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About bytyan

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  1. i have all the files and everything is correct but it says Font file not found: Data Files\Fonts\magic_cards_regular.fnt. i have it...what should i do. does it need to be named magic_cards_regular or magic_cards_regular.fnt or magic_cards_regular.fnt. or capitals!!!!?? help
  2. not just modded npc's everyone.... does the fact that i have no sound card affect that? but the npc's play talking animations even after the subtitles have ceased. so i believe that there is something wrong with my subtitle settings.
  3. ... OK heres my problem... the npc's in oblivion talk too quickly...im not sure if its just me, but they speak at normal speed but the subtitles go by obscenely fast. is there any way to slow down the subtitles?
  4. ...hi i was wondering if downloading an unofficial patch would delete my mods... http://tesnexus.com/...le.php?id=11364 is the one i want to download and i cant find anything? does somebody know? do i need to backup my mods? what happens next!!!!!!!???????????
  5. for the most part i just leave the meshes and the textures in the file that they came in... everything works out fine for me. maybe thats your problem by the way would you happen to know if patches affect mods? would my mods be deleted if i downloaded unofficial patches? i want a patch but idk if it will delete my mod.
  6. if it was all sunshine and lollipops it would be boring and make you not want to play it again. sadness is what motivates...sad really...but that is the sign of a well scripted mod which are the ones we love and cherish.
  7. yes there is...its a companion. you cant call on a squad(( they might have made that) but you get a twin or really any other thing you can think of!
  8. ...hi i was wondering if downloading an unofficial patch would delete my mods... http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11364 is the one i want to download and i cant find anything? does somebody know? do i need to backup my mods? what happens next!!!!!!!???????????
  9. i was wondering if patches will delete my mods....i would like to download unofficial patches but i am not sure what would happen to my mods.please respond.
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