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Status Updates posted by TheSwedishPancake

  1. K, I'll shoot for about 8 your time, but that's about 6 for me, so I might be eating dinner or something, so don't leave as soon as you get there and see that I'm not there. I'll probably make it at some point. :)
  2. Hey, hope I see you on xat tomorrow. Movie?
  3. I've been ok. How are you? I haven't heard from you in a while.
  4. Yes, I'm still here, but I was gone for a long time. How are you?
  5. No, it's all good. I'm actually on right now if you've got time.
  6. Hey, don't worry about it. :) I'll be on tonight. See you later.
  7. Hey,

    I'll be on xat in about an hour - hour and a half. Hope to see you there. :D

  8. I'll send you a PM about all the pedal and amp stuff, k? It's too much to put into the comments.
  9. Oh, come on, don't be silly. I'd love to help you any way I can. ;)

    By the way, today I tried plugging my foot pedal into the big acoustic amp I bought with my classical guitar... AWESOME. SOOO much better than my electric guitar amp (which I never even use anymore). I'm going to try plugging it in and recording it tomorrow.

  10. If you want to know about that kind of stuff, I can sure help you. :)
  11. I actually do use an amp simulator too which is REALLY good. My distortion pedal is a little Digitech one... I can't remember the model.
  12. I could get ProTools right now... if I had a better computer. -.- and yeah, I got the direct plug-in thing for the guitar a long time ago. I just want a better distortion pedal than what I have now. This one's good, but it could be better.
  13. The only difference between MixCraft and the premium version is that you can save to a .mp3 file. I get around it by using Audacity to record what's played back in MixCraft. ;)
  14. Haven't seen you in a while... I hope everything's ok.
  15. I got MixCraft, which is good enough for most of what I need to do. I'm going to buy ProTools at some point. Which programs do you use again? I forgot. :/
  16. I'm doing good, what about you?
  17. Hey, I'm in xat if you have time.
  18. I'm doing good too, thanks.
  19. Hey, haven't seen you in xat for a while. Just thought I'd come in and ask what's up. :) Hope you're okay.
  20. Keanu, I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. Please don't feel bad for yourself and come back. We miss you.

    You guys can stop worrying; it's my fault, none of you said anything to make this happen.

  21. Doing pretty good. How about you?
  22. Been missing you in xat. Where've you been?
  23. Psst... hey, I'm back. Check your messages.
  24. Hey, Balagor. School still sucks, but my guitar playing is going great. As for Scandinavian speaking, I'm focusing on German now, but I'll get to it eventually. Anyway, how are you? How's your cactus nursery doing?
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