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Posts posted by ManehattanProject

  1. I finally nailed down when the issue started happening. Thank God we do tons of iteration. I did a lot of NavMesh work to some separate levels...where I started noticing a similar problem, only it seemed to resolve itself after I adjusted some cover.


    However, I just used FNVEdit's "compare" between V519 and 520 (520 is where the issue starts happening) and the information makes no sense when looking at the NavMesh data.




    It's matching up cells that have nothing to do with one another (or I'm totally reading this wrong). There are cells mentioned in here which I haven't NavMeshed yet.


    Could this be the culprit?

  2. I tested on another cell and it seems to happen less, so maybe I have too many things in one of my new cells. Maybe I'll have to learn my way around portals and such to optimize loading. In any case I don't think there's much I can do besides putting up the switch there, since there really seems to be nothing wrong with the model or the way it is set up. Thanks anyway :smile:


    I realize this post is ancient, but did you ever find a solution to this? I'm running into a very similar problem with UtlDoorBg01.

  3. I checked through some various cells and found that internal-only doors aren't set to persistent, but I checked the box anyway. No change. (For example, the 4 UtlDoor01 units in OVCentralSwers01 and the VaultDoors in NVDLC03ThinkTank leading to the Tank's personal quarters, all of these are not set as persistent).


    I recreated the RED door variant .nif from the base NVDLC03X13UtlDoor01.nif with the Auto-Sanitize off. No change.

    I changed the model being used by the GECK entry from the RED variant to the WHITE variant and the doors worked fine.


    I recreated the RED door variant .nif from the base GoENVDLC03UtlDoor01WHITE.nif (the one that works mentioned above and with auto-sanitize off. No change.


    I created a new door using the RED .nif with a different name "GoENVDLC03UtlDoor01Red02" and replaced all doors. No change, but in that test, the UtlDoorBg01 did work (both a GoEUtlDoorBg01 and the UtlDoorBg01. There's no difference save the name).


    I placed all utility doors in the GoERFS4Security section. (Purple, Green, White, Red, Red02, UtlDoor01 (vanilla version), Blue & NVDLC03X13UtlDoor01). All doors work save for the two red ones. I also placed the GoEUltDoorBg01 and UltDoorBg01 in there. Both of those worked as well. That particular time, I opened a Red02 door that was already set in the wall (where it's supposed to be first) and could not pass through it.


    I used the "GetOpenState" in console and the animations are showing correctly. (1 for open and 3 for closed).


    That's the extent of my QA so far. I'm still going through variations. I'm also always running from the same "QA" save for consistent results. I'm always running through the previous cell and not just CoCing into S4Security (I noticed that seems to skew the results).





    I've spent the last eight hours trying to troubleshoot and nail down this issue, using every possible thing I could think of. Sometimes the issue seems to start upon entering S3Labs. Sometimes it's S4Security. Sometimes it's S4Manufactory. I don't know what to do. The only scripts I have running are scripts to do basic "OnPlayRunForward" animations.


    Here's my QA log if you want to see what I've tried: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NbfmoCOtWp3iH5EOFQnY3EH-UVThbN7bJi2L15Dcb_A/edit?usp=sharing


    I've checked the collision a dozen times. But the one consistency is that the door animation will play correctly with the correct sound, but if the mouse is still centered on the doorway, you'll get an activator option to close it the door. That's when you can't walk through it.


    For some reason, opening the door is not disabling the collision and it's happening to both the vanilla basic UltDoorBg01 and only the RED variant of NVDLC03UltDoor01. At one point, I could get it to only happen to the UltDoorBg01, but once that happens, it will happen for ANY cell that uses that door type. (Even if the RED door stopped working, the other colors would remain working).


    What could prevent a door from playing its animation but not drop its collision? Is there a way to force it?

  4. If you modified the doors,maybe check the collision in nifskope against the original.


    Are your doors also persistent?


    Before I get to your questions, let me bring up something I discovered.


