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Posts posted by Trucidation

  1. I forget about adding "bEnableFileSelection=1", I always assumed everyone knew, heh. Still, NMM shouldn't be unloading your mods, assuming you have them activated and no longer use the SkyrimLauncher.
  2. Sky_UI needs the SKSE utility to run (that's why it complained to you), have you downloaded it? It doesn't install like a mod in NMM, it's a separate tool.


    Get SKSE from it's website: "Skyrim Script Extender" ( http://skse.silverlock.org/ ) - currently at build 1.6.5, and requires Skyrim ver1.8.151.0 - it's version sensitive to Skyrim btw so if you haven't upgraded Skyrim you will require an older version of SKSE.


    I still can't figure out why NMM is crapping out on you though.

  3. Bow and sneak is so pedestrian, it's the easy choice. This time around I went conjuration and two-handed melee, it's a blast trying to stay alive in mage robes (because conjuration spells are costly, yo) while simultaneously needing to get close enough to bludgeon things with my axe-staff.


    Axe-staves rock. There should be an easter egg axe-staff in the shape of an electric guitar. Totally.

  4. Despite most of my mage-y choices, I too got the Craftsman result. "Practical mechanics to the art of war", wonder where it got that, maybe because I answered to save the girl from bandits and take her for myself. I mean hey, opportunity ain't gonna knock twice ya know.
  5. Hmm, I'm using the same version.


    Are you using NMM to download the mods, or do you download them from the Nexus website and save them elsewhere, then load them in NMM manually? I hear the automatic download can be... temperamental.

  6. If Dawnguard.esm is not ticked, you will not get it in the game. It looks ticked there in your Figure 2 though, so I don't know why you're not seeing it in the game. You are at least level 10, and have heard guards talking about the Dawnguard, yes?


    When I launch the game, I don't have NMM running. I just use NMM to load and activate mods, then I close it.

  7. You don't "turn on SKSE"; you launch the game using the SKSE loader executable, instead of using the game executable or the SkyrimLauncher executable.



    What happens when you doubleclick the SKSE loader? The game should launch, and take you to Skyrim's main menu just like if you used the game's executable.


    Edit 2:

    Okay, big d'oh on my part, I didn't see he has SKSE as a mod. That's weird. That never happens to me, SKSE is SKSE, it doesn't show up in NMM.


    What version SKSE do you have, and what version Skyrim do you have? You find the former from the SKSE download documentation, you find the latter when you launch Skyrim, play, then hit ESC to get the menu window - the game version is displayed in the lower left.

  8. Dunno what's going on with the shortcut. If you want, delete it, then re-create the shortcut from the executable.


    You only need to run the SkyrimLauncher if you want to mess around with Data Files or the other options. Once you install Nexus Mod Manager ("NMM"), you can use it for determining mod load order (see the Plugins tab) instead of SkyrimLauncher. SkyrimLauncher still has it's use for changing the graphics options.


    Use the SKSE loader to play the game, it doesn't do anything to the mod load order - that's solely up to SkyrimLauncher or NMM, neither of which have to be running when you want to play.


    Ok so far?

  9. The problem with installing mods the "old fashioned way" is that it can be a terrifying experience (even if it's merely extracting files from an archive and pasting them somewhere) for people who don't normally mess around with files (op also said he usually games on consoles). The only issue I had with NMM was it getting mods confused if I used it in offline mode. No idea why, but logging in worked.


    But I'm curious, what exactly mods were loaded, and why don't they work? Will need to be specific, as different types of mods can cause different issues.

  10. Loading screens are fine, in fact I'm annoyed my SSD loads so damn fast I don't get to read the image captions. Game needs a toggle wait for keypress option at load screens.


    I joined the Legion because the Stormcloaks are led by a bunch of racists. "Skyrim belongs to the Nords", I mean, come on people, wtf. On the other hand, can we get to help the Thalamor die in a fire? Maybe in the next Elder Scrolls game? Thanks.


    "When is the last time we had a good bandit raid?" Excellent observation there, mr town guard. Also, isn't there a bloody civil war supposed to be going on? It bugs me that I can travel blithely between towns without ever fearing for my life, getting robbed and left naked in a ditch, or forcibly conscripted into abovementioned racist army.


    On a related note, can civilians please stop trying to punch dragons? Or anything hostile, for that matter? They should immediately flee indoors and cower until the coast is clear, with the sole exception of guards and soldiers, who live expressly to die horribly.


    I know it isn't fun to be forced to eat or sleep in games because screw realism, but can I at least have the option of taking a bath? I don't want to think how badly that hide armor (fresh off the corpse!) smells after a whole game month. No, seriously. Also, NPCs don't care about hygiene, that bothers me. The guards should toss my filthy ass back out on the streets if I try to show up at the Jarl's place covered in weeks' worth of gore. Also, those pansy elves should be able to smell me coming from a mile away, I don't care that my sneak skill is level 100. And immersion was completely shattered for me when I discovered I could get married wearing naught but a loincloth. PLEASE. (Let's not get into the whole comfort thing either.)


