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  1. Hello pro,

    I noticed that a while back you offered some help on getting textures in FWE working, I was hoping to pass along my thread where I'm troubleshooting the same problems:


    Any help w...

  2. That load order is even more screwed up than the old one. If you used BOSS to sort that order, then you need to make it update its masterlist and then rerun the sort. Also, you should re-enable this component: Mart's Mutant Mod - FWE Master Release.esp. And you still haven't deactivated those MMM components I mentioned in step 1 above. Edit: and you still haven't made merged patch with FO3edit.
  3. You need to check the readme files more carefully to avoid things like these: 1. The readme file for the FOIP compatibility patch for MMM-FWE clearly says that you must deactivate these components, since they are integrated in FWE: Natural Selection, Tougher Traders and Zones Respawn. 2. The readme for FWE tells you to pick one and ONLY one from each of these pairs: Optional VATS Halftime - OR - Optional VATS Realtime ;; Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only) - OR - Optional Restore Tracers. For example, you either want to restore tracers for all weapons, or you want to restore them for automatics only, so pick one and kill the other. The same for VATS, since you obviously cannot have it running at both halftime and realtime simultaneously. 3. The readme for the FOIP tells you how to set your load order. For example, it tells you that weather mods should be loading at the bottom of your load order. To fix this I recommend you just get and install BOSS, and run that to sort your order for you. When you have fixed those installation errors, try to deactivating these components: EVE - FWE Master Release.esp EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp After you have done all that, you should then get and run FO3edit to make a merged patch. Then test the game and let us know how it went.
  4. Try disabling the mods, load back to a save from before you entered the simulation, then make a new save. Load that new save and see if the problem recurs.
  5. We need your actual load order. Recommend you export it from FOMM to a text file, and then copy and paste the contents of the text files to a reply here.
  6. Sounds like your volume levels are messed up in the ini.
  7. For starters, your load order is a bit messed up. I recommend you get and install BOSS and use it to sort your load order. Pay particular attention to the list of notes it will generate based on your mod list. Also, I'd recommend killing the unofficial patch; it tends to cause more problems than it fixes when you try to run it concurrent with overhaul mods - and since you have 4 overhauls running that UOP is a problem magnet.
  8. Installing software, particularly games, into the \\programfiles\ tree on Win7 or Vista is always a bad idea, as it puts you afoul of the UAC (Big Brother for Windows). As for your particular issue, did you have archive invalidation enabled in FOMM? If you have it enabled there and also activate the mod Archive Invalidation Invalidated, the two fix modes are going to collide and cause problems. I recommend just using the FOMM method - you can check it under the Tools menu in FOMM.
  9. Just sidestep the issue by using FOMM instead.
  10. CCMech, you do realize those posts you are replying to are over a year old, right? I seriously doubt those dudes are tracking this thread any more.
  11. If you look at the RH_Ironsights page here on the Nexus, Rogue Hallow included some links at the bottom of the description page - the first link there is exactly what you are after.
  12. Tsk, tsk...didn't read the readme files. (You and about 99% of the rest of the world :tongue: ) You need to deactivate these three components: Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp And for this pairing, you need to select one only and kill the other. FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers.esp --OR-- FO3 Wanderers Edition - Optional Restore Tracers (automatics only).esp And this plugin is wrong - FO3 Wanderers Edition - Followers Enhanced.esp; you should be using the Broken Steel version of this plugin instead of this one. And if none of those things get your menu to appear, then try killing these three plugins, cuz I have seen these cause this very problem for some people: EVE - FWE Master Release.esp EVE - FWE Master Release (Follower Enhanced).esp EVE Anchorage - FWE DLC Anchorage.esp Once you get the menu to appear and can get into the game ok, then quit back out, resort your load order using either FOMM or BOSS, and then make a merged patch using either FO3edit or Wrye Flash. (Lemme know if you need more info on any of those utilities.) Good luck!
  13. Need your load order. The no menu thing is usually a result of a mod or mods you have installed, but to narrow it down we need to see the whole list and the order in which in they are loading. Best way to post it is to export it from FOMM to a text file and then copy and paste the contents of the text file.
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