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Posts posted by ManehattanProject

  1. Yup. I was the recipient of the tips. I will give a warning with something I've dealt with: multiple changes to worldspaces can get really messy. I've actually given up on that merge plugin as we're into the scripting phase. Any additions will be done by Copy As Deep Override after changing the FormIDs from here on out. It seems a lot cleaner (and a lot faster, because it doesn't have to renumber half a zillion FormIDs).

  2. Good ole microphone bug. :D



    That one is a classic :yes:


    I pray that we get a better Creation Engine with Fallout 4. I haven't worked with Skyrim's Creation System at all, but frankly, anything's better than the gutted version we have now. *Wishes for full professional release*

  3. So as part of GoE, we actually already have someone slated for the position of voice actor in the vein of ThreeDog.


    There are dozens of guides on how to make a radio station, so that's not what I'm asking. What I'm wondering if how I go about having an interactive radio announcer, namely one that comments on the player's actions throughout the storyline of GoE, just like Three Dog (and I think Mr. New Vegas does...honestly, I rarely listen to that station).


    In addition to this, how does one attach the "song announcement" to a particular song? It is as simple as linking a piece of dialogue to a specific song, or is there something special...or even simpler? (add the voice recording to the beginning/end of the song itself).


    Finally, I remember that whenever I entered my Megaton home and I had the radio playing, Three Dog would always be on a news segment (at least as far as I can remember). In fact, usually when I turned on the radio even on the PipBoy, it usually started with a news segment unless you've been flipping channels or listened to it recently. Anyone have some experience on how that's handled?


    Thanks folks. I appreciate the help, as always. :)






    In addition, how do I "activate" the new child worldspace? I've gone in-game to the spot where the new area is supposed to be, but it's still the vanilla version.


    Any suggestions?

    You have to go through a portal to get to another worldspace.



    Thank you for this. This saved me an enormous amount of time and effort...now I'll likely just copy/paste the changes back into the normal WastelandNV.

  5. Okay, we started to go a little nuts with attempted fixes.


    It turned out to the the REALTEK Audio bug that forces you to have all audio input ports filled for it to work properly. Why? Don't have a clue. And honestly after 4 hours of troubleshooting, don't care.


    Just an FYI for anyone who runs into this.


    Here's some more details: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/226770-fixing-realtek-audio-driver-related-geck-crashes/

  6. To add some more detail:


    We're using the GECK Power Up 1.4. There's some known errors (like a missing texture for a model) that always appears when I load the .esp on my computer. However, thought he's installed it correctly and he's running the GECK using nvse_loader.exe -editor, he's not getting any of the errors I'm used to seeing.


    I've had him reinstall the GECK Power Up, but these still aren't showing up.



    New Information from his report:


    Opened fallout NV.esm, did the tutorials steps, creating a new quest and blah blah, saved it as an .esp. Went to edit data in the .ESP /after/ having closed out of the Geck because I'd finished the tutorial, and editing things crashed the Geck.


    This includes changing an NPC's name (right click and rename), checking "Low Level Processing." I've had him made some changes to interior cells and other things (the save time seems long...30-45 seconds even with moving a single item in a duplicate cell. That usually takes about a second for me.)


    It seems to be mainly focused on when he does anything with NPCs. Just changing a race from Caucasian to Ghoul caused it to hang, the memory usage to skyrocket and finally kill the GECK.

  7. One of my new scripters is having a problem with his GECK I've never seen before. He's configured it exactly as I have on my own machine, but any changes made to the .esp causes a massive failure.


    Here's his detailed report. Any suggestions would be extremely welcome.

    But the instant I go to make any new data or change any data around within the actual files of Ponyville Core (.ESP), the GECK doesn't just crash - it tries to go and take my whole machine with it. It locks my system up after a few crashes, and my memory usage goes through the roof.

    To more appropriately describe the problem -

    Changing data on a form of any kind that is contained within our project files (Say, form NIDEAxyz1234) in any place causes a freeze - seemingly as though the program goes to save the change. It hangs there, the GECK appearing responsive but not accepting input of any kind. Memory usage (RAM) quickly increases over the course of a minute or so until it clogs up the entire system. This requires forceful killing of the process via Task manager. Patching it with the suggested NT-4GB patch does not solve the Memleak issue, it's merely speeding it up. CPU usage bounces around, thread count goes up in the 80's before it freezes and locks itself.

    System specs
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 820 - Quad Core CPU at 2.7 GHz
    RAM: Dual channel 1600mhz, 16GB
    OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
    (Note: he has enough hard drive space, has Fallout: New Vegas installed outside of Program Files & his video card is a GTX 750)
  8. A thought occurs to me: do I really need a child worldspace for an exterior combat scene on a raised platform? I know there's nothing in that area in vanilla save for a few random calazdors. This would bypass the portal thing entirely.


    What would you folks do?


    And if you wanted to regenerate LOD (specific for objects, as I'm intentionally leaving the landscape & textures identical) for just one tiny area in the WastelandNV, is that even possible?

  9. Thanks for the detailed step-by-step. So far, everything looks good. I did have to "patch" some holes in the cliffsides & rockfaces as they weren't mean to be viewed from that particular angle, but that seems no big deal. It'll look a little odd when you go in there, but it's part of a canyon, so it shouldn't matter too much (at -21, 11).


    However, I've run into two issues:


    I see the settings for "Make sure the new woldspaces" "World Map Offset Data" matches the Parent Worldspace," but it doesn't appear like I have to change anything as the WastelandNV has a X/Y offset of 0. WastelandNVMIni has an offset of -16400, 90000. Am I missing something?


    In addition, how do I "activate" the new child worldspace? I've gone in-game to the spot where the new area is supposed to be, but it's still the vanilla version.


    Any suggestions?

  10. So for one of the big climaxes for the story, the player will fight a boss on the edge of a communications tower that overlooks the Mojave Wasteland. The location of the tower is set to be directly west of the Spring Mt. Ranch State Park and south of Red Rock Canyon. I was planning on putting it about halfway up the cliffside.


    However, with our deadline arriving soon, does anyone have ideas on the easiest way to do this?


    Is there a way to "fake" it like the Repconn Control Center where you launch the ghoul's rockets? I'd prefer not to entirely rebuild LODs and similar things.


    Or would it simply be just as easy to have a large utility "pod" that juts out over the landscape?


