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Status Updates posted by Brigand231

  1. "Much like love, Art is a bit like gas, if you have to force it, its probably crap." - lordsam17 in the description of an image on the New Vegas imageshare
    1. AliasTheory


      Saving that quote.
  2. Finally released my first mod. Thanks to all for the support and to all the modders who have provided assets that made it possible!
  3. Laptop GPU fried, out of action/under the radar for an estimated week or so.
  4. So many projects I need to finish.
  5. Congratulations on your new arrival! A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for. -- unknown
  6. Years of hoarding kudos and they're all gone now! lol
  7. Thank you, happy new year to all!
  8. I haven't been doing much lately myself, most of my time and energy has gone into making it from one day to the next.
  9. Thanks, I'll have an update for V3 sometime tomorrow. Tonight is possible, but not likely.
  10. Awww, shucks. Thank you! I treat folks like I want to be treated and believe that the more I help modders out the more time they have to crank out the good stuff instead of dealing with the little stuff I CAN do. MDC519 is a great guy, there's a lot of good people here and I'm proud to be part of this community. Thanks again!
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