    An “already set to open” UtlDoor01RED was REVERSED. When moused over, no open dialogue showed up unless you were mousing over the frame (As if it was already open). You could walk through it both OPEN and CLOSED.


    It’s like the animation is playing (complete with sound), but the collision isn’t changing.


    The UltDoorBg01 hasn't been changed. It's still the same basic one that's always been in-game. I made no changes to that model.


    When I compared the GoENVDLC03UtlDoor01 variants (Purple & Red for this example), there was no difference between the two. Purple works fine. So does the NVDLC03X13UtlDoor01 (the base for all the lit doors). Both of these were in the same cell where the UltDoorBg01 still has collision when open.


    When I get to the next cell, where I use the UtlDoor01RED does the open but collision thing.


    When comparing GoEUltDoor01RED (or any other one) with NVDLC03X13UltDoor01, everything is the same in Nifskope until I reach the 179 line. In the Red/Purple ones, it shows "NiTriStrips TXT NVDLC03X13UtlDoor01:13 [116]." But the actual NVDLC03X13UtlDoor01.nif shows line 179 to be "NiNode TXT IKTrainMain [4]" There are several other differences progressively from there. For example, in the variant, NiNode TXT IKTrainMain [4] is on line 185.


    What I don't get is why there's a change. The only thing I ever did to these was change the Emissive Colors. I did nothing else to the models. But even if I did, it doesn't explain why UltDoorBg01 isn't working.


    As for permanent/temporary reference, in GoERFS4Security (where the problem first popped up and where the UltDoorBg01 isn't working), the UtlDoorBg01s (there's 2) are both temporary. Only the ones that are teleporters to other cells are shown as permanent and those work fine.


    GoERFS4Manufactory uses at least a dozen GoENVDLC03UltDoor01RED (all but the open one not allowing a player to pass) and all are temporary save for the teleporter to the next cell.


    In both levels, there are a few UtlDoorBg01 showing a permanent, but I believe those are the static ones (which is odd that they're showing as permanent. I may need to check the base static door to see if they're checked). Those are used for inaccessible areas for visual variety.


    This is likely way too much information, but hopefully you can figure out what the hell I'm doing wrong here. I'm pulling my hair out when I go to playtest the level (which I do after every change).

  5. I'm having a strange somewhat inconsistent issue. I've set up utility doors throughout this particular facility. I've already configured massive amounts of them and they work fine. But in one of my cells, the UtlDoorBg01 will show the open animation, but an invisible wall will prevent a player from passing through the door. In the next cell, attached by teleporter door (which works fine), the NVDLC03UtlDoor01 variant does the same thing.


    The only difference from my variant and the NVDLC03UtlDoor01 is that I changed the color of the light emitters on the "joints" in the door. However, I use the exact same doors in other places (purple, blue and green versions) and I have no trouble walking through the doorway.


    When fired upon with a .44 magnum, the sound that plays is a bullet striking a glass or metal surface (It's the same one that happens if you fire at a NVDLC03 ForceField.)


    I've checked the collision using F4 in the GECK, but there's no hidden collision item there. The door shows the normal "pink" of a door collision.


    I've also had this problem with standard utility doors, but it only started to happen after I began to NavMesh some levels. However, neither of these levels are currently NavMeshed.


    There's also the fact that sometimes it'll be the UtlDoorBg01 that works and the UtlDoor01 doesn't or vice verse. It's extremely inconsistent, but it's always one of the two and it's only in these two levels.


    I have absolutely no idea why this is happening. Can someone throw out some suggestions?

  6. I'd like to set up a way to have a series of power armors standing up in a line for a storage bay. Much like the power armor in Fallout 4, which is a wholly different object. I want to have more than just the little chestpiece and the helmet.


    Is there any effective way to make this happen? Potentially with some sort of invisible NPC?


    There's already a model for a "Mounted Vault Armor," but I was wondering if there was any way to set that up for the Power Armor...or if I'd just need to make a full model. Or perhaps a person standing there rigidly that acts as a container? Or is there a mannequin I could use?


    Any suggestions?

