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Posts posted by TheWideMurloc

  1. I'm not talking about halo inspired weapons like we already have here on the nexus. I mean the actual weapons.


    I noticed in the description for this mod


    that the author got the models from vince5754 on deviantart. I looked at his page and he apparently has also made models for some other halo weapons, so maybe those can be used (with permission) as a base, though I have no experience or know-how on fallout modding. I tried to follow a tutorial using the Vince's models but got lost and confused halfway through, so I will leave it to someone who actually knows how to do this.


    If you do, you'll be a f*#@in champion in my eyes, even if it ends up barebones.

  2. When you pacify an enemy with that perk that lets you take them prisoner, it kind of sucks that you can't just take their loot and let them live. I couldn't find an existing mod to do this, and my fallout 4 modding experience is limited at best, so is there anyone out there who'd be willing to make a mod that makes it so pacified targets won't turn hostile again when being pickpocketed, and companions like curie won't lose affection when I try to do it? I'd like to spare some repentant baddies, but I just want their loot too bad as is so I have to kill em when the fighting is over.

  3. woah...is that for realsies? it's all in russian, I wonder if it'll work on a US client.


    edit: Just tried it. It works, but its got all sorts of bugs, and isn't standalone =( it replaces t-51 and your options for the headlight is either stuck in the ground casting wierd shadows from all the grass, or floating over your head like a wierd little antigravity flashlight. It'll hold me over till the work in progress nexus one is finished, at least, since I'm not sure how reliably we can talk to the author of the russian one about the bugs and/or an english version xD

  4. So I know there is a way to change the camera position for third person view, and all kinds of modifiers for whether or not you are aiming, holstered, using a melee weapon, etc. Is there any kind of modifier for while you are wearing power armor? If I adjust the camera to where i like it on foot, when I enter a suit of power armor, my aimy dot thing is completely blocked by the armor's shoulder because of how much girthier PAs are from regular armor.


    I currently just leave my camera set up optimized for power armor, but this leaves indoor settings without power armor pretty awkward in third person, so if it's possible, i'd prefer to have my camera position change when entering power armor, and revert when on foot. Is there a fallout4.ini setting or something to change this? or is there perhaps a mod that does this?

  5. So I'm pretty new to fallout 4 modding in particular, but I've modded other games before so I can do some basic stuff. One thing I'd like to do, though, I don't know how to get started. Perhaps you guys can help.


    I'd like to take the animations from this mod:



    and apply them to this mod weapon (See Below):



    I don't plan on releasing it without the authors' permissions, but either way I would still like to make it for myself. How would I go about doing that?


    Edit: With some fiddling in the creation kit, I was able to find out that the "Hammer fan" animation is simply applied to any weapon using .44 animations when the it's set to automatic. I was able to fanangle a way to get the heroes revolver to use the animation that way but I would still like to be able to keep it single shot while still using the hammer fanning animation. That is my new goal here. Anyone got some knowledge to drop on me?

  6. Pay attention to load order when doing this!


    where should the mod be in my load order?


    Also i should add that when the new version of the mod is uninstalled, the T button still does the toggle wait/follow order, like the old version is still running simultaneously somewhere I can't find it.


    While your exact advice didn't solve the problem, it did help me find a stray "Hotkeys.ini" file in my Data folder that countained the following:




    G=cgf "CompanionCommand.Command"

    Shift-G=cgf "CompanionCommand.ToggleDistance"

    T=cgf "CompanionCommand.ToggleHold"

    Shift-T=cgf "CompanionCommand.ToggleAggression"


    I changed the T's to H's and It seems to have fixed the problem, restoring functionality to the T key in menus as well. Thx for setting me on the right path =)

  7. Before you mention it, i know you have to be sitting in a chair to wait. I'm doing that, and somehow it seems the binding for T in the menus got unbound. I've had the game uninstalled for a long time, and it might be from an old experimental mod i had before the uninstall to issue follower commands, since when I have a follower with me, T seems to toggle them between waiting and following.


    I've tried downloading an up to date version of the suspect mod, that now has easier methods for rebinding the follower commands, but after setting the toggle wait/follow command to H, T still does the same thing in addition to H.


    This issue breaks a lot of menu options for me that I can not use the mouse to click on, such as recustomization and, of course, Waiting. Does anyone know of a fix for this?

  8. From what I understand, the misinformation given to us about no man's sky multiplayer is that the player TECHNICALLY exists in the same world as everyone else, but they do not have a character model, making them invisible, but you can still see their ships and their interactions with the environment. So would it be plausible for a mod to add player models to everyone, take the location of a player on your friends list, and teleport you to them?

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