    Any suggestions would be appreciated. I've even considered a "fake" worldspace where I have the end of the tower be at the bottom of an area surrounded by cliffsides, tight enough so I don't need to worry about LOD.


    Thanks for your concern, but the cross-post is intentional to attract the largest possible audience due to the high-priority need. The forum rules don't seem to me have anything in them specifically about cross-posts (just spamming, and two posts is hardly spam in my view), but if one of the mods disagrees, their word will be the last one.


    Thanks for the bumps, too! :)

  12. Please Note: This is a repost from the Nexus Mod Authors Forum. I realized that folks who don't have access to those series of forums would not be able to see it, so I'm reposting it here while keeping the Nexus Mod Authors Forum Post.


    As some of you may know, we are in the midst of developing a story-driven mod experience for Fallout: New Vegas called “Gardens of Equestria: This Coming Storm," a mod featuring dozens of levels, an entirely new worldspace, custom music, fully-voiced NPCs, hostiles, and companions, and new weapons, armor, and enemies. It is the first chapter in an ongoing story that will continue in Fallout 4.


    However, our team has run into an unexpected hurdle. One of our scripters recently had to leave the project due to an excess of real-life demands on her time. In the wake of this development, we are looking for an experienced scripter willing to step into this role to keep us on target for our current estimated release date.


    You do not need to be a fan of MLP or Fallout: Equestria for this position. You simply need to have an understanding of scripting and some experience with working on quests, dialog or companions in the GECK for Fallout: New Vegas (or similar; e.g., Fallout 3, Oblivion, or Skyrim) and an interest in being part of the exciting accomplishment this opportunity offers, particularly for those interested in bulking up their portfolios for entry into the game industry proper. We're looking for a serious candidate who's willing and able to buckle down and work flat-out for the next two months, with the possibility of staying on for the continuation of our work in Fallout 4.


    If you're interested, please contact us! You can either do so through by applying at http://gardensofequestria.com/index.php/staff-credits/project-staff/the-team/ or contacting the project lead directly at [email protected]. With your inquiry or application, please include a sample of modding work you've done in the past as well as an explanation of your experience with scripting generally if you haven't worked extensively in the GECK.


    Thank you for your time.

  13. There's actually a script that can point out Dependencies (at least in FNVEdit, not sure about Fallout 3, sadly). All it requires is the first two digits of the DLC you want to remove. This happened to me and I wanted to just have Old World Blues as a dependancy. Took me months before the kind folks here showed me the path.

  14. As some of you may know, we are in the midst of developing a story-driven mod experience for Fallout: New Vegas called “Gardens of Equestria: This Coming Storm," a mod featuring dozens of levels, an entirely new worldspace, custom music, fully-voiced NPCs, hostiles, and companions, and new weapons, armor, and enemies. It is the first chapter in an ongoing story that will continue in Fallout 4.


    However, our team has run into an unexpected hurdle. One of our scripters recently had to leave the project due to an excess of real-life demands on her time. In the wake of this development, we are looking for an experienced scripter willing to step into this role to keep us on target for our current estimated release date.


    You do not need to be a fan of MLP or Fallout: Equestria for this position. You simply need to have an understanding of scripting and some experience with working on quests, dialog or companions in the GECK for Fallout: New Vegas (or similar; e.g., Fallout 3, Oblivion, or Skyrim) and an interest in being part of the exciting accomplishment this opportunity offers, particularly for those interested in bulking up their portfolios for entry into the game industry proper. We're looking for a serious candidate who's willing and able to buckle down and work flat-out for the next two months, with the possibility of staying on for the continuation of our work in Fallout 4.


    If you're interested, please contact us! You can either do so through by applying at http://gardensofequestria.com/index.php/staff-credits/project-staff/the-team/ or contacting the project lead directly at [email protected]. With your inquiry or application, please include a sample of modding work you've done in the past as well as an explanation of your experience with scripting generally if you haven't worked extensively in the GECK.


    Thank you for your time.


    -The Manehattan Project Team

  15. (This was originally posted to the Mod Authors forum, but I decided to broaden the audience to see if anyone else has some experience with this)


    While this is part of the ongoing LOD troubleshooting issue I'm dealing with for the Appleloosa Valley worldspace, I thought it might be better to start a separate thread. Zilav has been totally awesome in helping me get to the point where I can finally get the LOD running, but I ran into something strange (again).


    [Aside, Zilav has the patience of a freakin' Pope]


    So there's a couple large lakes, a small river and a few pockets of water here and there in the worldspace. The LOD generation was (mostly) successful for the terrian, the meshes and the objects (more on that in a bit). Where once I would have square gaps in the LOD of the water planes, now its solid...


    Until the player approaches it. And then the water "retreats" away. It's like the LOD of the water is just fine, but it's not generating for the "detail bubble" that surrounds a player (I don't remember the proper name for it).


    If I use TCL and go high enough, the water plane becomes completely intact and when I go backwards, the next "cell" of the water plane will reappear, only to vanish again if approached. And just as usual, I can still swim in the water.


    Has anyone encountered something like this? I'm fairly sure that it's actually not a LOD issue because the LOD seems intact.


    Here's a few screenshots to give you a better idea of what I'm seeing. (I'll get some better ones in a couple hours)




    Even stranger are the small pockets of water I have. I get a sliver of the water with the ripple texture assigned to the worldspace, but only a sliver.



  16. Andddddd...once again I feel like a complete idiot.


    I was using the "Merge Plugin" script to create a new master, as that's what I've been doing in the construction of levels. I didn't realize it wouldn't work correctly for the worldspace. So I did the plugin injection it talked about it the FNVEdit Manual, which is now what I know you meant, Roy. I actually already had once with the correct FormIDs already. It just needed to be added in and the old version of the worldspace removed entirely.


    Now I'm left with that weird water retreat issue and some odd LOD textures...but at least the damn thing works again.


    Sorry for the freakout. I was bashing my head against the wall and if I had just @#%#$^%# read the manual closer...

  17. What "Launch Screen" are you speaking of?


    In my experience, using FOMM to drag and drop the files in the correct order is usually fine. However, you do have to start FO:NV at least once (get to the small splash screen) so the .ini will be generated.


    FOMM is in my opinion, a bit simpler to manage than NMM. You need to run it after starting FO:NV and then it'll prompt you asking you to change the .ini file from read-only.


