is out), and more. 3. The farm has 19 possible upgrades (not counting the varieties of crops and cattle you can tend to). Out of these, 9 are functional and 10 are purely cosmetic. 4. There are two parts to the milk overhaul. First, you can now milk Brahmin (but only Brahmin added in by the mod, an optional .esp will enable you to milk all Brahmin). Milk from Brahmin cures radiation and gives a small strength bonus. You can also buy new varieties of milk (classic, chocolate, and strawberry) from various vendors. 5. The mod will feature voice-acting, but will not be fully voice-acted. Unfortunately, I had some issues with unresponsive or uncooperative voice actors and delaying the mod really isn't an option, so some characters are going to have to go unvoiced. It's not that big of a deal, but some people are finicky about that. 6. Right now, a 100% completion run through for me takes about 3-4 hours. I'll be having people help me test the mod over the weekend, so I'll have a more accurate playtime estimate by then (expect it to be more than 4 hours). And, of course, the mod will be releasing next Tuesday (October 20)! Prepare thyselves, the milkman is coming. P.S. If anybody has any questions, feel free to let me know! :smile:
  14. Hey guys, I'm looking for a voice actor for my mod, Milkman. The character I need a voice for is a middle-aged gentleman (as well as a milkman, if that wasn't obvious). He also happens to be a story-centric companion, so he arguably has the biggest role in the mod. He has 200-ish lines that need to be voiced in 2-3 weeks. I don't really care about mic quality, so long as the voice work itself is good. I'll also provide more details on the character upon being contacted. Thanks! :)
  15. Yeah, I'm a bit worried that it was the package causing the issue. I can't see why it'd even be related. Perhaps it was just the final straw for some bigger issue. Oh well, all that matters is that the mod is working... for now!
  16. I basically took mods from other guns (scopes, laser sights, magazines, etc.) and added them to other guns. However, it doesn't matter, as I seem to have fixed this problem. I decided to go back and redo everything I'd done until I found the problem. Turns out it was just a normal travel package causing the issue. When I deleted the package, the mod worked fine. I don't know why the package caused the issues, but for whatever reason, it did. Oh well, thanks for the help Daemon! :)
  17. Texture sizes are 1024x1024 (occasionally 2048x2048). New models aren't brand new models but rather minor nifskope edits. I've had a friend try the mod on their PC and they get the same result, so it's a definitely an issue with the mod itself.
  18. Yeah, sorry. It's just a quest mod. It has a ton of new content (such as weapons, armor, and other misc. items with new models and textures), but there's nothing that affects the menu directly. This is where I'm stumped. :/ EDIT: I went and deleted an object that no longer had a model and now the .esp is crashing the game on launch. I suppose breaking it even more is progress of some sort.
  19. So I've somehow managed to bung something up pretty good. I was launching my W.I.P. mod today when suddenly the game decided it wasn't going to load the main menu. After a bit of testing and debugging, I figured out my mod is the cause. I can't think of anything I did to cause this bug to happen. The mod only requires the base game and doesn't rely on any other plug-in. If anyone could help, it'd be much appreciated! I do have back-ups of my mod, but I made quite a bit of progress today I'd like to keep.
  20. In the Nexus Mod Manager go to the "Plugins" tab. Are all of the boxes checked? If so, do you have either NVSE or the 4GB Launcher installed? Sometimes they can cause conflicts with other mods.
  21. Sorry for the lack of posts over the past few months, I've been busy with work and school. That being said, tons of work has been done on the mod and the end is in sight. Hopefully I'll have a post up about voice acting within the month. On that note, however, if anyone is interested in voice acting in this mod, send me a PM! As of right now, I have two quests to finish, followed by over a thousand lines (!!!) to voice act, then a ton of polishing. If I have enough time, I might also make another trailer. Don't forget to drink your milk, fallout fans.
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