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Everything posted by SariDecember

  1. You could either go the "hard" way and make a new esp in Geck, look for James' NPC and check the box "Is CharGen Face Preset", save and exit. Then you should be able to select the face preset in the character creator, or you could try one of these mods: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/4875/? http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/1914/? Greetz *SD
  2. Looks like a version of the Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit :thumbsup:
  3. Hey, congratz! Thanks for reporting back with the solution, so adding the d3d9swfx.dll to the enblocal did the trick? Because that's what I also wrote in my first reply!? ;)
  4. @bleedybleed If it's not on the Nexus it's probably ripped and not allowed here! ;) seriously I can't think of any other mod site, that doesn't provide ripped content and even posting links to these sites is prohibited here so you probably have to rely on your google skills!
  5. Hi vitalsine, glad to see, that someone else is struggling as I do! :P I encountered some similar problems and maybe I got some answers for you! I've managed to run SweetFX with SomberENB (but it looked really crappy)! Important here is, that you add the d3d9_swfx.dll (or whatever you've named it) as ProxyLibrary in the enblocal.ini NOT the enbseries.ini! I've tried the same with ENB of the Apocalypse but I got to the same point as you did! I'll watch this thread, maybe someone can help us out!? The "Arc" you see around the hairs is something you have to deal with because it's an ENB-typical problem with alpha channels. The arc you're seeing are the actual borders of the hair mesh, only that everything except the hairs is made transparent by a texture channel. The ENB doesn't recognize these transparent areas and thus, doesn't/can't apply the DOF in that area. When it comes to the texture issues (Doc's hair) see this thread where Brigand231 helped me out with a solution for some texture issues I had. TL:DR version: use the injector version of your ENB, add the fnv4gb.exe to the enbinjector.ini by hand and use fnv4gb.exe to run the game. That solved all my crashes and texture issues! Hope that helped, now let's see if someone can solve our SweetFX problem!?
  6. No idea about the first one, but the secound sounds like the Baby Doll Outfit from Sucker Punch!?
  7. Thanks everybody for your solutions but Brigand's tip worked, I installed and started the ENB injector, added the nv4gb.exe, ran the game and everything worked fine! I underestimated the 4gb patch, so far I was like: 4gb patch = faster loading times! XD Thank you though, Kudos to all of you! I'm gonna spend the rest of the day entering and leaving the Prospector's Saloon! =D *SD
  8. Thank you Brigand, good advice but I already have everything installed that you mentioned (NVSE, NV4GB, GameCompanion). I already read that you need to use the injector version to actually make the 4GB patch work, I'll give that a go and report back!
  9. Hey you, thanks for replying! I left the driver's unchanged, which -inis can be reclaimed from steam, only the one in the mydocuments/maygames/... folder or also the one in the game folder?
  10. Hey guys and thanks for stopping by! So I scrapped my old, totally cluttered New Vegas Installation to set it up all from the ground up! So I installed Mod by Mod with FOMM, packed them all in nice and tidy packages and sorted them. I didn't install any "conflict-happy" mods like ProjectNevada that needs tons of compatibility patches. For those interested, here is my load order: When nearing the end of adding these mods, I experienced crashes at the latest, when I try entering the Prospectors Saloon. After deinstalling some of the "problematic" mods like Interior Lighting Overhaul and/or Nevada Skies I managed to get into get into the Saloon, just to find out that big areas of the Saloon walls/ceiling/floor are black and "swallow" every light. The textures stay black when lit with the pipboy-light even after using the "tlb" command (toggle light brite). I should also mention, that I use the latest ENB binaries (v0.246) with SomberENB. This worked without any crashes on my previous install! So, here's what I've done so far: - Deinstalled/Reinstalled several mods (Interior Lighting Overhaul, NevadaSkies, ENB) I read in some threads that there were compatibility issues between the 3 mentioned above, can anyone confirm/disclaim that!? - Checked the whole bunch with FNVEdit and cleared any conflicts (There hardly weren't any!?) - Created a merged patch - Tried to use older ENB binaries - Toggled the ForceNVidiaCard-thingy in the enbseries.ini on/off and back again (I'm on an AMD card) I haven't got any mods installed ecxept Interior Lighting Overhaul that alter the Prospector Saloon Interior, or anything contained in it! I sincerely hope that one of you guys experienced something similar and can help me out, at least by confirming that some of the mods mentioned above will never work together, no matter how hard I try! If anyone can come up with a solution or a workaround, I'd be forever grateful and reward the one with Kudos, Cookies and Tandoori-Chicken! Thanks for reading this far! Greetz *Sari-D P.S.: read the above again and found it to be pretty confusing so here's a summary: Problem: crash upon entering certain interiors/interiors glitchy (textures/shaders) Relevant system specs: AMD Radeon HD 7800 series, no driver changes in the meantime Questionable mods: Somber ENB (v0.246 binaries), NevadaSkies, Interior Lighting Overhaul (NO MOD CONFLICTS)
  11. Did you remember to use ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated? It's a program that kinda tells Fallout to override the Vanilla textures when there are new ones installed! I'm not familiar with NMM but FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) had it built in. In case NMM doesn't have that feature, you can download it seperately from the mod pages!
  12. A little more info would be nice! What graphics card are you using and which binaries (ENB versions) did you try so far? There was one version (I believe it was 2.something) that wouldn't run on AMD cards, this issue was adressed in one of the following releases! I would have to look up when I'm at my PC again, but I think I'm using 2.32 right now and it works just fine!
  13. No need for a mod to do this, just hold "F" and move the mouse around, use your mousewheel while "F" is held to zoom in and out. For free camera controls, bring up the console by hitting " ^ " (tilde-key) and enter "tfc" without the quotes to enter free camera mode!
  14. Hi, you might wanna check out this video tutorial by gopher or follow the instructions in this tutorial: [url=]http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1143482-wipzbeta-darnified-ui-nv/?hl=darnified the most important part are the ini edits, since they alter the font sizes, also make sure you have NVSE (New Vegas Script Extender) installed! Good luck! *SD
  15. Never tried it out out but this sounds pretty much like it: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/41815//?
  16. Hi! Although it recieved some very mediocre ratings I really enjoyed Brink. Gives you a lot of customization and unlockables and REALLY loved the visual style and the soundtrack! Might wanna give it a go!? Greets *SD
  17. What do you mean with steam paid launchers? You can also use NMM or FOMM!?
  18. Which ENB did you download? Did you get the d3d9.dll from the ENB site? Did you drop all the files in the fallout3 main directory (NOT the data folder)?
  19. No need for a mod, you can just bring up the console and type "showbarbermenu" (without the quotes). Here you can change your haircut and -color! Greeetz *SD
  20. You can't. The only way would be to request this account to be banned/closed and make up a new one (important: do it in that order!) Greetz *SD
  21. Hi, you might wanna check these armors out: Reinforced Chinese Stealth Suit The Legacy of X-13 NCR Rearmament Colossus t49xv Geonox Restored Riot Armor Coyote Reflex Power Armor T45d Power Armor Replacement C-51s Razorback Armor Japanese Stealth Power Armor The only weapons I can think of right now are these: MrRadioactivs Weapon Collection THOR Experimental Laser Katana Hope this helped out a bit!? Have fun browsing! (and don't forget to endorse! ;) ) Greets *Sari-D
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