    The only other thing that crosses my mind is if you have it in Program Files instead of somewhere else on your Hard Drive. Windows can get persnickety about making adjustments to things in your program files.

  18. All I'm loading is the .ESMs dependancies which are FalloutNV.esm, OldWorldBlues.esm, GoE Canterlot Core.esm (Which should have no impact. It's all NPC/item/weapons, no location data) and SpeedyResource.esm. I'm only using the plugins that I'm actively working on.


    I've made a couple troubleshooting attempts in trying to isolate the issue. I created a new .ESM with everything but the worldspace and another one with ONLY the worldspace. I then merged the .ESP with the revised worldspace with the .ESM containing only the worldspace. This seemed to work without any problems. I even loaded it in the GECK and everything seemed intact. It's when I merge that .ESP created by the first merger with the .ESM without the worldspace that everything goes straight to hell . FNVEdit tells me that every item and every cell shows in column view (with the worldspace-only .ESP compared against the complete .ESP) with the first colum saying [REFR:06803564] (places CliffVertiD2 [sTAT:0015ECA4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:06800528] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:06800000] at -19,3)) is now [04803564] < Error: Could not be resolved >


    I tried to look up information about adjusting the Master Index (in truth, I haven't needed to change anything with this in all the mergers before now), but I haven't found anything specific on changing it. I don't actually know how to do that. The only oddity has been the FormID lists that are generated by the Merge Plugin which always seem to cause serious problems whenever I made further changes in the GECK. In the past, I've actually removed these.


    All I've been doing is selecting both the .ESM with the original worldspace and the .ESP with the revised worldspace (and only those two). Then I use the "Merge Plugin" script in FNVEdit like I've done dozens of times before. The strange thing is that it seems to be fine. It takes about an hour and a half because of the sheer amount of records. It's not until I run "Check for Errors" when FNVEdit goes nuts and I get errors like the following:


    [00:06] LAND \ Record Header \ FormID -> [04802CB4] < Error: Could not be resolved >
    [00:06] [REFR:06803155] (places NVNRockCanyon12 [sTAT:0011987F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [04802CB3] < Error: Could not be resolved >)
    [00:02] [REFR:06800C0A] (places IndExtSmDockExSm01 [sTAT:000483C9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:000E1A19] (in WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" [WRLD:000DA726] at -12,-15))
    [00:02] REFR \ Record Header \ FormID -> [04800C0A] < Error: Could not be resolved >


    It sounds like I have yet again missed a critical phase of this in changing the FormIDs to the Master Index. Could you alleviate my migraine and tell me how exactly that's done?

  19. Okay, so I decided to finally go through and make the massive amount of changes my worldspace required. Since it was suggested by several people on this forum, I was using Mod Organizer to launch the various programs such as GECK Power Up & FNVEdit.


    So when I'm going to merge the worldspace changes into the patch (I did it in an .esp with the .esm dependency as a safeguard), I suddenly get this GIANT list of References that are being injected into another one of my .esps. References that make no sense...turning cliffsides into terminals...and all sorts of strangeness. I don't even know what I'm reading to be honest. I went again and did the merge and it resulted in the most error-laden monster I've ever seen.


    I've never seen this type of behavior before when loading a modified .esp and I'm really worried that I'm going to have to redo everything. Please tell me there's an easy fix here. Or failing that, tell me a way I can copy the worldspace changes (and they are only worldspace changes: landscape vertex adjustments, redone textures, replacing various rocks, cliff with items that have LOD, resizing, new trees, etc) into a clean .esp or into the .esm itself?


    I tried to rename the FormIDs in the .ESP, but I always get this error: Error: Can't remove FormID [03000E47] from file [05] GoE Ponyville - AV Redux VA100 - (Cleaned Copy).esp: FormID not registered - And then I cannot find that FormID in the .ESP for the life of me.


    Somebody please tell me how to fix this and how I can prevent this from ever happening again. I'm freakin' desperate here.


    Here's the part of the original list when I load the new .esp with the .esm

    [00:01] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:06000E4F] (places CliffVertiA1 [sTAT:00156266] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:040167B0] (in AAAGoEAppleloosaValleyVB300 "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:04000B01] at -13,7)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:01] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:06000E50] (places CliffVertiA1 [sTAT:00156266] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:040167B0] (in AAAGoEAppleloosaValleyVB300 "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:04000B01] at -13,7)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>a
    [00:01] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:06000E4D] (places CliffVertiD2 [sTAT:0015ECA4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:040016E9] (in AAAGoEAppleloosaValleyVB300 "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:04000B01] at -15,8)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:01] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:06000E4E] (places CliffVertiD2 [sTAT:0015ECA4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:040016E9] (in AAAGoEAppleloosaValleyVB300 "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:04000B01] at -15,8)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:01] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:06000E51] (places CliffVertiA1 [sTAT:00156266] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:040016EB] (in AAAGoEAppleloosaValleyVB300 "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:04000B01] at -14,8)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    Here's the evil list of everything changed in the merged .esm.

