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  1. Just as a small update. I went back to the script and used the formlist without the _Dyn as you originally posted. This time though in the Quest record I made it a Priority of 50 and it worked. Thanks again.
  2. I'm incredibly new to scripts but I recall reading earlier formlists could be cleaned to only have whats in it originally? I'm wondering if thats what happening because the above script didnt work. It looks like he has another set of formlist with the same names except they end in _Dyn and they are empty. I used your script above and populated those lists instead and it seemed to work. So thanks a lot! This helped me out immensely I believe. Fueled my modding addiction to a whole new level I think. :smile: edit: I also changed the Priority in the quest and made it 50. Not sure if that made a difference.
  3. Nuclear Winter puts vanilla armors in formlist dependant on what Insulation value he wants to give them, Winter_ArmorExposure_5, 10, 15, etc. Horizon has about 30 non-vanilla armors I put in formlist to match the ones in Nuclear Winter. So I wanted Horizon_5 formlist to populate in Winter_ArmorExposure_5, Horizon 10 in Winter 10 etc.
  4. I'm trying to patch armor and clothing for Nuclear Winter mod. The mod has a bunch of formlist for various protection levels. I made formlists in xedit of armors for each protection in my patch. I'm trying to match my formlists to the ones in Nuclear Winter. I was able to do 1 formlist or 1 piece of armor, but doing multiples in one script doesnt work.
  5. Does this script make any sense? It compiles but doesnt work in game. I'm just starting to mess with scripts. I can get a formlist to attach to another formlist. Is it possible to get multiple ones inside a singel script? As and example I have formlist1 and formlist2. I would like formlist1 to attach to formlist1a and formlist2 to attach to formlist2a.
  6. I'm using addon Indexes to craft different looks for an armor mask but the crafting preview will only display the original masks preview, not the image of the addon index omod. Is it possible to switch the preview to the omod's addon index?
  7. I guess its my turn this month.
  8. Looking forward to seeing the modding tools.
  9. Can the drop down menus, such as Updates, be made to open on a mouse click instead of hover. Its really annoying when the dropdown disappears because you've accidentally moved off of it.
  10. Can we still search tracked files? I've been trying to figure out how to do it on the new site. Maybe I'm overlooking something.
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