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Everything posted by TheWideMurloc

  1. For example, copying, and renaming wp_a_0300.partsbnd (main weapon) of the holy moonlight sword mod to wp_a_0310.partsbnd (mortal blade) will replace the mortal blade on your back with the holy moonlight sword in this picture, i combined this method, with the original mod, and the holy moonlight sword prosthetic axe replacer for a TRI WIELDED holy moonlight sword! https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1714549569 I've also tested this with weapons from the dark souls 3 weapons pack. you can use weapons with broken kusabimaru hitboxes as mortal blade replacements, and that wont break the hitboxes
  2. sweep attacks are the number one thing in this that kills me. I have never once successfully performed a jump counter in an actual fight because i always misread it as a thrust or grab. Im used to souls where i either block, dodge, or parry, so adding JUMP to the mix is the biggest weaknes i have. I'd also love to see a different colored tell for the sweeps
  3. the new mod engine says it supposedly makes it easy. Problem is I don't know the first thing about creating, importing, or exporting object models so my skills in this matter are missing from the very first step.
  4. I noticed that model and texture replacements are already enabled for the sekiro modding scene. The biggest thing i (personally) don't like about the game is the samurais/ninjas theme (but its fromsoft souls-ish so yeah im gonna get it) Someone converted the holy moonlight sword into the game, and I loved it, but the huge model is a little unwieldy with the katana animations. I was wondering if someone could make a longsword and possibly even a knight armor set as well to replace the main character's outfit? If we're talking specific requests, my favorite set in dark souls was the lothric knight set, but honestly i'll be happy with any knight armor and longsword.
  5. yeah that one did show up after i posted this request. I was looking for a greatsword though, so I never updated this as fulfilled. I was able to rename and move the longsword's files around to go over a greatsword, but it has a weird bug where the handle becomes all wiggly and short when the weapon is sheathed.
  6. Let's say, for example, I wanted to make a conversion of the Anjanath armor to be metal instead of skin coated. I can alter the standard BML and RMT files to them a metallic color/sheen, but the normal maps (not located alongside them) will still give the item a leathery texture. Google can't help me find the normal maps for the items in the game, so I'd like your help. Can the normal maps in this game be altered? and if so where are they located/what programs will I need to alter them? I'm currently using GIMP with a .dds plugin to alter textures, and using this (https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/50) mod to convert them to dds. The files I suspect might be normal maps can not be opened when converted into dds. I tried using this converter (https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterworld/mods/16) on them as well, but the program said something about an "unhandled exception" when trying to convert the textures, and crashed before i can thoroughly read the message
  7. My favorite weapon in all of any fantasy setting has got to be the uncursed version of the Greatsword of Artorias from Dark Souls. I'd like to see it ported into monster hunter world so I can use my favorite weapon of all time in MHW. Reference pic:
  8. Nexus mod manager files can be found in: C:/Games/Nexus Mod Manager/[name of game] It should be easy enough to find. Drag and drop them into the program Vortex, where indicated on the mods screen or select them manually, it's up to you. Let me know if this helps. This helped perfectly, thanks man!
  9. I'm having the same problem and I keep hearing people say to just manually drag and drop the archives from NMM to Vortex...problem is...nobody is saying WHERE those files are. so...Where are the files I'm dragging, and where am I dragging them to in order to fix the problem? If you have instructions on how to find the directory they are saved to, that works too.
  10. I love playing in third person, but falloutscrolls games have never really done third person mode well. Fallout 4 was a significant step in the right direction, but it is still flawed in many ways. Two of which stand out to me the most. First, flashlights: Flashlights are cool...I much prefer them over the bog standard pip boy radial lamp. They have one major flaw, though...they don't work well in third person. Pointed off in a different direction than your camera, and getting completely blocked if something gets too close to your character's face. Most of this is because of where the light is attached on the player character, and the fact that its direction is tied to the direction that origin point is facing, which is not necessarily where the camera is looking, leading to the flashlight being pointed off center or sometimes even off camera, when playing in third person.. Several mods attempt to fix this. Changing the light's origin point, changing the character animations so that they face closer to the direction of the camera, but they never quite have a significant effect, or even sometimes the intended effect. But has anyone ever tried making the Camera the light source instead of a point on the player character? Would this even be possible? If it is, it would solve so many problems with the current third person flashlights. The only issues I see with it (if its even possible) are making the player character cast shadows if you have mods that enable flashlight shadows, but there could possibly be a workaround involving making the player character not cast shadows from the flashlight, or just by not installing the mods that enable flashlight shadows. For my part, i'd gladly sacrifice flashlight shadows for some actual third person functionality. Second, is power armor. Specifically the lack of a seperate camera angle for using power armor in third person. For whatever reason, the f3rdPersonPowerArmorCameraAdjust variable in the .ini doesn't seem to do jack s***. This is a major problem because entering power armor when your third person camera is set up for comfortable play on foot will cause your power armor's right shoulder to completely block the center of your screen, making it impossible to aim in third person. There is a mod that lets you change the third person camera angle in game without reloading or anything https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18246/ but going into your inventory, finding the holotape, and tweaking each individual setting to be comfortable in power armor, only to have to remember your previous settings and set them all back manually when exiting your power armor is...well, I don't think anyone wants to do that. I bring this up, though, because it means that the third person camera angles CAN be altered on the fly. Is it possible to use this kind of system to set up "profiles" or something of the sort, for "on foot" and "in power armor" that can be configured seperately? Something that will swap automatically when exiting or entering power armor? If either of these are possible, they would be a much welcome addition for third person players like me.