    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AACC] (places offhallsmwall [sTAT:00137546] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AACD] (places offhallsmwall [sTAT:00137546] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AACE] (places NVStain01 [sTAT:000E3998] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AAF3] (places letterR [sTAT:00020E99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AAF4] (places letterO [sTAT:00020E96] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AAF5] (places letterY [sTAT:00020EA0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AAF6] (places letterM [sTAT:00020E94] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AAF7] (places letterA [sTAT:00020E88] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB05] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB08] (places TenpennyRug01 [sTAT:0003ECC4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB0A] (places dlc04lightceiling01on [sTAT:000F1E7E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB0B] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB0C] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB0D] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB0E] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB0F] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB10] (places dlc04lightwall01off [sTAT:000F1E84] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB11] (places ShelvesWooden01 [sTAT:00025B46] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB1D] (places NVFicusDead02 [sTAT:00116B63] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB1E] (places TenpennyVase01 [sTAT:0002DF2F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB2F] (places LamplightChandelier [sTAT:0002E432] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB30] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB31] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB32] (places NVGSRmEnd [sTAT:00106C0A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB33] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB34] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB35] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB36] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB53] (places Clock01 [sTAT:0001F0C5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB62] (places Clock01 [sTAT:0001F0C5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AB87] (places Telephone01 [MSTT:000389C6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ABA6] (places HotelLamp [sTAT:0008B5DB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ABBC] (places HotelLamp [sTAT:0008B5DB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AC10] (places OfficeLetterCubbyBase01 [sTAT:00096286] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AC12] (places OfficeLetterCubbyTop01 [sTAT:00096287] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AC9F] (places OffRmLightOFF01 [sTAT:0001F83A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACA0] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACA1] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACAA] (places OfficeLightAmbCool [LIGH:0003C2B8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACAB] (places OfficeLightAmbCoolDark [LIGH:0003C789] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACAE] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACAF] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB0] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB1] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB2] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB3] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB4] (places NVGSRmWall01 [sTAT:00106C0C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB5] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB6] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB7] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB8] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACB9] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACBA] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACBB] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACBC] (places OffHallSmRoom01 [sTAT:000A1EE9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACBD] (places BathroomSignUnisex01 [sTAT:000207EE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACBE] (places DrinkSinkBrokeSTATIC01 [sTAT:0005C589] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACBF] (places DrinkToiletBrokeSTATIC01 [sTAT:0005C5BD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC0] (places TPdispenser01 [sTAT:000AFC33] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC1] (places HandDryer01 [sTAT:00035ACB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC2] (places RestroomMirror02 [sTAT:000AFC31] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC3] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC4] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC5] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC7] (places NVGSRmCorInExSmR01 [sTAT:00106C01] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC8] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACC9] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACCA] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACCB] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACCC] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACCD] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACCE] (places NVGSRmCorOut01 [sTAT:00106C07] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACCF] (places NVGSRmWallExSm [sTAT:00106C0F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD3] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD4] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD5] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD6] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD7] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD8] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACD9] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACDA] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACDB] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACDC] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACDD] (places NVGSRmCorIn01 [sTAT:00106BFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACDE] (places NVGSRmCorInExSmL01 [sTAT:00106BFF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACDF] (places NVGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00106BFD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACE0] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACFC] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ACFD] (places LamplightChandelier [sTAT:0002E432] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD09] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD0A] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD0B] (places NVGSGSFreeCol [sTAT:00134A79] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD0C] (places NVGSGSRmCorInExSmL03 [sTAT:00134A9F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD0D] (places NVGSGSRmCorInExSmR03 [sTAT:00134AA0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD0E] (places NVGSWallDoor [sTAT:00106C13] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD10] (places NVGSRmWall03 [sTAT:00106C0E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD11] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD75] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD7E] (places NVGSRmEnd [sTAT:00106C0A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD7F] (places NVGSRmEnd [sTAT:00106C0A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD80] (places NVGSRmEnd2Way [sTAT:00106C0B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD81] (places NVGSRmEnd [sTAT:00106C0A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD82] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD83] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD86] (places NVGSWallONLY [sTAT:00106C12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD88] (places GoENVGSDoorHidden "Cracked Wall" [DOOR:0500AD87] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD8E] (places RCTable01 [sTAT:0006482C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD8F] (places RCTable01 [sTAT:0006482C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD90] (places RCTable01 [sTAT:0006482C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD93] (places DeskOfficeMetalNV "Desk" [CONT:0009A287] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD95] (places DeskOfficeMetalNV "Desk" [CONT:0009A287] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD96] (places DeskOfficeMetalNV "Desk" [CONT:0009A287] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD99] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD9A] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD9B] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD9C] (places DeskOfficeCornerMetalNV "Desk" [CONT:000CCF93] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD9D] (places DeskOfficeCornerMetalNV "Desk" [CONT:000CCF93] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD9E] (places DeskOfficeWooden "Desk" [CONT:000587B1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AD9F] (places DeskOfficeMetal "Desk" [CONT:0001CA90] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADA0] (places DeskOfficeMetal "Desk" [CONT:0001CA90] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADA1] (places DeskOfficeMetal "Desk" [CONT:0001CA90] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADA2] (places DeskOfficeMetal "Desk" [CONT:0001CA90] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADA3] (places TenpennyRug01 [sTAT:0003ECC4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADA7] (places DeskOfficeWooden "Desk" [CONT:000587B1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADAB] (places DeskOfficeWooden "Desk" [CONT:000587B1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADAC] (places DeskOfficeWooden "Desk" [CONT:000587B1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADAD] (places FilingCabinetBunch03NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF95] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADAE] (places FilingCabinetBunch03NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF95] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADAF] (places FilingCabinetBunch03NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF95] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB0] (places FilingCabinetBunch03NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF95] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB1] (places FilingCabinetBunch04NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF94] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB2] (places FilingCabinetBunch02NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB3] (places FilingCabinetBunch02NV "Filing Cabinets" [CONT:000CCF9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB4] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Garbage Can" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB5] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Garbage Can" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB6] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Garbage Can" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB7] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Garbage Can" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB8] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Garbage Can" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADB9] (places GarbageCanUrban01 "Garbage Can" [CONT:0001CCCD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADBA] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADBB] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADBC] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADBD] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADBE] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADBF] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC0] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC1] (places FilingCabinetNV "Filing Cabinet" [CONT:000CCF92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC2] (places EnclaveTable01 [sTAT:000872DF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC3] (places EnclaveTable01 [sTAT:000872DF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC4] (places DrinkWaterfountain01Avg "Water Fountain" [ACTI:0001E017] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC5] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC6] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC7] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC8] (places CrateShippingOffice "Crate" [CONT:00037897] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADC9] (places Clipboard03 "Earnings Clipboard" [MISC:00025237] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADCA] (places Clipboard03 "Earnings Clipboard" [MISC:00025237] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADCB] (places ChalkboardDirty01 [sTAT:000194B7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADCC] (places CoffeeMug01 "Coffee Mug" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADCD] (places CoffeeMug01 "Coffee Mug" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADCE] (places CoffeeUrn01 [sTAT:0002E3B2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADCF] (places DeskPadPlanner01 [MSTT:00022D7F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD0] (places Folder01 [sTAT:0002137E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD1] (places Hamradio02 [sTAT:000EA227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD2] (places HamRadio01 "Ham Radio" [ACTI:0002942E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD3] (places Handradio [sTAT:0014632D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD4] (places Handradio [sTAT:0014632D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD5] (places Hamradio03 [sTAT:000EA228] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD6] (places Intercom01 [FURN:000ABF27] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD7] (places Intercom01 [FURN:000ABF27] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD8] (places Handradio [sTAT:0014632D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADD9] (places LockerVaultR01Office "Locker" [CONT:00058715] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADDA] (places LootFootlockerOfficeLock "Personal Footlocker" [CONT:000CB5E4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADDB] (places NVDLC03PlasmaGlobe [MSTT:0100A314] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADDC] (places NVceilingFan [sTAT:00105175] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADDD] (places NVceilingFan [sTAT:00105175] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADDE] (places NVceilingFan [sTAT:00105175] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADDF] (places NVceilingFan [sTAT:00105175] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE0] (places NVceilingFan [sTAT:00105175] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE1] (places NVceilingFan [sTAT:00105175] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE2] (places OfficeShelfWoodSolid256a [sTAT:00071FF7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE3] (places OfficeShelfWoodSolid128b [sTAT:00071FF4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE4] (places Paperweight "Paperweight" [MISC:0003409D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE5] (places Telephone01 [MSTT:000389C6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE6] (places Telephone01 [MSTT:000389C6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE7] (places Telephone01 [MSTT:000389C6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADE8] (places Telephone01 [MSTT:000389C6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADEB] (places Telephone01 [MSTT:000389C6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADEC] (places TerminalDeskHulk01 [sTAT:0002B422] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADED] (places TerminalDeskHulk01 [sTAT:0002B422] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADEE] (places TerminalDeskHulk01 [sTAT:0002B422] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADEF] (places TerminalDeskHulk01 [sTAT:0002B422] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADF4] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADF5] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADF6] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADF7] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADF8] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADF9] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADFA] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADFB] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADFC] (places