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Status Updates posted by TheSwedishPancake

  1. Not much here... just trying not to fail math. :/ And why are you calling me Pancake instead all of a sudden? :P

    How about you? What have you been up to?

  2. I hate math. :(
    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Nadin


      Well, now I have to memorize "Modern Mathematician", too.
    3. AliasTheory


      The integration by parts one is helpful, because I seem to forget that one often. Much easier to just use the formula than re-derive / struggle to make things cancel.
    4. SilverDNA


      I did once had the pleasure of knowing a guy , a Dr of Math who once worked for the German ministry of statistics and who told me what they calculate there .... I was outraged how tax money by them was spend.. He had to calculate how many 1 Mark pieces can cover the top of a table and then prove it in practice on a table. *I'm growing a faceplam again on on my head* Tax money!
  3. Not much here... just started my last year of school, so I can be happy about that. :)

    And... 130F??? WOW, it never gets that hot even here. :s

  4. Hi, Lexx. :) Haven't seen you for a while. What's up?
  5. I'm on. I'll stay there as long as I can.
  6. Hey, sorry I wasn't on today... I was on at 1 and 2 my time but I had to go at about 4. :( School starts tomorrow, but I have a half day, so I'll have more time whenever you want to be on xat. :)
  7. Okay, I'll be on at 3 your time. Which is like 1 or 2 my time I think?
  8. You disappeared today. :( Do you think you can be on tomorrow (Friday)?
  9. I'll do my best to be in xat today. :)
  10. Lyrics have never been so truthful:
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheSwedishPancake


      Dio's body might be dead, but his spirit is still alive. And the spirit is what keeps metal alive, not the body. ;)
    3. Lazysheepherd


      Yes, I get the point, LOL

      I was just joking. Nice piece.

    4. vvk78


      Cool stuff.
  11. 5 days until my new computer gets here. :D
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. naomis8329


      Must admit my last two pcs have been female. Gosh I could do with a new pc, one that could do everything bar make the tea :D Well making tea would be a bonus to be honest.
    3. VesemirTheWitcher


      a name, huh?

      hmm... mine should have something starting with "k" or "c"

      its case is 75% black, 10% silver and 15% blue (LED-lit gauges installed on it, as well as a big fan on the side, also shining with blue LEDs)

      i'm thinking... Carl? lol.

      or Kevin... or Casper. or Cobalt. nah that'd be lame.

    4. Nadin


      Kristen? I'm sure you've named her by now, though.....
  12. Yep, I'm doing ok. How about you?
  13. :( I hope your connection gets better soon somehow. It must be getting really annoying.
  14. All right, I'll try to be on xat more often. Do you know what days and times you can be on this week since you're so busy now?
  15. Hi, Keanu. :) We haven't talked in forever. How have you been?
  16. Play SCP-087-B, she said.... It will be fun, she said... I'm never sleeping again.
    1. Show previous comments  35 more
    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      darth vader! bestest "bad" dude thing ever! 'cause he's not really bad at all! even though he WAS bad all the time! but he's not bad! dear god i'm tired.
    3. TheSwedishPancake


      ^That was random. lol
    4. Lexx666


      Great game, I have it, I played it, in the end it's bugged, you die anyways. But in general, a pure heart attack inducing game.
  17. I hope it keeps working now. That must really suck.
  18. Well, here's my next guitar challenge... Wish me luck. :)
    1. Flintlockecole


    2. VesemirTheWitcher


      MAKE YOUR OWN LUCK, sista! But i'll still wish you some. :P
    3. vvk78




      Go, strum those chords................. awaaaaay!

  19. God, I need to stop reading horror stories so late at night...
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nadin





      Seriously though, I know how you feel. I mean...."it's already three AM, only a few more hours 'till daylight--I CAN MAKE IT".

    3. TheSwedishPancake


      @Nadin: I've never actually been able to force myself to stay up all night, no matter how scared and paranoid I get. :/
    4. Nadin


      I have before, but just when I wanted to get up early(alarm clocks do not survive my presence).
  20. Hey, we haven't really talked for a while. Just coming in to ask what's up and I hope work's going ok. Hopefully we can hang out more this summer. See you later! :)
  21. Friday, May 18, 2012: Officially the best night of my life. When Rammstein walked down the aisle to the stage, I was literally two feet away. I could have reached out to touch them!!!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AurianaValoria1


      I'm so glad you had such a good time! XD
    3. TheSwedishPancake


      This wasn't the same show I was at, obviously, but it played out exactly the same:



      Best intro ever + my favorite song ever. :D

    4. VesemirTheWitcher





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