  7. Strange issue popped up last night. I recently "re-added" both the Alien Disintegrator (Rifle) & Alien Atomizer (DLC-only Pistol) weapons into New Vegas. I went through all the various weapon control material, such as damage, FOV, fire rate and all that jazz. I give them both unique names and assign the AMMOAlienBlaster list for an ammunition type. I included the 1stpersonModels and went through everything you normally do for a custom weapon. (I used the Alien Blaster sound effects as a temporarily replacement until my SFX crew gets new sound files set up)


    Then I load up the modified .ESP and head over to my testing room. The weapons appear perfectly...but they don't have the custom names I gave them, they're requiring "Alien Power Module" and they even have the special notes "Higher Crit Chance" that they did in Fallout 3...


    In other words, they are identical to the Fallout 3 weapons, including requiring the DLC05-only ammo.


    I'm completely flummoxed as to how this could have happened. Is there somewhere in FalloutNV.esm where the data for the DLC05AlienPistol/DLC05AlienRifle is kept that's somehow overwriting the changes I've done?


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Does the GECK still function after he double clicks 'cell view'?

    If he single clicks 'cell view' does he see all the items the right panel of 'cell view'?

    Is it possible that it is there but just of screen, if so just double click the NavMesh at the top of the list.


    If you have tried that and if does not work have you tried just loading a master file only, like Fallout3.esm or FalloutNewVegas.esm to test the GECK?


    Is he using FOSE/NVSE and if so has he installed it correctly?


    FO3 GECK does work a little different than FNV GECK.


    Just a few questions to help you narrow the possible problems. Hope this helps some.




    It did. We ended up troubleshooting about three dozen different things step by step and it ended up getting resolved. Ironically, of all things, it was a problem with one of his GECK inis.


    Thank you for the tips!

  9. One of my scripters is having trouble with his Render Window, namely that it's always blank. Whenever he tries to load a cell, the GECK pauses/freezes for about a minute and then nothing happens. However, he can use the Preview window to do a full preview of an NPC design.


    His current system specs are as follows:


    Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-Z87N-WIFI (rev1) F6 bios

    GPU - Gigabyte GeForce GTX 760 Windforce 2x

    RAM - 16 GB Crucial DDR3 1600 MHz (Ballistix Sport)

    SSD - Crucial MX100 256 GB

    HD - 2 TB Seagate

    Windows 10 Pro

    Any ideas what might be causing this?

  10. I've investigated the script "NVDLC03TeleportEffectTimerSCRIPT" as a good base for this, but I'm not quite sure how to pull off our goal.


    First of all, we need to have a script that will prevent any Vanilla or mod companions from joining you in a series of cells outside our primary worldspace (it's connected to WastelandNV). After this point, the player will gain a new companion and depart the area to make their way to the worldspace entrance.


    In addition, there are three other locations in which we want to allow only mod-related companions to join the player in. (At the moment, I'm considering having them simply "wait for the player outside" rather than them following you as initially planned.)


    Our big issue is the Worldspace. We want the player to be able to go in and out of the worldspace with the new companions (4 in all) without allowing any other potential companion characters into the worldspace.


    Would simply running the following script at the beginning of each area be enough to allow our companions in and keep any others out?

    Set VNPCFollowers.bCritterInParty to 0
    Set VNPCFollowers.bHumaniodInParty to 0 

    We of course would add the other elements to remove the perks, send them back to their set home, etc. I just want to make sure the right companions end up in the right place.


    Thanks for your time.

  11. plugin or exe version of power up?


    is his GECK large address aware patched?


    bUseMultibounds=0 in GECKCustom.ini?


    Is he using the correct version of GECK (downloaded from beth and not the steam one)?


    What OS , and what compatibility mode if any?


    Did he disable visual themes for GECK.exe?


    Running GECK as administrator?


    I ran through most of this (except for Visual Themes, haven't heard that before).


    I ended up resolving it in a...unique way. I ripped out everything out of my own installation that wasn't part of the files needed and created an archive of it. Then sent that to him. That worked, but it was all in Data. So it likely means there was some mesh, script, file, etc that I had missed in my previous masters.