TerminalDeskR01 [sTAT:00042655] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500ADFF] (places Typewriter01 [sTAT:0003180E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE00] (places Typewriter01 [sTAT:0003180E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE01] (places PostalBox [sTAT:0003D97F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE02] (places PostalBox [sTAT:0003D97F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE03] (places OfficeFan01 [MSTT:00017AC8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE06] (places OfficeFan01 [MSTT:00017AC8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE07] (places OfficeFan01 [MSTT:00017AC8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE08] (places OfficeFan01 [MSTT:00017AC8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE12] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE14] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE15] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE16] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE17] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE18] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE19] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE1E] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE1F] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE20] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE24] (places BasementLightAmbWarm [LIGH:000695BB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE27] (places IndFXLightRays01 [sTAT:000612C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE28] (places IndFXLightRays01 [sTAT:000612C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE29] (places IndFXLightRays01 [sTAT:000612C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE2A] (places IndFXLightRays01 [sTAT:000612C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE2C] (places IndFXLightRays01 [sTAT:000612C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE30] (places IndFXLightRays01 [sTAT:000612C0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE36] (places NVGSRmCorInWindowL01 [sTAT:00106C03] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE37] (places NVGSRmWallGlass [sTAT:00106C10] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE38] (places NVGSRmWallGlass [sTAT:00106C10] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE39] (places NVGSRmCorInWindowR01 [sTAT:00106C05] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE3D] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE3E] (places dlc04lightceiling01on [sTAT:000F1E7E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE3F] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500AE40] (places dlc04lightceiling01on [sTAT:000F1E7E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B55C] (places Ashtray "Ashtray" [MISC:00034057] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B55D] (places ChemTubeRack01 [sTAT:00025085] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B55E] (places ChalkboardDirty01 [sTAT:000194B7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B55F] (places Briefcase01 "Briefcase" [CONT:00167820] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B561] (places AssortedPapers01 [sTAT:0002509E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B563] (places AssortedPapers01 [sTAT:0002509E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B565] (places AssortedPapers01 [sTAT:0002509E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B566] (places AssortedPapers04 [sTAT:0002509B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B567] (places AssortedPapers05 [sTAT:0002509A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B56A] (places AssortedPapers03 [sTAT:0002509C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B56B] (places AssortedPapers03 [sTAT:0002509C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B56C] (places AssortedPapers03 [sTAT:0002509C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B56D] (places LockerVaultR01Office "Locker" [CONT:00058715] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B56E] (places CoffeeMug01 "Coffee Mug" [MISC:0003406C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B56F] (places FuelJar01 [sTAT:000E7501] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B570] (places FuelJar01 [sTAT:000E7501] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B571] (places FuelJar03 [sTAT:000E7500] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B572] (places LootSafeFloorOffice "Safe" [CONT:0009BE54] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B573] (places OfficeChairRuined01R "Chair" [FURN:00003F0F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B574] (places OfficePapers01 [sTAT:00021380] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B575] (places SubCouchDirty01F "Ruined Couch" [FURN:0008D34F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B576] (places SubCouchDirty01F "Ruined Couch" [FURN:0008D34F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B577] (places SubCouchDirty01F "Ruined Couch" [FURN:0008D34F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B578] (places SubCouchDirty01F "Ruined Couch" [FURN:0008D34F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B5BE] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B5BF] (places dlc04lightceiling01on [sTAT:000F1E7E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B5C0] (places OfficeLightKeyWarm [LIGH:0003C85C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B5C1] (places dlc04lightceiling01on [sTAT:000F1E7E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500B5C3] (places EnclaveLightPodAmbOrange [LIGH:0008F9DD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoETLTownHallFloor2 "Topaz Lake Town Hall Level 2" [CELL:0500AABA]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05016E89] (places NVCraftsmanHomeDoor "Door" [DOOR:000FB730] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [NAVM:05016E7C] (for GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F05] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F25] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F27] (places ShackExitRightReg01 [sTAT:00014F99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F2A] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F2B] (places NVGSGSRmCorInExSmL02 [sTAT:00107B14] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F2C] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F36] (places NVGSGSRmCorIn02 [sTAT:00107B11] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F63] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F6C] (places NVGSRmWindowSeparate [sTAT:00106C11] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F6D] (places NVGSRmWindowSeparate [sTAT:00106C11] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F73] (places NVCraftsDoorframe [sTAT:0010AC4D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F81] (places NVGSGSRmCorIn03 [sTAT:00107B12] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F84] (places NVGSGSRmWallDoor02 [sTAT:00134A82] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F85] (places NVGSGSRmWallDoor02 [sTAT:00134A82] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F86] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F88] (places ShackExitWallReg01 [sTAT:00014F9A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F8A] (places ShackWallLng01 [sTAT:00014FD5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F8B] (places ShackStairsRegRight01 [sTAT:000150D2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F8D] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F96] (places ShackWallLng01 [sTAT:00014FD5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F97] (places ShackWallReg03 [sTAT:000154DA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F98] (places ShackCornerInReg03 [sTAT:0001552C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F99] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F9A] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F9C] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005F9D] (places ShackWallLng01 [sTAT:00014FD5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA1] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA2] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA5] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA6] (places ShackWallReg03 [sTAT:000154DA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA7] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA8] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FA9] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FAA] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FAB] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FAE] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FAF] (places ShackWallReg03 [sTAT:000154DA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB0] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB1] (places ShackCornerInReg01 [sTAT:00014F95] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB3] (places ShackStairsRegRight01 [sTAT:000150D2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB4] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB5] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB7] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB8] (places ShackWallReg03 [sTAT:000154DA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FB9] (places ShackCornerInReg03 [sTAT:0001552C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FBA] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FBB] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FBD] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FBE] (places ShackCornerInReg03 [sTAT:0001552C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC2] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC3] (places ShackWallLng01 [sTAT:00014FD5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC4] (places ShackWallReg01 [sTAT:00014F9C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC5] (places ShackExitWallReg01 [sTAT:00014F9A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC6] (places ShackCornerInReg01 [sTAT:00014F95] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC8] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05005FC9] (places ShackWallLng01 [sTAT:00014FD5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006AF7] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006AF8] (places ShackWallReg01 [sTAT:00014F9C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006AFB] (places ShackWallReg02 [sTAT:000154D9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006AFC] (places ShackFillReg01 [sTAT:00014F9B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006AFD] (places ShackWallLng04 [sTAT:0001F0C8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006AFE] (places ShackWallLng01 [sTAT:00014FD5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B00] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B01] (places ShackCornerInReg04 [sTAT:000BCE99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B02] (places ShackCornerOutReg01 [sTAT:00014F96] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B03] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B04] (places BasRmFreeCol01 [sTAT:00060C19] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B08] (places OfficeReceptionDeskMid01 [sTAT:000702AE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B0A] (places OfficeReceptionDeskEndcapL01 [sTAT:000702AA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B0C] (places OfficeReceptionDeskEndcapR01 [sTAT:000702AB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B0D] (places OfficeReceptionDeskEndcapR01 [sTAT:000702AB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B0E] (places OfficeReceptionDeskMid01 [sTAT:000702AE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B0F] (places OfficeReceptionDeskEndcapL01 [sTAT:000702AA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B10] (places CashRegisterFunctional "Cash Register" [CONT:0002FAA5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B11] (places LootCashRegisterNV "Cash Register" [CONT:000FEC87] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B12] (places GroceryShelves01 [sTAT:0006A793] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B14] (places GroceryFreezer01 [sTAT:0006E04F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B16] (places GroceryDisplayCase01 [sTAT:0006DFF7] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B17] (places GroceryDisplayCounterEndcapL01 [sTAT:0006E03F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B18] (places GroceryDisplayCounterEndcapR01 [sTAT:0006E040] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B19] (places GroceryDisplayCounterCube01 [sTAT:0006F9A9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B1A] (places WorkBench "Workbench" [ACTI:00075005] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B1B] (places ReloadingBench "Reloading Bench" [ACTI:0015361F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B1C] (places GenericBookcase01 [sTAT:0011C563] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B1D] (places GenericBookcase01 [sTAT:0011C563] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B1E] (places Clock01 [sTAT:0001F0C5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B1F] (places Anvil [sTAT:00088499] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B20] (places FusionGenerator01 [ACTI:00081932] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B21] (places EnclaveTable01 [sTAT:000872DF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B22] (places DisplayCase05 [sTAT:000F0EBC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B23] (places FloorLamp [sTAT:0011C533] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B24] (places FloorLamp [sTAT:0011C533] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B25] (places JukeBoxCleanVault101 [ACTI:000A6FFA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B26] (places LabMachine01 [sTAT:0001BD7C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B27] (places HulaGirl [sTAT:0001E5E9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B28] (places HotelLamp [sTAT:0008B5DB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B29] (places HamRadio01 "Ham Radio" [ACTI:0002942E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B2A] (places MS05NukaColaNoveltyBottle [sTAT:0003A554] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B2B] (places MetalShelf01 [sTAT:0001CC27] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B2C] (places NVKhanRug02 [sTAT:00140FB3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B2D] (places NVKhanRug01 [sTAT:00140FB2] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B2E] (places NVKhanRug05 [sTAT:00140FB6] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B2F] (places PostalBox [sTAT:0003D97F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B30] (places PosterLB01 [sTAT:000BA050] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B31] (places PosterLB02 [sTAT:000BA052] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B32] (places PosterLB03off [sTAT:000BA055] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B33] (places PosterLB04 [sTAT:000BA056] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B34] (places RubberFloorMatSml01 [sTAT:000231F0] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B35] (places RubberFloorMatLrg01 [sTAT:000231EF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B36] (places RubberFloorMatLrg01 [sTAT:000231EF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B37] (places RubberFloorMatLrg01 [sTAT:000231EF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B38] (places RubberFloorMatLrg01 [sTAT:000231EF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B39] (places SSRug [sTAT:00107038] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B3A] (places ShelvesWooden01alt01 [sTAT:000A11D5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B3B] (places ShelvesWoodenHalf01 [sTAT:000A11CE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B3C] (places ShelvesWoodenHalf01 [sTAT:000A11CE] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B3E] (places Table02 [sTAT:00015832] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B3F] (places dinertable01NV [sTAT:001083A4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B40] (places dinertable01NV [sTAT:001083A4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B41] (places dinertable04NV [sTAT:001083A5] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B42] (places NVDLC03HazmatSuit "Hazmat Suit" [ACTI:01014178] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B43] (places Chalkboard01 [sTAT:000194B4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B44] (places