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Everything posted by stuges

  1. Say what you say about graphics, but when I played this game for whole weekend, I felt chilled for whole duration due to so well done immersion. when you go to a pub you really feel the ice melt. They done marvelous job with fires, never seen such a good job done with fire physics in a game. Snow fall, snowstorms etc etc. are also made so well. Only thing I could ask more is that you need to look for shelter when ice storm is coming and you move slower, but that's minor, will be probably modded and without it's nonetheless awesome! :)
  2. Oh god. I have moved recently and my copy of the game arrived just this morning to the wrong address! sigh... Gonna get it on sat I hope. I wonder if I could pre download it without having it bought from steam, and call bud over there to go open it and give me the game code?
  3. gameinformer building better combat go to gameinformer.com or google game informer SKYRIM and you'll find it. There are quite a lot articles with a lot info.
  4. Somewhere bethesda stated that because of they are very impressed what modders have done with their tools etc. etc. they are adding creation kit for this game (support for modders) too. From this, first you can 1+1 that, yes, they know about mods out there and the second thing, what's the biggest modding site? well nexus of course. so if they had their hands in mods it was most likely in nexus as they have posted some nexus links in blog too (as stated above) so if you ask me they keep an eye on nexus forums. Bethesda listens to fans as it's always best to keep ear out for the people who actually pay for the game. Also their forum is so flooded it's even easier check ideas from here. I wouldn't bother reading other than big topics on that flooded forum if I was a dev ;)
  5. This gave a very good modding idea :) They are supporting modders, yes they will be adding a lot of customized things such as racial unique finishing moves and all kind of stuff (you can be good evil or so or so) so this kind of variety stuff such as will the armors part a lot from wore on orc or elf (as you described I agreed) There will probably be mod for that too if community asks for it. If they don't add it, some modder can claim the credit for this one ;)
  6. I'd like it the way assasins creed brotherhood did it. They make online maps separately. Another would be lan possibility, like you play the normal game but you can, for example, when going to arena, let your friend help on another computer (like those damn group v 1 matches in oblivion which were harder than grand champion..) Idea is good, I dont want skyrim online ever, it's not how it's meant, but that's how it'd be acceptable, even good ad idea. afterall, so many games are expanding beside normal gameplay a availiability to go online. Most of game makers succeeded without doing any changes (or ruining) the game itself. Bethesda is weak in animations, but I think creating succesfull online version is not their strong side either (thank god they got new animators there.. :) )
  7. yes. as we all know nords of skyrim are straight descedants of chuck norris. also remember in skyrim, eat bark before it eats you. no really fast travel and compass drive game from the age it is based on. sure some people throw crap on people who complain about "not forced" fast travel, but its the way beth does it, adding quests you need to go from corner of the map to the other, just because they are sure we all use fast travel, and yes we do cause we have to. oh man I atleast hope they no longer do quests like fighters guild fetch ones.
  8. I have seen some pics and I gotta tell you, the way they make mountains now is awesome and it makes it rought. tundra is awesome and all, big step from oblivion. if they only add few inches of snow here and there thought it's lame(ish) but the mountains will be cool anyhow ;) Where hav u seen pics, I only see a few at GI, are there mor anywhere else?? there's quite a few pics with a lot of info too like 20 pics I have seen but they are from scan version of the gameinformer magazine I think. They were banned from youtube. don't have links not and it's probably not cool to post it on any popular forum.