    Still, if (heaven forbid) something like this happens again, I'm glad you've provided the basic troubleshooting steps for reference. Thanks for that!

  12. I've got my primary mod .ESP that I'm sending out to members of my team to work on. I've been working on this file without trouble for months, however, when someone else loads it, making sure they have all the correct .ESMs, the GECK "stops responding" and crashes. I've built a package with all the various meshes and textures, along with LOD files and the like.


    FNVEdit shows no errors (aside from a few quest errors that I get on my machine and a couple script packages). We've checked for the Realtek Audio bug and that's not the issue (both Mic ports are filled). He's running NVSE (current) and the GECK Power Up 1.4.


    Does anyone know a way to track where the GECK crashes when loading aside from the tiny text box at the bottom of the main window? Or anyone have any ideas what might be causing this?


    I've been banging my head against this problem for about six hours straight now. Someone please smack me with some wisdom and insight.

  13. Howdy folks!


    I have a special level that really needs the player to be able to see a sky, preferably with a certain type of weather pattern (basically, "rapidly" shifting between all of them). I tried using the "fake sky" domes, but I realized those are meant to be seen from a great distance or through a tiny crack, not for a large area as I intend.


    Is the most effective way to do this to create the level in a worldspace or is there a way to get the "sky" to appear in an interior cell?




    xEdit has a pretty powerful scripting ability. Though I still haven't really explored it much - I've just used scripts that come with it. I'm sure it can be done with a script in FNVEdit - add a Z value to all references in the worldspace. You could ask about a script here: http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1529894-relz-tes5edit/
    Navmesh would be more complicated, but perhaps doable too - have you navmeshed the worldspace?



    I've kept the Worldspace Navmesh until everything is totally complete in the worldspace. We still need to do a fair amount of fine tuning and QA for it.


    Thank you! I'll see what they have. I ended up doing it the manual way and found it actually pretty dang easy, but hopefully automated will make it cleaner.

  15. OK thank you. I will have to do it my next playthrough as I am a bit mod heavy to put it in now. Too bad I don't know how to mod that kind of thing. I'd love just a stand alone of that one! :smile:


    Thank you for the info. I appreciate it.


    Happy to help! Though honestly, I recommend Project Nevada no matter what you're running. (They have a freakin' Rail Cannon hidden on the other side of the Colorado! Yay explosives!)

  16. I pray that this will be the last time I'll be forced to annoy you all about Appleloosa Valley. ^^


    So thanks to the incredible patience of TrickyVein, the Lord and Master of all things Heightmap, we managed to find an effective way of raising the entire surface of a worldspace, fixing the infamous "Water Below 10500" glitch.


    Now all that awaits me is to move all the static objects to match the new height.


    Does anyone know if there is a script out there you could run through FNVEdit that would systematically add a number value to all Z coordinates within a worldspace?


    Making the adjustments in FNVEdit by hand for every single item is impractical for obvious reasons. I can drag them up, but that will take a lot of fine tuning. (I'm planning on actually doing that in the meantime). I was just hoping there might be a more efficient method of doing it.


    Thanks, as always, for the help folks!



  17. I have a great many UI mods for the Fallout games-and also different counters like stimpaks and how much ammo, etc.


    One thing I have not found is a counter for the stealthboy. Does anyone know of a counter (for either Fallout) which can count time left on your Stealthboy or is this not possible? Am I just missing something?


    Thanks for any feedback.


    I know that Project Nevada allows you to get a cybernetic implant that mimics the "Stealthboy." When that's active, a visual indicator shows how long it has until it wears off. And if memory serves, that works for both the implant and the Stealthboy. I think that's your best bet.

  18. Try FNVedit, just check your mod >> worldspaces >> water height (I believe that's a thing)


    Or just go into worldspaces via GECK and edit the water height... make it lower that terrain height.


    If it's a water problem with a certain cell: in the cell window >> find your cell >> 'edit' >> any you can change it there.


