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Everything posted by SariDecember

  1. Right click the esp in the load order -> open in TESsnip -> Spells -> Make esm! Give it a try and let me know if it worked!?
  2. Either by using FOMM or NVEdit, what's it gonna be?
  3. As I said above! ;) did you use the fomod version or the manual install? Is everything in the correct place and did you toggle archive invalidation?
  4. Have you tried making the an esm out of the esp file? I Haven't tried it myself but I read here and there that this fixes the mismatching skin tones bug!?
  5. HI! Would have fitted better into "Mod Troubleshooting" (since it's probably mod related ;) ) also it would be good to know what mod you're talking about!?
  6. Voila: the fixed link! ;) http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_install_mods_for_Fallout_3 The mods you mentioned so far won't cause any conflicts. Conflicts are mostly caused if several mods want to alter the same thing. Good Luck and happy modding!
  7. Have you tried this: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_other-gaming/fallout-3-freezes-on-windows-7/aa60bc70-6117-435e-a45d-7ed327c306f1 ??
  8. Afaik it only works with sims2 meshes, the sims3 hairstyles are packed up in some weird package format and after installing a dozen programs and still failing I let it be!
  9. I thought about that too and since I've ported some female hairstyles from Sims 2 I took a look at the male hairstyles. Problem is, as you said that also the "male" hairtstyles from Sims2 are pretty much androgynous! I also tried to make some hairstyles from scratch in Blendergoing after a tutorial I found but encountered too much problems getting them to show up correctly in game so I abandoned that again! :(
  10. Of course it's possible and can be done with the GECK. Just duplicate one of the vanilla races and assign the tattooed body texture to that race! Now that the NPCs only use vanilla races the tattoed texture will only show on your character!
  11. Hard to say then, with all those mods installed it could be anything. Try to get FO3Edit running or try the FOMM Autosorter maybeif that fails too then I have no further clues for you, sorry!?
  12. Phew, probably a mod conflict since you got many mods installed that are famous for putting up conflicts when used in the wrong load order or without a merged patch! Have you tried checking you load order for errors in FO3Edit?
  13. Did you correct the threadedAI entry in the fallout3.ini? -> http://ezinearticles.com/?Fix-Fallout-3-Windows-7-Freeze&id=5827466
  14. Hey there and welcome to the Nexus! :) Two things you should download and install are "FOMM - Fallout Mod Manager" and "Archive InvalidationInvalidted". Also there are many good articles as well as a basic how to on installing mods here How to install mods for Fallout 3 This is written for Fallout 3 but works the same way for NV! The DLC question will answer itself pretty much during the process. The core files of the game (main archives/DLCs) are loaded first and then all the other mods! Good luck and happy modding! Greetz *Sari-D
  15. The Mod you mean was called "See your weapons" by Arcane20. Unfortunately he got banned and his mod was taken offline!
  16. Nevermind! Found a backup of the mp3s in my mp3 folder just had to sort them back in! Topic can be locked/deleted! Thx!
  17. Hey guys, I just prepped my FO3 to get back to it and uninstalled all the (crappy) installed mods to start over again. In my rush I also accidently deleted the data/music folder and now I'm wondering how to get it back. The music files aren't archived in any .bsa archive and I also tried to to open the .cab file on the cd but win7 won't let me. Any ideas how to get the folder back without doing a complete reinstall of the game? The reason I'm trying to avoid this, is that I don't want to go over all the basic tweaks again (ini tweaks, ram enabler, live disabler, ...)!? Thanks in advance, cheerz *SariD
  18. The Hairstyle is called "Top Knot Drift" and can be found in Ling's Coiffure, I'm not quite sure if it can also be found in Project Mikoto!? The face looks pretty much like vanilla with sunglasses!?
  19. The only way to get rid of an account is to contact a mod/admin and request to delete/ban the other account. You should also do it right away because having multiple accounts can also be a reason for a ban, but if you explain the given background to a mod/admin right now it shouldn't be a problem!
  20. I highly recommend modding your game. Just compare some screenshots of a vanilla game with the ones from a heavily modded game. Besides the gigantic improvement of the visuals, it can also enhance the game experience. You'll get the twist how modding works real quick so after a few rounds of trial and error you'll be able to install pretty much everything you want. As for doing mods yourself it really takes up some conviction because, as stated above you'll have to get familiar with programs like blender, nifskope, photoshop, the GECK etc and depensing on what you're up to. Be warned though that this could get really addicting once you're skills increase because you'll find yourself tweaking every little thing in the game that you think could have done better. I've seen a lot of threads where people admit that they spend more time modding than actually playing the game! If you should plan to do mods yourself I would suggest you get the retail version. I got FO3 on retail and found it quite comfortable to install it to whatever directory you want it too, which comes in handy when it comes to modding. I found it to be really annoying to expand to the 13th subfolder of the steam folder to get to my NV data folders. Just check it out and jump right into it, maybe the "appetite" for doing mods yourself comes with the inspiration by mods you enjoy. There's a tutorial for almost everything out there, some good ones in the Nexus wiki! Have fun and maybe I'll download a mod done by you one day!? ;) Greeetz *SariD
  21. Nevertheless you should talk to a mod/admin to lock down the new account because having multiple accounts could get both of them banned even if you shouldn't use the other one anymore! :thumbsup:
  22. HA! Obviously the only one to know what to expect from the latest bethesda release! Experience is a priceless thing! ;)
  23. Seriously!?!? Don't get me wrong, but did you accidently look up the R.A.T.7 or 9?
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