Chalkboard01 [sTAT:000194B4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B45] (places Chalkboard01 [sTAT:000194B4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B46] (places Chalkboard01 [sTAT:000194B4] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05006B47] (places CoffeeBrewer01 [sTAT:00034178] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083C8] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083C9] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083CA] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083CB] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083CC] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083CD] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083CE] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083CF] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D0] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D1] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D2] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D3] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D4] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D5] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D6] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D7] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D8] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083D9] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083DA] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083DB] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083DC] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083DD] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083DE] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083DF] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083E6] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083E7] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083E8] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083EA] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083F4] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083F5] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083F7] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083F8] (places GroceryFreezer01 [sTAT:0006E04F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083FA] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083FB] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083FD] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050083FE] (places GroceryFreezer01 [sTAT:0006E04F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008401] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008402] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008403] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008404] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008405] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008406] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008407] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008408] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500840B] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500840C] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500840D] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500840E] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500840F] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008410] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008411] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008414] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008415] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008416] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008417] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008418] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008419] (places RubberFloorMatLrg01 [sTAT:000231EF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500841B] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500841C] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500841D] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500841E] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500841F] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008420] (places BookSkillSurvival "Wasteland Survival Guide" [bOOK:00160227] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008421] (places BookSkillEnergyWeapons "Nikola Tesla and You" [bOOK:00034041] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008422] (places BookSkillSneak "Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual" [bOOK:00034045] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008423] (places BookSkillScience "Big Book of Science" [bOOK:0003403C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008424] (places BookSkillRepair "Dean's Electronics" [bOOK:0003403D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008425] (places BookSkillMelee "Grognak the Barbarian" [bOOK:00034040] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008426] (places BookSkillMedicine "D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine" [bOOK:00034043] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008427] (places BookSkillLockpicking "Tumblers Today" [bOOK:00034046] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008428] (places BookSkillGuns "Guns and Bullets" [bOOK:0003403E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008429] (places BookSkillExplosives "Duck and Cover!" [bOOK:0006A80C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500842A] (places BookSkillBigGuns "U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes" [bOOK:00034048] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500842B] (places BookSkillBarter "Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor" [bOOK:00034042] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500842C] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500842D] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500842E] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500842F] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008430] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008431] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008432] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008433] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008434] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008435] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008436] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008437] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008438] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008439] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500843A] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500845C] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500845D] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500845E] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500845F] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008460] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008461] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008462] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008463] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008464] (places RubberFloorMatLrg01 [sTAT:000231EF] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008465] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008466] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008467] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008468] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008469] (places BurnedBook08 "Large Destroyed Book" [MISC:000A9E6F] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500846A] (places BurnedBook07 "Large Scorched Book" [MISC:000A9E6E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500846B] (places BurnedBook06 "Large Ruined Book" [MISC:000A9E6D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500846F] (places XMasLightsLng01 [sTAT:0001D3ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008470] (places XMasLightsLng01 [sTAT:0001D3ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008471] (places XMasLightsLng01 [sTAT:0001D3ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008472] (places XMasLightsLng01 [sTAT:0001D3ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05008473] (places XMasLightsLng01 [sTAT:0001D3ED] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoENAEverything "Absolutely Everything" [CELL:05016E78]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023E4] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023E5] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023E6] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023E7] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitCorIn01 [sTAT:01009D92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023E8] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02fan [sTAT:01013A51] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023E9] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02fan [sTAT:01013A51] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023EA] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02fan [sTAT:01013A51] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023EB] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02fan [sTAT:01013A51] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023EC] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWallWin01 [sTAT:01009D99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023ED] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWallWin01 [sTAT:01009D99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023EE] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWallWin01 [sTAT:01009D99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023EF] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWallWin01 [sTAT:01009D99] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F0] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F1] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F2] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02 [sTAT:01009D91] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F3] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02 [sTAT:01009D91] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F4] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitCorIn01 [sTAT:01009D92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F5] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitCorIn01 [sTAT:01009D92] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F6] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitCorOut01 [sTAT:01009D98] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F7] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitCorOut01 [sTAT:01009D98] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023F9] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmCorOut01 [sTAT:0100A235] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023FA] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmCorOut01 [sTAT:0100A235] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023FB] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmCorIn01 [sTAT:0100A22E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023FC] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmCorIn01 [sTAT:0100A22E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050023FD] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmCorOut01 [sTAT:0100A235] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05002400] (places NVDLC03X13UtlPitWall02fan [sTAT:01013A51] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05002401] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05002402] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmCorIn01 [sTAT:0100A22E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05002403] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmMidStairs01 [sTAT:01009DFC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:05] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05002404] (places NVDLC03X13UtlRmWall02 [sTAT:0100A236] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of GoERFS1Maint "Rock Farm - Sector 1" [CELL:0500649C]) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0501D649] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FDF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 13,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FE0] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FE1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 14,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FE2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FE3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 15,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FE4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:0500198C] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 12,25) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500198D] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050019F6] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 12,26) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050019F8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050019FA] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 12,28) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050019FC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002011] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 8,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002012] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002013] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 9,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002014] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002015] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 10,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05016981] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05016982] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,2) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05016983] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05016984] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,2) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05016985] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169C1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169C2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169C3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169C4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169C5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169C6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169C7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001B54] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169C8] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169C9] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169CA] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001B58] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169CB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,4) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169CC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169F4] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,5) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169F5] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169F7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,5) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169F8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169F9] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,5) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169FA] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169FB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,5) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169FC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:050169FD] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,5) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:050169FE] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05016A00] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,5) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05016A01] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C4B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C4C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C4D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C4E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C4F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C50] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C51] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C52] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C53] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C54] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C55] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C56] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C57] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C58] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C59] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,8) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C5A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C8B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C8C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C8D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C8E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C8F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C90] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C91] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C92] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C93] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C94] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C95] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C96] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C97] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C98] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001C99] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,9) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001C9A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CCB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CCC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CCD] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CCE] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CCF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CD0] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CD1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CD2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CD3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CD4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CD5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CD6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CD7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CD8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001CD9] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,10) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001CDA] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D0B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D0C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D0D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D0E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D0F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D10] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D11] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D12] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D13] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D14] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D15] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D16] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D17] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D18] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D19] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,11) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D1A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D49] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D4A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500476D] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001D49] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,12)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D4B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D4C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D4D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D4E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D4F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D50] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D51] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D52] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D53] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D54] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D55] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D56] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D57] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,12) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D58] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: NewAppleloosaEntrance [CELL:05001D87] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D88] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050041FC] (places NVNCliffCanyonL02 [sTAT:0011988D] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NewAppleloosaEntrance [CELL:05001D87] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,13)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050195E7] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NewAppleloosaEntrance [CELL:05001D87] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,13)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0501961E] (places NVWestJuniper01 [sTAT:001479E1] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NewAppleloosaEntrance [CELL:05001D87] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,13)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D89] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D8A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D8B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D8C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D8D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D8E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D8F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D90] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D91] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D92] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D93] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D94] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001D95] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,13) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001D96] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DC5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DC6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500433C] (places TreeStump01 [sTAT:00015444] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001DC5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,14)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05019621] (places NVWestJuniper03 [sTAT:001479E3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001DC5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,14)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05019622] (places NVWestJuniper03 [sTAT:001479E3] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001DC5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,14)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DC7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DC8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DC9] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DCA] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DCB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DCC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DCD] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DCE] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DCF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DD0] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DD1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DD2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001DD3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,14) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001DD4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001E04] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050041F7] (places BoxcarWall03C [sTAT:00161999] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050041F8] (places BoxcarWall03C [sTAT:00161999] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050041FA] (places BoxcarWall02 [sTAT:00161994] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004252] (places BoxCar [sTAT:0007D323] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004253] (places BoxCar [sTAT:0007D323] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004327] (places TreeDead03 [sTAT:000155A9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004328] (places TreeDead03 [sTAT:000155A9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004329] (places TreeDead01 [sTAT:00015445] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500432A] (places TreeDead05 [sTAT:000155AD] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500432B] (places TreeDead04 [sTAT:000155AB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:0500432F] (places TreeJoshCNV [sTAT:0008D47E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004330] (places TreeJoshCNV [sTAT:0008D47E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004331] (places TreeJoshCNV [sTAT:0008D47E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004332] (places TreeJoshCNV [sTAT:0008D47E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:05004333] (places TreeJoshCNV [sTAT:0008D47E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001E03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,15)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EBF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,18) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EC0] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EC1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,18) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EC2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EC3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,18) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EC4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EC5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,18) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EC6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EF5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EF6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [REFR:050195E1] (in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of [CELL:05001EF5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,19)) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EF7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EF8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EF9] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EFA] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EFB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EFC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EFD] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001EFE] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001EFF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F00] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F01] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F02] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F03] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,19) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F04] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F31] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F32] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F33] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F34] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F35] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F36] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F37] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F38] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F39] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F3A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F3B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F3C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F3D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F3E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F3F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,20) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F40] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F6D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F6E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F6F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F70] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F71] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F72] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F73] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F74] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F75] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F76] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F77] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F78] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F79] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F7A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001F7B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,21) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001F7C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FA9] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FAA] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FAB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FAC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FAD] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FAE] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FAF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FB0] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FB1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FB2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FB3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FB4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FB5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FB6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FB7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,22) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FB8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FE5] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FE6] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FE7] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FE8] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FE9] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FEA] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FEB] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FEC] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FED] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FEE] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FEF] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FF0] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FF1] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FF2] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05001FF3] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,23) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05001FF4] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002021] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002022] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002023] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002024] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002025] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002026] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002027] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 19,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002028] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002029] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 20,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500202A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:0500202B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 21,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500202C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:0500202D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 22,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500202E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:0500202F] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 23,24) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:05002030] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:05002059] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 16,25) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500205A] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:0500205B] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 17,25) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500205C] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [CELL:0500205D] (in GoEAppleloosaValley "Appleloosa Valley" [WRLD:05000B01] at 18,25) was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>
    [00:08] Background Loader: <Note: [LAND:0500205E] was injected into GoE Ponyville - AV Redux.esp>