    I don't like MLP what so ever, but good luck on your mod: D


    Thank you! Most folks would have just ignored this seeing the MLP thing if it wasn't their cup of tea, but you took the time to give good and solid advice. That means a lot!


    So thank you again!

  19. Whelp, out of all the mistakes I've made, this one is the grand Poobah of them all.


    Remember how I ran into that stupid REALTEK issue? And apparently it's a classic?


    I just realized that my Appleloosa Valley worldspace has the water level set to -3400 and the default land height to -2048, which explains why the LOD water works but not the player-visible ones.


    Yup. The classic worldspace sin. It wasn't set to 10500.


    So I already know that I'm likely going to have to recreate the (85% complete) worldspace. Aside from copy/paste the various environment elements (buildings, cliffs, etc) do you folks have any suggestions on how to salvage this?


    For instance, is there a script that will adjust the Z value for all land in a worldspace? Or is there a way to move a landscape's height up or down (such as exporting the current version to a program, manually changing it and then reimporting it? Any good guides on this would be helpful too, because I've never got external heightmap programs to work properly. I tried the GECK Tutorial one...but no dice).


    Or I could just rename the place "New Atlantis."


    ...naw. That's silly.


    I know you all have secret mystical voodoo powers. Just a glimpse is all I'm asking. ;)




    This is the only tutorial I ever used to learn the basics of dialogue and quests.



    That's the one I used when I first started writing quests. It's simple and covers the basics in a very straight forward manner.


    I might be able to give better recommendations if I knew exactly what you are looking to learn how to do.



    I designed all of our dialogue options as flowcharts. It seemed the only logical thing to do as least from a writing perspective. Here's a link to one of our first conversation scripts.




    Sorry about the formatting, I have an issue with my eyes that require me using special things and the output gets weird occasionally.


    Our issue is trying to figure out how to get the various points of dialogue to all loop back into:


    "It’s…it’s like I’m the only one who can see what’s going on! I’ve been hearing these strange sounds from a cave in the cliffs."


    (Large blue rounded square)


    Honestly, I think I'm making this more complicated than it needs to be and I'm just missing something obvious...or doing something not permitted. I know you can't have two NPC responses (separate responses) to one player statement. (Without conditionals, of course).

  21. To me, it seems a problem with autowater.

    If you want to test this, take a random cell where you have the issue, but be very careful in identifying the exact cell in game first and then in GECK, or you won't understand if it's the case. Open the landscape editor and move the ground under the water a little, you just need to slightly modify it, some up or some down, nothing big. Save and go in game to check if something changed.

    Sorry it took me so long to respond, but a whole hell of a lot of things came up and I learned it's best not to try and merge in submods for Worldspace changes. (Even had trouble with "Deep copy"...but I just retested that and it seems to finally be working as long as I don't screw things up horribly again).


    I tried your suggestion, but there was no change. I went to the exact spot I adjusted (I made a small hill that rose slightly above the water in the cell). Still, swimming in nothing.

    Any other ideas?

  22. Shouldn't you just eventually link all of your dialogue options to the same topic, basically? Like, put the same choice in the "final" branch of all of your dialogue options, so no matter what dialogue the player chooses, they will eventually find the same final response. I am bad at explaining myself and I'm also not sure if I understand what you're trying to do. :confused:


    So you're essentially saying repeat along each dialogue branch for each decision? That unless it's a Q&A?

  23. Okay, so here's the plan.


    I have a player conversation with an NPC. Basically what happens is that the first "tier" of choices (responding to "Are you that Courier?") branch out for a variety of flavors on how to respond. They go through a back-and-forth with the player for a bit and then eventually all point back to the same NPC response. (Basically 5 player responses need to point back at a single NPC statement).


    Can this be done? And if so, how is this done within the GECK dialogue options? The tutorials I've found don't really have this kind of conversation. I've done a lot of digging, but I ended up writing out my dialogue options as flowcharts and visualizing the dialogue trees are REALLY hard for me.



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