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Posts posted by TheWideMurloc

  1. I'm still learning what the limitations are for space marine 2 modding, so I have no clue if this is possible yet with the current tools, but my biggest frustration trying to get good at this game is differentiating in a snap decision, which attacks are blue parryables, and red unblockables that must be dodged. Yeah, sure, when you see it, one's red, one's blue, there's a pretty clear difference between the two, visually. The problem I'm having, though, is that the sound cue for the two are almost identical. I know they aren't actually identical, but they're so similar that, when push comes to shove, and bolter fire is flying every which way, tyranids are screeching and slashing for your eyeballs, and blood is raining from the hordes, in that short moment when you hear the alert, and need to decide whether to parry right away to hit the delayed timing for a perfect parry by the time the attack lands, or to hold back and wait for the perfect moment to hit the immediate iframes of the dodge, red attacks always seem to sound way too similar to the blue ones, and instinctively trigger the "parry" response from me, and, of course, getting nailed by the red attack instead.

    Could mods be able to change the sound effects for the red attack alerts into something more distinct from the blue attack, so that it can be more immediately recognized?

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  2. In the standard game, the Expeditioner's Cloak, which is the basic blue cape that matches the marcher's armor set, will hide the shoulderplates of most heavy armors that have them, despite not draping too much over your shoulders, and mostly hanging behind you. Meanwhile, I've noticed there are several other capes in the game that have a similar profile to the expeditioner's cloak, but do not hide shoulderplates.

    I have not explored making any mods for this game myself, yet, and I was wondering if this would be an easy change to make.

  3. Fallout 4 has a longstanding bug in third person where some weapons will incorrectly move forward/left when the backwards/right input is pressed. This is easy to replicate as it's nearly guaranteed to happen with shoulder fired weapons like missile launchers, but it also can happen on rarer occasions with other weapon types.


    Ive searched for a while, but can't find a mod that fixes this, even complete animation replacements. Does anyone know of one? If not, do you think its a fix that can actually be accomplished?

  4. It's wild how many torrent replacer mods there are on the nexus, but how hard it is to find a tutorial showing how to do it. Anyone know, or can quickly whip up a tutorial on how to replace torrent's model properly? Everything i try ends up textureless, unanimated, or not lining up with torrent's model at all creating a twisted horselike abomination of stray polygons, assuming it doesn't crash my game immediately on load

  5. I got the video's method to work. Since it wants you to check the file sizes to compare and know what to replace, i was at a bottleneck since the bnk compiler wouldn't work for me...issue was that I didn't have the older version of .net framework required to run it, so I was able to get all the included sound files replaced successfully...HOWEVER I now have another issue


    With the hard part out of the way, I went to go replace some streamed sound files which seemed easier to accomplish. Yeah, apparently not. Having followed all the steps correctly (Identify the correct sound file names, convert new sounds to WEM, rename files to the corresponding sound file names, arrange in correct folders, repack folder) but when I put the newly created pak in my mods folder, only the included sounds are replaced, and not the streamed sounds. Anyone know whats up? has anyone else had trouble replacing streamed sounds lately?


    Specifically, I'm trying to replace the sounds for the Infraknife Accelerator firing (this was the included file set and is now finished) and the Cyclotron Ballista firing (this is the streamed sound file set that doesn't seem to be getting properly replaced)


    Edit: Fix found


  6. I've been following this video tutorial to try and change the sound file I wanna change: https://youtu.be/bxc40UDmaAg

    Every other method I've tried for changing audio files that are included in bnks seems to be busted, but the audio file IDs for the sound files in the soundMod's extracted .stream files dont line up with the ones listed in the xml file for the respective bnk. As a result, while trying to replace something in NMS_AUDIO_PERSISTENT, I can't find out which file ID i need to add the replacement filename to in the data.txt. Does anyone have a method for Identifying this?


    Alternatively, is there a method for unpacking, changing, and repacking BNK files for NMS that works today?

  7. I've noticed a couple different mods on the ds3 nexus page for bloodborne animations in DS3, such as different roll animations so the player does the bloodborne dash or the broccoli dash, or whatever. However, There's one thing I don't see and that's the bloodborne roll animation.


    Now, yeah, theres less reason to make that mod since you're just changing a roll into a different roll, but there's something about the "ds1 fast roll" animation that ds3 uses for every roll weight except the fat roll that really bothers me. It looks, somehow...cartooney? like the player hangs in the air longer than they should and comically rolls snappily back to their feet.


    Ideally, I'd like the ds1 mid roll animation to return, since that one felt properly weighty in how it was animated (say what you will about how it performed, the animation was solid), but considering bloodborne's animations seem frequently modded into ds3, it makes me think there's already some kind of base for making bloodborne animations easier to import, and the bloodborne roll is a noticeable improvement over ds3's.


    Alternatively, if someone can point me in the right direction for how to make this myself, I have no idea where to start for modding animations in dark souls.

  8. I'm having trouble getting the texture "32758_14467864812956854312" (The health bar and its border/background) to appear in my texture dump folder when I load up the game in dumping mode. It seems like practically every other texture is dumping correctly, even other UI textures, but this one refuses to leave the game. I've seen plenty of mods that change this texture, which is the only reason I was able to find out the texture's file name, so it feels like I've done something wrong somewhere along the line.


    Anyone have any ideas for getting this texture file extracted? Alternatively, if someone can share their own dumped file of this texture with me, I'd be satisfied to leave the issue alone

  9. update: there also appears to be some flickering while the model swapped weapon is equipped to a loadout...like a stray pixel is jumping across the map for a split second. Its possibly an animation related issue, so maybe finding out a way to swap the weapon's animations will fix this.

