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Everything posted by Benbone

  1. Hm, Ive read a little through some pages and this is pretty bugged, but not permanently it seems. One thing that maybe would work is to only have one witch-head in your inventory when you try to cure yourself. Otherwise you can become a vampire and cure yourself quick as hell from that to. Unless you become a hybrid. Thats the only things ive found. Sorry that I cant be to much help.
  2. Hi, I wondered if there are some console-commands that can wipe away wierd facial expressions? My character looks very happy or sad almost everytime I begin dawnguard. Especially when I enter castle volkihar. Any tips and help are greatly appreciated. Have a nice day.
  3. Yey! It worked now, I got the wrong code. Thank you for your help :)
  4. Hi, I cant finish "Reluctant Steward" because the map-marker for Varonas corpse is in the middle of the ocean somewhere outside solsteims map. Ive tried to move the corpse to the player through console but it seems I got the wrong code. Ive also loaded the game a couple of times in case the body would move to a better location but nada. Does anyone know what I can do now? Should I use the console to jump to the next quest in line or something like that? Would be very happy if someone can give me some help. Have a nice day :)
  5. I always do bleak falls barrow very early, maybe clear a couple of bandit nests first. But when it comes down to "diplomatic immunity" I start that one all between level 40-90, right now im at level 89 and havent done more on the main quest. Its honestly pretty.... Boring, and when youre done with it it feels a little meaningless to continue, youve done your part for skyrim or something like that.
  6. If you have the perk "Disintegrate" dragons will turn to ashpiles. Here is the console command to remove it: player.removeperk 000f3f0e
  7. Have you these one of these two quests in the journal: "With friends like this..." and "A blade in the dark."? read the wiki and the quest could bug if you havent finished those two. Okay, ive read through some comments on that mod and it seems to crack the quests quite a bit, even though youve uninstalled it it seems to be some left-overs in your game. Either in saves or scripts (I don´t know how to explain it good in english im afraid.) Hope you understand what I mean, Im hardly awake and not fully native to english. Read through the comment section or try to reach the author of the mod and explain your problem to him/her and see if that person can give you some advice about your problem. Or try to reinstall the game Im afraid. :sad:
  8. Good point... Excuse me there, didnt think of that problem. Read about it and it mucks the game if you just uninstall it. Ive guess youve already reloaded the game and the bug just keeps appearing? Both with followers and random npcs? I am at a loss. Ive looked around on google and didnt find anything useful. If no one else have an idea you probably have to reinstall the game and check mod by mod which it is that is causing this, or if it is the game itself. I am so sorry that I havent been any help here, and hope someone else have a solution or input for you. If you can´t play with the bug, reinstallation is an option that can point out the culprit at least. If you do this and find the mod that are causing this, go to the mods author and explain the issue so they can help you out. But if you can play with the bug, just resurrect the npc/follower if he/she dies through the console. And don´t bother to heal others. Have a nice day and I hope that this works out for you in some way.
  9. Same here, its pure luck for me that my game even works ;P But my suggestion would be to uninstall the patch and just see if that is the culprit. You never know.
  10. Do you have any mods that might cause this? If you do which one was the latest you installed before this happened?
  11. Had the same issue about a half-year ago. My solution: Don´t heal the un-greatful bastards.. :mad: Sorry that I can´t be to much help, but I only have dr bandoiler as simular mod. And what little I know it should not be the problem, do you use boss or something else that fixes your loadorder? Maybe you should go through it and see if there is any mod that you can live without? Which was the latest mods you installed around the time the bug appeared? Try to uninstall that/them and run the game and see if that is the solution.
  12. Why not be both? Ive done such playthroughs and its pretty fun :)
  13. Thank you for the info, you dont know if theres any fix for that bug/problem?
  14. I have the golden vendors mod but if the vendors have over 40 000 gold they wont give me money for the items i sell. My speechcraft increases but I wont get the cash.. Is there anyone else that have this problem? Is it a known problem or should i look through my loadorder? If anyone can come up with anything I would be grateful :) Have a nice day!
  15. Hi, sorry if this has been up before, but I searched and didn't find any solution. And note that Im not native to English, Ill try to be as clear as I can :) Yesterday I went online on steam and downloaded the creationkit. I just checked how it looked and then closed it down. And now today I cant save at all in skyrim. All my gaming hours from yesterday are completely gone, there are no autosaves though they should be since they are enabled in the settings, no quicksaves. And when I try to just save nothing happens, if I save over a older save it all disappears instead. I have no problem with playing the game, all mods are working. Its just that I cant save. Have anyone had this kind of trouble and can give me a tip? This is really confusing to say the least. Have a nice day everyone :)