  20. I for one, am going to replace all the files with silence as a voiced protagonist ruins my role playing experience, provided the game doesn't have an option to disable it which I sincerely hope it does.


    That's an interesting perspective. Personally, after playing Mass Effect, I always had trouble going back to KOTOR because of the lack of a voiced protagonist. As long as I can choose the response, I feel the character becomes even more real.


    Different strokes for different folks, in this case.

  21. Don;t know about pools, but FNVLODGen can use any lod resources at long as they are loaded properly, no need to go old fashioned crappy tga route.

    Since those lod meshes are from Old World Blues, make sure it's ESM is loaded when generating lod, then FNVLODGen will load associated BSA file and will be able to locate meshes.

    If you use MO, then switch off BSA management there and make sure that vanilla archives are properly listed in the game ini file because MO screws that too.


    And with that, the Object Generation worked in a matter of seconds! Most of the cliffs, buildings and structures are now visible in the distance. By the adjusting the game ini, I assume you meant the Fallout.ini & FalloutPrefs.ini, namely the Cached files, so it makes the game load the meshes & textures.


    There's two more oddities however. First of all, some cliff/rocks/mountains aren't showing up (such as the ones used for Quarry Junction, the limestone set) in LOD. There are a few other objects, but I realized that those are SCOLs I made and I'm guessing I made wrong, so that's easy to fix. The main issue is the various cliff faces, enlarged rocks, etc. Any idea what might be happening there?


    The second thing is that there is a significant difference between the LOD & the actual models, namely in their silhouette. So when a player approaches a cliff face, for example, the point where it changes is really obvious. There's actually a visible height difference for some of them. I know I've never seen anything that drastic occur in New Vegas or any of the DLCs (at least not that I remember). How does the game calculate when to switch between LOD & full-res versions and is there a way to adjust that?

  22. While this is part of the ongoing LOD troubleshooting issue I'm dealing with for the Appleloosa Valley worldspace, I thought it might be better to start a separate thread. Zilav has been totally awesome in helping me get to the point where I can finally get the LOD running, but I ran into something strange (again).


    [Aside, Zilav has the patience of a freakin' Pope]


    So there's a couple large lakes, a small river and a few pockets of water here and there in the worldspace. The LOD generation was (mostly) successful for the terrian, the meshes and the objects (more on that in a bit). Where once I would have square gaps in the LOD of the water planes, now its solid...


    Until the player approaches it. And then the water "retreats" away. It's like the LOD of the water is just fine, but it's not generating for the "detail bubble" that surrounds a player (I don't remember the proper name for it).


    If I use TCL and go high enough, the water plane becomes completely intact and when I go backwards, the next "cell" of the water plane will reappear, only to vanish again if approached. And just as usual, I can still swim in the water.


    Has anyone encountered something like this? I'm fairly sure that it's actually not a LOD issue because the LOD seems intact.


    Here's a few screenshots to give you a better idea of what I'm seeing. (I'll get some better ones in a couple hours)




    Even stranger are the small pockets of water I have. I get a sliver of the water with the ripple texture assigned to the worldspace, but only a sliver.



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