  10. I'm trying to make a mod to swap the model of one weapon onto another that has a different reload animation (piranha shotgun over falcon grenade launcher) I've successfully managed to replace the model, and the weapon folding and unfolding, carry, and attachments all seem to work properly, and when reloading, the weapon even animates the breach opening properly, but the character still does the slam the bottom of the gun and pull the bolt back animation from the falcon.


    How can I get that animation swapped to the piranha's character animation? I've been digging through files related to the falcon and piranha, but can't find what needs to be changed.

  11. I've been trying to make this myself, but I can't figure out the mod tools for frostbite engine cuz im dumb. I've seen lots of blaster model swaps on the nexus, but I was surprised to see not a lot of love for the A280c (the standard issue rebel assault blaster) I was wondering if it might not be too much of a bother to replace all the factions' default blaster rifles with the A280c that the rebels have (effectively making it so everyone can use the fully automatic version of the blaster instead of the burst version).

  12. Fashion souls players may be familiar with a frustrating flaw with the lothric knight armor set. The chestpiece mixed with any other helmet in game that is not the lothric knight helmet leaves a SIGNIFICANT chunk of your character's neck exposed. This is because the armor set has a collar that typically hides the character's neck...but it's attached to the helmet rather than the chestpiece. It would be awesome if a model change can be made that removes the collar from the helmet, and instead puts it on the chestpiece, so that it can be mixed more seamlessly with other helmets. I don't know how to do it, so here I am in the forums.

  13. DS3 modding has come a long way since its release, and I've noticed some animation mods coming out, such as replacing the roll animations with the bloodborne dash. One thing i didn't like in ds3 is how the mid roll and fast roll used the exact same animation. Modders have shown that they do pull from different animations, as the bloodborne dash mods can change only midroll or only fast roll. I was wondering if we could get a mod that brings back the ds1 mid roll animation. If not in performance, only the animation would be cool to me too.

  14. oh yeah, I've personally noticed my ship's wings clipping into the platforms on either side of the station. That's another thing I imagine would be nice about having smaller wings, besides it just looking cooler


    edit: I've been thinking about it, and I think i might be bored enough to want to try and take a look through the code. What file am I looking for to alter sizes of the wings?

  15. These things:


    There a chance we can get a bit of a cheeky model edit to make them a bit smaller? I love the design, but they just seem a little...hulkingly enormous. Maybe like a size that stops about here: https://i.imgur.com/mG4qvom.png


    I'd attempt this myself, but honestly? I can't figure out the mod tools for model editing in no man's sky.

    If someone could walk me through the process, I'd also be happy.

  16. I just found a way to change the Color. I already posted it on the "Persistent Blood Splatter Removal" comment page. I just write it again here. You need to change it in the Data0.bdt file using Yapped. In the "DecalParam" there are a lot of rows related to blood. When you click on them there are somewhere 3 fields to change the Diffuse color values and 3 more for the specular too. I just changed everything that had blood in the name to the same red, because lazy me. But ingame my PC and enemies where now all covered in red.

    Before, i always thought it is supposed to be mud and was wondering why changing the values for mud in the WetAspectParam (which is also possible btw) didn't do anything lol. Well, now i know better.

    ya I hope this helps.

    every entry in DecalParam has no name, for me. Did I do something wrong?


    edit: come to think of it, every entry in every param is nameless.

    It's looking like this:



    Nevermind found the import names button. First time using Yapped


    This is quite the discovery you've made! I hope word spreads to someone who can make a convincing bloodborne blood mod. I might tinker a bit myself to see what I can do, but I doubt I'll have much success.

  17. So I was thinking earlier regarding the modding quest to make ds3's blood effects look better, like bloodborne's, that If the biggest reason it's hard to replicate is the lack of specular sheen on the blood's texture, could it be possible to hack the pus of man's blood speculars to be used by the regular blood textures? I noticed recently that their blood has nice looking bloody specular shiny to it, while the blood's diffuse texture is a flat black.




  18. I don't have enough modding experience with MHW models to know where to start for doing this myself, but the idea I had was to replace the little uh..."capes?" on the master rank legiana/shrieking legiana alpha sets with the cape from the damascus armor set. I've seen mods that mess with adding capes from different armor sets to other pieces, and assumed this could be done, but have no idea how to do it, does anyone think this is possible? I'd love to see it happen

  19. I'm now noticing that people are getting some weapon mods for Iceborne weapons made, So I'd like to bump this so if anyone has this PL list, they can see this and share it.


    edit: from a quick search im noticing this is now updated with iceborne weapon IDs, but it is incomplete and doesn't have all the information in it yet. Just the PL id and monster material its based on, and only for some of the weapons so far.


    anyone able to confirm it's accurate?

  20. So far, from a quick google search, There's no site that lists the item IDs for all the new weapons or armor for iceborne. The armors, I don't care much to learn, since the transmog tools work to change the appearance of the new armors to those of old armors, but for the sake of modding, you can't transmog weapons, so that leaves the models of the master rank weapons unchangeable, since I don't know the Item IDs to switch the models to. Unless, of course, I'm wrong.


    So has anyone found a source that lists the item IDs for all the new master rank weapons? I'd love to start using them, but I can't give up on the greatsword of artorias mod I've got, so I'm currently playing iceborne with gimped damage for extra style. I'd like to not have to make that sacrifice.

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