  9. and slow hypothermia approaching? well no problem, lets dig here a campspot put up some tents and fire. mmm cozy, then to hunt deer in nearby forest and feast in the moonlight. ahah well I think they will make hunting profitable in TESV Fast travel would totally nerf that, so maybe make it possible for fast travel to fail, and dump you like halfway there in a blizzard.Now that'd be hardcore. now imagine yourself without compass (idea of compass being expensive item) in middle of storm no idea where you are dumbed in middle of nowhere and possibly with zero visibility or big tower telling where to go (hinthint IC hinthint)
  10. I have seen some pics and I gotta tell you, the way they make mountains now is awesome and it makes it rought. tundra is awesome and all, big step from oblivion. if they only add few inches of snow here and there thought it's lame(ish) but the mountains will be cool anyhow ;)
  11. For Modders Here's something I spotted in the bethsoft forums from "Othreal" "The Creation Engine sounds rather impressive in my opinion. It can easily create environments ranging from forest to snowy tundras and great rocky mountins. From what I read they can add waterfalls easily alongside brooks. The lighting in the world cast real world shadows around everything and the light reflect upon the game world unlike in Oblivion. They put in a precipitation reader for the snow so it builds up in different amounts on the surfaces of different objects which is great. it seems to open up a lot of rather impressive and diverse settings for us to explore a vast and unique world I look forward to see how the game works and see this new Creation Engine to give us the living breathing world we crave... " This could mean easier and more varied / faster modding with even more tools
  12. If you haven't seen this yet, gameinformer blogged yesterday more info on their new engine, creation engine & tools. in the blog they describe a lot on how awesome it will look by massive waterfalls etc. they also told that big content of environments are dominated by untamed wilderness that look great thanks to Bethesda's overhauled foliage system. there was also this info on dynamic snow people were wondering about which was interesting "Given its northern location and extreme elevations, Skyrim's climate is more prone to snowfall than Cyrodiil. To create realistic precipitation effects, Bethesda originally tried to use shaders and adjust their opacity and rim lighting, but once the artists built the models and populated the world the snow appeared to fall too evenly. To work around this problem, they built a new precipitation system that allows artists to define how much snow will hit particular objects. The program scans the geography, then calculates where the snow should fall to make sure it accumulates properly on the trees, rocks, and bushes." so, perhaps you won't be able to track enemies looking at tracks, but only the snow falling on objects is minor, not like you could loose fatigue in big mass of snow. Ok here's some information on the AI found on the blog: Bethesda will be adding mills farms mines etc. and townspeople will have detailed personalities, so they won't be going around in townsquare aimlessly. This in my opinion is the interesting part; The improved radiant AI technology also allows NPC to adapt more into the situation, for example if you are a good friend of a NPC and barg into his home at night, he might just give you lodging for night, instead of demanding you to leave. “Your friend would let you eat the apple in his house,” Howard says. If you swing your weapon near an NPC, knock items off their dinner table, or try to steal something of value, they'll react with an appropriate level of hostility given their prior relationship to you. There's a lot info on radiant story, but here's good news for assasins out there I found interesting: “Traditionally in an assassination quest, we would pick someone of interest and have you assassinate them,” Howard says. “Now there is a template for an assassination mission and the game can conditionalize all the roles – where it happens, under what conditions does it take place, who wants someone assassinated, and who they want assassinated. All this can be generated based on where the character is, who he's met. They can conditionalize that someone who you've done a quest for before wants someone assassinated, and the target could be someone with whom you've spent a lot of time before.” anyway here's the offical blog: http://www.gameinformer.com/games/the_elder_scrolls_v_skyrim/b/xbox360/archive/2011/01/17/the-technology-behind-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim.aspx
  13. and slow hypothermia approaching? well no problem, lets dig here a campspot put up some tents and fire. mmm cozy, then to hunt deer in nearby forest and feast in the moonlight. ahah well I think they will make hunting profitable in TESV
  14. Now to think about it that must be the thing making it suck for them to make fast travel. They spread quest stuff so far and think we use fast travel, which basically makes fast travel not optional unless you got a lot of time for fetching quests : / well I hope they dont do this in skyrim like in fighters guild which is worst guild imo because of the quest types.
  15. I like this one. Fast travel is not an option, it's a feature. You can not use it as you can decide to only walk, or use a non-fighter character... It's not an argument. When you judge the balance of the game you don't judge it for people who decide to only use a one hand weapon without anything in the left hand or character who decide to fight fairly with a knife and no armor... That would be stupid. Fast travel is part of the balance. Not the combat balance of course, but the immersion/frustration one. And it's a too big step far from the immersion.Like I said on another topic, even if you have the strength to not use it, it's still here, bothering you by tempting you. Why morrowind was better. In Morrowind, fast travel 1) had a context so was more immersive 2) concerned mainly major axis (one town to another) so it replaced the less interesting, the less dangerous and the more repetitive travels. It provided you a way to return in one place (mark & recall) but even that was too much in my opinion. The third way of fast travel was hidden so it was not too annoying (and the ring from tribunal was a reward for killing a god). It was maybe not ideal but well assigned. I won't talk about daggerfall, this game is nothing like the two others. To provide an option to desactivate it would greatly reduce the psychological effect since the option menu is "outside" the game, and the map menu is not (and it's even more true for skyrim with their new way to design menu) I see some very good points there. Hard for some people to understand, and I believe it is damn easy to fall into thinking "oh comon its optional" when we try to put up some arguments why, even if it is optional, it breaks out of immersion. yet again, modders will most likely fix it for other side anyhow, or perhaps beth makes it fully configurable option before you start the game or so. EDIT: That ring as very hard quest reward would be ideal for TES V too.