    How do I start out knowing all those recipes, but don't know a single alchemical recipe? We should know some basic ones, then the rest left to lore books. I like the flavour text books, but there's way too many of them. Make more of them do useful stuff, like teaching you recipes. I shouldn't need a mod to confirm that, yes, cow ball soup is good for your manly bits.


    Blah spell variety. Where's the crowd control stuff? Stunning, blinding, dizzying. Speaking of which, what's up with critical hits anyway, "extra damage" is so lame, I could just stab the target one more time if I wanted that. Crits should do interesting things. Like when I smash my heavy shield into someone's face, he could be knocked off his feet. Also, why can arrow killing shots fling bodies as if they weighed nothing, but bodies often appear to get stuck in parts of the terrain and I can't even budge them?


    Speaking of bodies, why do raised dead crumble into ashes, that's discriminatory against necrophiliacs. "Oi, I hadn't finished with that!"


    The world is so underpopulated, how is there even an economy. Where are the regular traveling caravans, etc. Maybe that's the point of the marriage function, your contribution towards the population. If that was the developers' intention then it seems like they half-assed it, since they left out the parts of the game where you actually do something about contributing to the population. Looks like I'll have to fall back on studio Illusion games for that.


    There's a calendar, right? What happened to it? How about NPCs actually doing something different on weekends and holidays? I get it, guards are faceless sacrificial meat bags, but I don't think the other NPCs enjoy repeating the same things every day, day in and day out. Where are the festivals? The little gatherings, telling ghost stories over the bonfires for kids, and telling lewd jokes for the old people? Their lives are so monotone and meaningless, I think I'll stop here and go to a corner and be sad for them now.

  11. Actually, I'd like a little help there too. I've got the other mod types covered, but I don't know where to start when it comes to looks. It's not like there's an easy "oh, pick (1) a mesh pack, then (2) a texture pack, there you go!" - the more descriptions of the various face/body mods I read, the more confusing things get. Is there a guide where to start? I already have the ApachiiSkyHair pack btw. Because that was easy, it's just hair.


    My goal is better looking girls in Skyrim, much like the other guy wanted, and I'd like to use these mods:

    - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19666

    - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20530 , which apparently requires http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6709


    Am I good to go, or do I need something else?



    Hello op, here's some interesting and useful mods:



    - "SkyUI" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3863 ) - unless you like the vanilla console style menus


    - "Conjure Rideable Ethereal Horse Spell" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9534 ) - praise Talos, no more suicidal flesh beast mounts, plus you can cast this in town! Indoors too!


    - "Sinister Summoner" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15811 ) - if you're sick of the flame atronach, have fun with these


    - "Warzones: Civil Unrest (version 5)" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9494 ) - there's actually a war in Skyrim, fancy that


    - "Skyrim Immersive Creatures" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24913 ) - what is life without the spice of risk


    - "ACE" @ Athyra's Comprehensive Enhancements ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 ) - whole lotta perk/skill changes


    - "Mighty Magick Skyrim" @ MMSk ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13166 ) - revamps useless vanilla spells without turning into a put-everything-into-Skyrim-even-if-it's-weird mod


    - "Automatic Variants" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21377 ) - no more clones; you'll want to download some packages for it - the mod description lists several of them I believe, and I also picked up one of StarX's AV packages (specifically, his Draugr pack, the others felt too small to be worth the effort)


    - "ASIS" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436 ) - smarter enemies


    Eh, don't forget SKSE and the Nexus Mod Manager, plus the Unofficial Fix Packs (Skyrim, Dawnguard, Hearthfire). You might also want to read the descriptions of the mods I listed, some may not support older Skyrim builds without DLCs.




    Have fun.

  12. I haven't modded Skyrim, but I've got a bunch of them for other games.


    >> 1. Why do you mod?


    Dissatisfaction with how something works (or doesn't) in the original game.


    >> 2. Why are mods important to gaming?


    In a nutshell, it's all about having more choice. You can get so much extra mileage from your games by modding.


    >> 3. What is the best kind of mod and why?


    Mods are like opinions, and opinions are like butts: everyone's got one. The only "best" kind of mod is obviously those that aren't buggy, because buggy mods are facepalm territory - if you're fixing something, please try to make sure you're not introducing new bugs. Thanks.


    >> 4. How would you describe your relationship with the original game, or the software company? (i.e. are you in cooperation with the design, fixing problems, varying choices, etc.) Where do you see yourself in the process of game-making?


    What is the relationship of the average Joe weekend garage mechanic with the car manufacturer? Like that other guy posted, we're like after-market 3rd-party product makers. I tinker with the game, that's it, I don't really think about the devs. Unless you want to count grumbling at them for bugs that QA really should have caught before retail release, or for implementation choices they really could have done better.


    They make something, we take bits of it apart and try to put stuff together in new and interesting ways.


    >> 5. What are the rules of what is appropriate modification? How far is too far? How important is it to be authentic the world of the game?