  16. To "Tons": Naah, i admit that I don´t mind to kill the sabrecats, they always sneak-attack and startle me :S I almost never use followers, due to that im sneaking a lot and they cant sneak as good as me :confused: Good that Im not the only "bad" dragonborn out there^^ When Ive tried to shout I miss the enemy and hit allies or guards instead.... Ohh, I dont have hearthfire, but are thinking of buying it sometime, is it good in your opinion? To "Frosty": Thank you so much! Will check it out :)
  17. This is perhaps not so funny, but its my rituals through skyrim. Sorry in advance for my english, Im from sweden :P I never kill animals that wont attack me, and I often try to save the poor bunnys and foxes that always get in trouble. I always quicksave before trying to open a masterlock, its some kind of a lucky charm to do that. Because of my dear boyfriend I almost never kill giants or mammoths, unless they attack me or its questrelated to kill them. But I always get a bit sad when im forced to kill them :P I almost never use my shouts, and I don´t really know why, I use them in the main quests like in ustengrav and when im going up to the top of the throat of the world. I use the souls for perks instead. Worst bloody dragonborn ever :P I always side with the empire during the civil war quest, i feel so rotten when im with the stormcloaks and attack whiterun. I havent completed the quest with the stormcloaks even, I just cant go through it :S I always cheat through console to get black soul gems, i could probably write down the code in my sleep if i needed to. Even if I got a whole bunch of grand soul gems I still got to have the black ones when I enchant my gear.
  18. Ive been trying to get shadowmere at scale 2. But no matter how I try it doesent work, the code he has when im clicking on him doesn't exist according to the console, and nothing happens when I use the code that spawn him ( 0009CCD7 ) The code i got trough the wiki is: 0009CCD7.setscale 2 But nothing happens. What am I doing wrong in the process? Do I have to spawn him first and then use the code he has when im clicking on him or is there something missing in "my" command? Would really really appreciate some answers :)
  19. For me its anticlimactic after every guild quests. So I just explain it with my bad humour. ( note Im a swedish and dont write english to good :P ) Someone : oh hey, now youre the new leader of the ******** guild/college, congrats and here is some money and a room. Dragonborn: uhh..... Ive been a member about a week and now you want me to lead the whole thing??! Someone: yes, you got the spirit and Ive dreamt about you and youre so honest blahblahblah.. Dragonborn: admit it, no one else want this job. Someone: Hrmm... Uh... Nonono. We trust you completely! Dragonborn: Crap! One moment later... Someone: Hey you suck! And btw do this! And don´t screw it up! Dragonborn: Uhh... Do it yourself? Someone: NO! You have to do it!! youre...... good at it. Dragonborn: You need therapy. It would have been fun if you as guildleader could recruit random types, or have some challenge as mutiny or random crazyness. It feels so empty after being leader of the dark brotherhood, dont like the new sanctuary and its so empty with only babette and nazir. And when you become thieves guild leader delvin buttlicks you and vex is still a pain in the ass, and theres only small boring quests when youre going to steal "Orvars garnet" or something. Its a bit ridiculous that you can be leader over practically everything. But at the same time you want to prove yourself when members are mean and whiny. Or get a awesome item/thing/horse like shadowmere without cheating with the console. A bitchslap mod like the one in dao would be something^^
  20. Ive completed the purity quest with both Farkas and Vilkas. And later I heard that its not even possible. Is that true or have it something to do with patch updates on steam? . I have also checked bugs on a wiki and it didnt say anything about this "bug" And yes, I have a bunch of mods but dont have the energi to check them trough yet. Have anyone else encounter this? Im a bit curious about it :P Have a nice day :)
  21. Hi :)

    Im making morphs I want to upload/share in the nexus forum. Is it ok that I have your hairstyles on some? Its only a mor-file so I wont take any textures from you in the files.

    And, my English is a bit confusing because Im Swedish. But hope you get the picture :)

    Have a nice day :)

  22. I must say that I really hate that girl that sings in every sexscene you have in dao, and the kiss sounds but the music is the worst. I though it would disappear if I closed every soundoptions in the option-bar but its still coming up! I usually listen to my own music-list in winamp when I play. But that chick yells higher then an operasinger /growling black metal guy :blink: Anyone that knows if you could just smash away that part of the games soundtrack? Or at least force the game to be quiet when you disabled all sounds in game. Right now Im just throwing away the headphones and put cotton in my ears so I can escape the horror :whistling:
  23. Something like this?? http://dayviews.com/BenBone/498685430/
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