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Everything posted by TonyTitan

  1. Nope...you can use them at any point in your game. New character or older one.
  2. Doesn't SkyRe tell you not to be adding things mid-play? I'm not certain as I don't have it. But for as big of an overhaul that it is, I'd imagine adding pieces in midway isn't the best of ideas....And since you added a pretty important piece into it, with the addition of a DLC, you might have to try an uninstall and reinstall of the mod. Uninstall it, start your Skyrim and create yourself a new save game....exit....install the mod again with all the correct pieces for it...then start Skyrim again. As I said, I'm not certain as I don't use that mod...but since a portion of it is causing the messed up text...to me a logical thing to do would be to reinstall it.
  3. I'm just posting what NMM says when uninstalling it. "Do you want to remove all of Nexus Mod Manager's Configuration Files? Doing so will reset all of Nexus Mod Managers settings. Either option will keep your mods in tact." Then you select Yes or No. So you should be good to go.
  4. Papyrus logs don't equal crash logs. Skyrim's crash generally happens prior to papyrus recording it. Post your load order using the spoiler tag...keep any error messages, or messages regarding cleanings attached as well.
  5. Try using both of these mods: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29624 (Race Menu) And http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33526 (Showracemenu Precache Killer) Even if you don't use the first one....download the second at least. It helps immensely.
  6. SKSE won't remove the graphic settings that you set with Inspector. You can look at your skyrimprefs.ini to verify everything.
  7. If you launch Skyrim using the launcher in your Steam Library....Once the game opens, and you see the main menu of options, click on the "Data Files" link.....Are all of your mods checked as activated there?
  8. "Personal Computers" weren't even in existence during my childhood. My first 'introduction' to a "PC", was a green monitor and a keyboard.....to get anything to work you had to type every line of code. Basic, was the language...Bill Gates was still devising a plan to get his hands on DOS for cheap cheap money. LOL! I don't use the Bethesda Hi-Res texture packs either...but you should keep them in place in your Skyrim folder, or Steam will continually try to download them to your account/PC. The cheats are listed merely for testing once you get back to Vanilla. I think the 'gist' of that guide is that you test with their cheats, then once everything is going smoothly for you, start a new character and game.
  9. Are you sure you didn't just 'squish' your lists off to the side? See the divider lines between 'Category', 'Version', etc? Put your mouse pointer directly on one of those lines, left click and hold, then start dragging the lines to the left and right....notice the column will shrink and expand....play around a bit and see if you didn't just collapse a column. As far as I know, you can't delete any of those headers.
  10. Read here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/982523-cant-download-a-mod-to-nexus-mod-manager-for-any-of-the-nexus/
  11. Sounds like your browsers may have some sort of script blocker enabled that is preventing the green button from activating. So....download manually, then at the top left column under the Mods Tab of NMM, select "Import Mod from File", and let NMM do it's thing. The benefit to you being that you will gain your simple uninstalls again.
  12. What type of monitor are you using? You say that you just built your PC, does your monitor need drivers too?
  13. Papyrus logs aren't crash logs....You'll basically just give yourself an unwanted headache, and shoot your blood pressure through the roof thinking that every error message you see in there is causing your Skyrim to crash and burn. The only thing that I can tell you from what I saw though, is that lvlpredator script has been known to be a bug....IF I recall correctly. I even think Bethesda has acknowledged this, but has yet to do anything about it.
  14. That's what it's supposed to do....after that point it starts gathering information about your system (space available on your hard drive, etc.). Depending on the speed of your PC, it might take awhile. Then it will proceed to install your Steam software....You may be able to speed up that process by downloading the Steam software yourself beforehand, then try to install Skyrim.
  15. With the exception of any of the Unofficial Patch Mods....disable or uninstall any mods that you think are causing your trouble, then load up a save game PRIOR to when those mods were installed and see if you can resume your quests.
  16. Man I feel your pain...I'm in the midst of reinstalling Skyrim myself. Game went all goofy on me last night to the point of unplayable. One thing you should do, if you don't already...Follow the STEP guide for reverting your Skyrim to a Vanilla state. It sure beats downloading the full program off of Steam. http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again That's another thing too....have you tried running your Skyrim with Steam offline? Not closed, since it has to be running...but just offline. Maybe there is something there that is causing you to crash on a vanilla game??? (Just tossing a suggestion out on that one really...something to try anyways.) Wish you the best of luck!
  17. OK...no worries. I wasn't certain if it was related or not. My Skyrim was acting all goofy last night & since the recent Steam update, for some strange reason. I'm reverting back to Vanilla and installing my mods again.
  18. It's not hard to learn. You run it, and then it downloads a "Masterlist" from the BOSS team, then it sorts your plug ins. It will then report all of the "Recognized Plug ins"....or the mods that the Masterlist knew about, it will have those recognized plug ins sorted into an optimal load order, plus tell you if any particular plug in is 'dirty'. (In which case you will be told where to go to download a cleaner for it)....and BOSS will report if any of your recognized plug ins are missing any dependent mods. (Or masters in which that plug in requires) Then you will notice, if you have any, Unrecognized plug ins......these are your mods/plug ins/.esp's or .esm's that BOSS is not yet familiar with. Those mods you will have to sort into your load order manually. Which isn't to terribly difficult. Just look at your recognized listing....if you have an unrecognized player home, and are adding one that is unrecognized...simply put the unrecognized one by the recognized one. Repeat for armors, weapons, etc....
  19. Nexus Mod Manager to download and install your mods...Or Mod Organizer is another. BOSS to optimize your load order Wyre Bash to create any bash patches you might need. TES5Edit for cleaning and editing any mod errors that BOSS may report. 4-5 tools that should be utilized when modding your game. All are available on the Nexus, or the have a web page that directs you to the place to get it. (Sorry that this is just a blunt, to the point post...been responding a bit today and trying to get some gaming in...and now it's after 2am and I'm just getting tired. LOL)
  20. I'm not certain if this is related to your script or not, but I thought I would just make you aware of it since this script has been the last thing I have added to my Skyrim Data folder.....but now whenever I try to sleep, I am getting a CTD after a few moments. So I might get a few seconds, which equals 2-3 hrs of the black screen (player sleeping), but then I just ultimately CTD.
  21. Do you use BOSS? Nothing is guaranteed to give you that perfect load order. I'm not saying it's not possible, just saying it's not guaranteed. Since everyone's PC's are different. But BOSS will provide you with a fairly accurate and optimal load order. Just be sure to read the individual mod pages as well. BOSS might say one thing for placement of a mod, but the mod author might say something polar opposite.
  22. Since he hasn't been updated in over a year, and all of the patches that Skyrim has added in that time....I would have to suggest you dump that mod. To much has changed in the game, and the mod author apparently didn't feel that mod needed updating, or they lost interest. But I'd consider dropping it.
  23. I have ALWAYS crashed along that road....Vanilla game or modded, I would crash. Finally I just started saving prior to the area that I knew the crash occurred. (Which for me was always near the wolves that attack) But I'd crash, load the save game back up, and would be able to move on. I don't know if it's just a bit of bad coding in that area or what....but I know that no matter what I do to try to avoid getting straight past that area, it never works.
  24. I don't think it's your temps. They look pretty good. I know you mentioned in your first post about using the monitor, but what you want to check is if you're hitting a high VRAM usage. Skyrim seems to crash in the neighborhood of 3.2 gigs....And Mazuffxi has some good points too. Open Cities has been known to cause problems....the other 2 mentioned I'm not familiar with, so I am not certain.
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