    Clarify "appropriate" and "too far". Are you talking about IP, legal-wise? Personally, I don't give a damn - I've purchased a product (not a license, despite wtf some unenforceable EULA says), I'll take it apart if I please. Are you talking about immersion? I try to stay within game universe law, because that's just common sense. How are you going to enjoy a medieval fantasy type game when people start talking about modding robots into it? Are you talking about some arbitrary social construct such as the one that decides viewing, let alone depicting, sexual acts requires an age barrier? Heh, pull the other leg. Also, desensitization. I've got some nifty mods for several Studio Illusion games.


    Generally though, I tend to first go for mods that implement fixes. Man, just because players can fix stuff is no excuse for companies to keep pushing out shitty bug infested product. Then I go for mods that improve gameplay. Finally mods that merely change visuals are least important to me. The "authenticity" of the game world is important, yes, but not when it has elements that get in the way of gameplay. Just because a title ships with a particular mechanic doesn't mean we have to live with it if we don't like how it works. So, there's no "too far" there, if you need to toss it out entirely to make the game enjoyable then go ahead.


    TL;DR: modding is here to stay, and it's all based on taste.

  13. Thanks for the tips.




    Btw forgot to mention I'm already rolling with some spell/magic mods, see if any of these interest you:


    - "Conjure Rideable Ethereal Horse Spell" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9534 )

    Say goodbye to temperamental suicidal flesh beasts, say hello to summon-anywhere-anytime magic horses! I even use this in town, the speed is just so nice.


    The following four from the same author, he didn't get around to packing them.

    - "Earth Prison" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/14629 )

    - "Summon Meteor" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12441 )

    - "Summon Ice Wall" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13130 )

    - "Summon Ball Lightning" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13971 )


    To scratch that summoning itch, I got this pack:

    - "Sinister Summoner" ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15811 )

    It appears to have all the summons one could need, within lore/reason.


    I did also load a large mod that makes substantial changes to existing spells. Picked it after going through the spell mods; originally I was gonna choose between Better Magic or Empowered Magic (the one you linked to last), but the former hadn't been updated for the DLCs, and the latter wasn't much better judging from the latest comments. Which is why I ended up with this one:

    - "Mighty Magick Skyrim" @ MMSk ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/13166 )


    On top of those I also have ACE ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10037 ) and ASIS ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18436 ). However, aside from some spells from Mighty Magick Skyrim, it does feel like I'm still running around with a vanilla game repertoire, albeit with some new summons.




    Forgotten Mastery does look interesting. If it's just all new spells I suppose I could add it if I decided to. Not sure why I overlooked it before.


    I remember the Apocalypse spell pack ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16225 ), problem is there's just so much stuff in it. More likely than not I think people will just stick to a handful of favourites; you can't be pulling up the full spell list every time you want to cast something, nor would it be practical to favourite everything either. I've already got an uncomfortably large favourites list as it is.


    I don't really have a problem with the existing spells, they're okay - especially when you throw in fixes like Empowered Magic or Mighty Magick Skyrim. I just need a few extra crowd control options, not more additions to things like Destruction and Conjuration, which have been well covered and imho don't need that many new additions.



    Maybe the quake spell is in one of the spell packs? I'd prefer to have it as standalone though, or maybe as part of a small pack of new spells.

  14. Running Warzones and Immersive Creatures - among other things, I find myself needing more crowd control; direct damage gets old after a while, plus if you need to fry everything with magic at once, you run outta mana fast. It's also kinda lame that enemies can charge you even when you're dual-casting offensive magic right in their faces.



    Has anyone modded a whirlwind / small tornado-like spell that basically picks enemies up, whirls them a bit, then drops them (+knockdown)? That's the basic idea of what I'm looking for. Damage can be negligible, I'm just interested in the crowd control applications. Would be useful for melee/bow players as well, throw this in front of you and scatter the crowd so you can back off or take them out one at a time.



    How about a quick and easy localized quake? When cast, the dragonborn stamps a foot, causing a limited radius quake that causes knockdown (maybe just stun to large targets). Would be very useful for melee characters uninterested in offensive magic, as well as for general defensive purposes. Also, since switching weapons to cast a spell and then switching back is a hassle, it might be a good idea if this lasts for a short while, like say maybe 3-5 seconds, with the knockdown and stun lingering a bit longer. That way you don't need to spam the spell and it wouldn't be so short as to be useless if your enemies simply get back up immediately.



    What about a general pointblank aoe blind spell, kinda like a flashbang grenade? No damage, just inflicts a blinding flash around you that blinds enemies for a short while, giving the player enough time to get out of a tight corner. Granted, I can see how annoying it would be to need to recast this, so how about making it a kind of contact defense? Like say if something hits you in melee, they get blinded.



    I haven't looked at all the individual spell mods but many of them seem to be all about inflicting damage. That's all fine and dandy, but if I pick mod X, there's no reason to pick mods Y or Z since their "new spells" all basically do the same thing. We need more variety.

  15. Are there any single new spell (or even spell pack) mods that contain a tornado-type spell? There are plenty of direct-damage type spells already, thanks, so what i'm interested in now is crowd control. A compact vortex of wind that whirls enemies around for a while before flinging them out (+knockdown) would fit the bill nicely.
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