  16. Spiders? OH GOD WHY!? Why Bethesda?! Whyyyyyy? ;_; doesn't looks so bad IMO http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/4198/1294438806778.png
  17. that would be awesome, doubt they will be able to make soft snow be over your knees thought. But I have seen pictures of snow actually changing landscape by piling the snow at certain spot (going by the wind) that was really cool too
  18. Bethesda's gonna add finishing moves in this one unless you already know so I won't be waiting combat mods at start since they are weighting in that area more this time. In fact I can't say yet what this is gonna lack. All I heard is sounding good so far, cant imagine things they are currently missing.. expect stealth constipation thing and shield not on back on travel. I do know that since I am the original Poster. I am sure someone like sky captain would be able to make better finishers and more variety. I'm not counting on Bethesda to make it anymore than two or three different moves. I'm quite certain that bethesda is going to make plenty of unique finishing moves, I think I even read from the magazine that they will be addind unique finish move for every weapon. But we can for sure count on sky captain on the finishing moves. However it is I prefer it made professionally and all animation mods weren't fully properly working, whether it's camera or 1st / 3rd person views I still accept that skycaptain's finishmoves will be awesome if bethesda leaves spot for good mod in that area ;)
  19. Bethesda's gonna add finishing moves in this one unless you already know so I won't be waiting combat mods at start since they are weighting in that area more this time. In fact I can't say yet what this is gonna lack. All I heard is sounding good so far, cant imagine things they are currently missing.. expect stealth constipation thing and shield not on back on travel.
  20. Indeed, bright side of bethesda accepting and supporting modders is that they can also get easy ideas from popular mods (they just might) they must indeed take note on feedback of fans (sign of success) or they simply have great testing team that thinks like most of the fans ;)
  21. I personally lack the strength of mind of not using it when its enabled. That is reason I'd like to extend my gaming by disabling it forcibly and only being able to fast travel if set so separately. I like more lore friendly or realistic travel ways such as boats or horse carriages that will work like fast travel but you need to go to certain spots to use them. I play a lot of RPG's and its a big plus when you cant travel from middle of nowhere to where all life is within 4hrs game time, 3 seconds real time. Yes it is optional but for some reason when it's added pretty much everyone will use it regardless their will. I've seen many discussions on this matter but for me, well I have to disable them with mod, if the mod adds alterative ways such as horse carriages (remember one very cool for oblivion I used to have but cant find)
  22. That's indeed very cool. didin't mention dynamic snow shadows and wind (will affect flow of water and so on) think the magazine will be out in this month althought bethesda informed it will be out in february. at any rate I will have my hands on the copy ASAP
  23. mm however it is shield all the time in the hand with weapon bugs me. atleast I hope there's enough modding tools for someone to create mod to put them on back unless they manage to do this.
  24. oh yes they must be open because of the dragon attacks. or maybe not have to, but makes more sense. I only hope they make big enough hills to block view to near-by cities and landmarks so it feels more like in wilderness. Five main cities all should be bigger than IC itself, not by area it covers but by NPC amount and how thick it's lived. the rest cities (I reckon like two mid sized beside 5 main) that are more like an usual oblivion town. + in addition the settlements which I saw nice pic of, I think they arent made as badly and empty and as few as in oblivion. http://i153.photobucket.com/albums/s209/FunkyCoffee/1294440553184.jpg upper right corner can't see that much but it seems it will be cool, afterall that does seem more like hamlet or settlement rather than city. But why the hell is there shield in his hand? I cant believe they still dont put the shield on back. I read from that magazine article "then he pulls the shield from his back.." I think that was only to make it epic. :/
  25. Maybe there's more cities then, it is possible I mixed that number with cities :P I am just waiting for game informers to inform about the size in square km's. I reckon oblivion had 16.. judging from another provided map there is 7 cities, names are real and have seen them mentioned in city list, but I still am kind of sure they said 5 major cities.. so 5 big cities and 2 minor cities + those hamlets.
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