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Everything posted by Azrael120782

  1. Wasnt there one for FO3? What about a little sister who wanders around? use a child and make her all pale and dead looking then add some sort of needle thing for her to carry
  2. I voted Arcade because I could never trigger his questlines even though he liked me and I did the thing to make it so it triggers.I voted Veronica because of the thing of not teaching you the perk.Raul cause I cant figure out how to trigger his questline,Rose bugged once for me were I couldnt complete her quest.(Went to the Silver Rush and made them mad at me BEFORE I had her as a companion) Boone I think is way to over powered, And a tad too accurate. But that explains why Boone can kill near anyone/thing with one shot.
  3. Glad to know im not the only one whos having so many issue since the update, I dont mean to bash on Betheseda and Obsidian,because I know the hard work and effort that goes into the creation of a game but New Vegas feels half-assed and empty compared to Fallout 3. the patch has caused the Velxuarus guy to vanish from Nipton. So that quest is broken now. the old patch made it so recruiting Boone was a hassle.I had to push my target to the spot for it to work. Patches are the devs ways of fixing some bugs and adding tons more.
  4. I thoght the Caster was a welding device? Then the millitary made it a weapon,but to me,if it was a welding device it should fire more of a plasma arc,not a bolt.
  5. Finger of God:D I have it and its just to pretty to use so its in my houses Mantle place I took on the Deathclaw and got whipped hard but that was cause I found him on accident lol
  6. True BUT We can use a generic diving suit and beef it up and give the port holes a color.They use red and yellow so why not Green and Orange? with the GOW thing,Wed be refrencing it,not using the characters,just the event,im sure in the wasteland a squad has lost the noob from poor weapon care, You cant get in troble for that can you? The COD-BC can be done with NCR troopers and Rangers using the DTOs.There already is a dislike of Rangers.Or use Ranger Vets instead. the BC was just regular soldiers who were a little off.The Misfits sort of fit there too. RVB can be done with a set of power armors. having a group being some random color and the other one a random color.then have them kill each other and the last man standing can dance or something to be amusing.
  7. DOOM Guy can refrence really anything The Rock as a fairy. Need for speed series-make a bunch of cars or a road block on one of the roads Quake lll Arena-parody by having a group of people killing each other RVBs minion guys who kept killing each other in the Beaver map,and have this group constantly killing each other Gears of War-Find a group of NCR soldiers (4) have one go to another complaining of a gun jam then BOOM! headshot! COD-find a a ghoul who is Ghost (to go along with how upset people were with his death) OR find a squad of NCR soldiers who look like they do from COD Unreal Bioshock-find a wandering giant wearing a diving suit Bad Company-find a group of NCR soldiers who are making fun of "The pussies and their heartbeat moniters" and have the COD parody mention Bad Company
  8. PoRTaL! Find a computer like Mr House called GLaDoS and have her promise cake:D
  9. Sure you havent seen the Sawn Off Shotgun? the pump action one
  10. You may have to wait,I havent seen one on here yet
  11. I can say I have no idea on what im doing in the GECK or using Blender/.NIFscope.But Im always willing to lend a hand for ideas:D i have plenty
  12. That I love! One of the most popular shows and easily recognized! Great Idea! Kudos To you! I can piture it now, we'd do a large area and have them talking absolute non-sense so to the courier they seem crazy then one pulls out a denotor and off in the distance we see a megaton bomb sized explosion or two! All this as they laugh or something. Oh thats such a good idea. I absolutely love it, but it will be awhile before we can do big scripting ones like that, but I'll work for this one, most likely in will be in an expansion of the mod, after we release a good beta and get more capable scripters then we can try to pull off big showy fun ones like that, Oh it'll be so good. I can imagine Jaime and Adam wearing the goggles and glasses from the bobs headwear mod and lab coats, maybe make a joke that Tory will be the one activating the bomb, then we could script a burnt skeleton spawning above but near the PC so it looks like he was blown away to them and cooked in the process. Becuase Tory is so gun hoe he'd totally try to light an atomic candle. Heres a bit of a mod.Seeing as adam is sort of nuts anyways, have him dancing around like he does and have one of them wearing their Heat suits.THEN use the big one bomb thats in the Wild Wasteland perk,have them start talking and rambling about explosions and random stuff about them and how "Jamie wants big boom" and then have them set it off,and then a skeleton comes flying into the screen taking out one of them and the other yells "Hey Tory! youre ok!" Borat meets Bruno:D
  13. why not Mythbusters? have a pair of guys who like blowing stuff up and are really really good at it and have either be dead or when you find them they accidentally blow themselves up?
  14. Hellsings pistols and the the older guys wire gloves/Alucards clothes and the older guys? Perhaps like an expansion of Vances?
  15. Yeah that one,I dont usually play with a fem character but all the lady mods for followers amuses me so I get bored and make them wear random things,that and my girl plays it too,and shes easily amused with the Sims like mods. Same here,I dont like making my people look like hookers,nothing wrong with them looking good lol. No need to reply to troll comments, just use the report button. -myrmaad
  16. The earstud i think can be found in the My Cloth Collection NV
  17. True,but NY has Plum Island,thats a big time germ factory for the conspiracy nuts. FEV+Plum Island? Would be kinda cool to see the history of the FEV there.But I hear theyre moving it to the midwest. We need to visit Area 51!!!!!
  18. I noticed not too long ago that my laser effects stopped working,i.e the 10mm had no effect even tho I had the mod on the gun. Then I got the WME and only the Grenade machine guns laser effect works,did I do something wrong here? or am I not the only one who's noticed this bug thingy? I stop fiddling with Fallout and I forget it all.. Oh and my rig is running 4 gigs ram,AMD Phenom CPU and an ATI Radeon card (im totally brainfarting on my stats on card and cpu but it runs FONV and FO3 AND UT3 at max settings witch is nice for once:D )
  19. I had that mod and if conflicted with Vyntages better looking Cass and Veronica:(
  20. Ive been toying around in the GECK a bit and Ive been tinkering on : http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=36738 And Im using the large good springs home,but my issue is,that Veronica(so far im only working on her) just stands where ever I put the This is our home right here thing/ How can I make it so that my followers will wander around or possibly wander into the vault? I honestly have no idea on what Im doing in the geck lol
  21. I think thats something fallout really needs is a variety of people,everyone looks the same, and I have to agree,pregnant santa? kinda creepy for my tastes
  22. To me,Ive honestly never found things to be offensive. I find the rise of the Nazi system fascinating ( History nerd lol and what about all the other games that have Nazis in them? Wolfenstien COD,MOH,sure those are in somewhat historical adages,but we dont get all grr at them for it? maybe its cause in FO we dress up as them? I always found it fun to blast a Nazi in the nards) If you dont like it dont click on it.Dont look at it dont attack it or whatever. if you find something offensive,theres constructive criticism yes,but an all out attack isnt needed,after all no sense in feeing a troll.
  23. Using voices sure would be hard to do,dont need those copyright freaks on you. And the adult Ralph would need an adult voice lol a kid voiced adult sure would be funny.And arent most audio clips from that movie not in the best quality? Theres always Scrooge,could make him a ghoul all grouchy and grumpy. and hes a vendor who sells things insanely prices? *EDIT* seeing as this is the Gambryo engine,can we just port mods over from FO3? With permission of course,
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