  11. IDK about nonlethal weapons, but this will help https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27636
  12. The Fusion City Rising quest pack includes a talking Cryoclaw companion (the blue cryo damage deathclaws). For some reason, though, it's been set to Hidden by the author. Strange, since it was such a highly rated quest pack. I'm sure it will be up again some day, keep your eyes open for it.
  13. I know I've already posted this in the forum, but It's been a MASSIVE annoyance since day 1 of Fo4's launch and I'm actually shocked it hasn't gotten more attention. We can have a comfortable third person experience on foot and we can have a comfortable third person in power armor, but we can't have both at the same time. I feel like a mod like this is essential for third person players, and has been since launch, and yet we've seen no such thing.
  14. Is it possible to make a mod that allows you to configure different "overshoulderposx, y, z, etc" profiles that automatically swap when you enter or exit power armor? I feel like a problem fallout 4 has had since its launch is the inability to properly configure a third person camera to work well both in and out of power armor. Either you get a playable camera angle for power armor, but on foot the camera is about a mile to the side of your character, or you configure it to be comfortable on foot, but in power armor your right shoulder suddenly covers center of your screen where you're aiming or even when not aiming too, if you like the camera close to your character. It's clear at this point that "f3rdPersonPowerarmorAdjust" does absolutely nothing, or else people would have found out what it does by now. The only way this can be fixed, then, is with a mod that actually changes the overshoulderpos variables when entering or exiting power armor. There is already a mod that allows you to configure these variables on the fly without tabbing out or restarting (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18246/?), but you can't save profiles, and you still have to go through the inventory to change them, which isn't exactly something you want to do every time you enter or exit power armor.
  15. There's also this: https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27599?tab=files Not quite traditional medieval knight armor, but it's full plate, and isn't power armor.
  16. well there's this which only works for third person: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24522/? and/or this that only works with revolvers: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20377/? If you use both, revolvers will be one handed in both first and third person, other pistols only in third. I'd love to see someone make FP one handed animations for other pistols as well, though. Edit: Just found out that you can use this to take care of the deliverer and other pistols that use its animations: https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27875?tab=description It won't work like that as is, though, once it's installed you'll have to go into your data folder Data\Meshes\Actors\Character\_1stPerson\Animations\ and Data\Meshes\Actors\Powerarmor\_1stperson\animations\ Should both have folders labeled "M1911A1" in them. Rename the one in the first folder to CovertSidearm And for the one in the Power armor folder you'll have to make a new folder named "Weapons", Move the M1911A1 folder into it, then also rename it to CovertSidearm This worked for me at least.
  17. I'd like to see this too, but I just don't think it's possible in F4's engine...who knows though, we thought the same thing about skyrim with multiplayer, and look at that now.
  18. I know the mod is still brand new, so It will probably be a while before anyone makes their own custom variations on it. But I'd still like to get my request out there in hopes that they will make it in game some day. First of all the mod in question for those who haven't seen it yet: https://rd.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27825 My request is to see some of the mechs from starcraft 2: The Viking: https://pre00.deviantart.net/a908/th/pre/f/2016/175/d/f/_starcraft_2__viking_xps_only____by_lezisell-da7fr4w.jpg The Goliath: https://pre00.deviantart.net/4ea4/th/pre/f/2011/124/2/7/starcraft_2__terran_goliath_by_phillgonzo-d332qov.jpg The Thor might be a bit large in scale to make work, so I won't ask for that, but if it happened I wouldn't complain. The viking, for those unfamiliar with SC2, is able to transform into a spaceflight capable jet, but I don't expect that feature to make it in game...though, as with the thor, I wouldn't complain if someone miraculously made it work.
  19. I remember back in fallout 3 I always thought the combat armor reminded me of the marines from halo 1. I second this, as well as some of the weapons. I found some models for the assault rifle on deviant art that I'm currently waiting for a response from the artist (https://vince5754.deviantart.com/)regarding permission to convert it into a mod for F4, but he hasn't done many others. I think I also saw the plasma rifle and m6d pistol on his page, but I only plan on doing the assault rifle since it's my favorite weapon from halo, and honestly, my first attempt at modding fallout 4...making progress learning, but not really enjoying it, so I don't think I'd want to do more.
  20. Pic for anyone who hasn't seen it before I'm honestly not the biggest fan of gears of war, but this is easily my favorite shotgun design in all gaming. (Though there is a bias as I'm partial to lever action shotguns) It would be cool if someone made this for fallout 4, using the far harbor lever action rifle animations.
  21. The cantina even has an arcade machine! Ill replace it with a slot machine! That'll get those bastards to enlist and serve aboard my warship! Edit: Thanks to all the chairs we have our first recruit! https://i.imgur.com/vF8caVI.jpg
  22. well, there IS a cantina on the ship, so maybe once it's assigned to an NPC more will come.
  23. As far as the airlock someone managed to add a powered vault tec door. Using some youtube tutorials you can put together an airlock system with logic gates and delayed switches (I used them to make a space ship airlock). In combination with Place Everywhere, you can even hide all the wiring for the mechanism, too.
  24. Neat. I'll give that a try when this spaceship is finished. Thanks!
  25. Sooo let's just say I spent my past couple weeks building a large space ship floating above sanctuary...well, I say floating, but it's really attached to a giant elevator as if docked with it...Anyhoo let's say something like that was built waay up above sanctuary. Pretty cool right? well How could I make it cooler? Well it would be pretty sweet if I could move sanctuary's NPCs up there to "man the ship". How would I go about doing that, if it's even possible?
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