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Everything posted by InuyashaFE

  1. Is he? Huh. Well I suppose I'll have to look for that tome, I never knew he was known until now. :/ Still, he's evidently not widely known as he's never had a shrine in the games before, unless it was in Daggerfall or Morrowind. No shrines, but technicly he wasn't around to really interact. Still, On Oblivion has mentioned him by name since Daggerfall, which means someone on Nirn has to know about him. Well fair enough, you're right. If I had actually read that book, I'd know that. :P
  2. Is he? Huh. Well I suppose I'll have to look for that tome, I never knew he was known until now. :/ Still, he's evidently not widely known as he's never had a shrine in the games before, unless it was in Daggerfall or Morrowind.
  3. Most nords you see have this strange Nordic accent on them. The Khajiits have their Khajiit accent. Imperials, Redguards and Bosmer seem to have an American accent. High Elves seem to have an English accent. I can't even place (male) Dark Elf accents. What I'm curious of, though, is where the hell Brynjolf and Delvin are from. Brynjolf is a Nord, Delvin is a Breton, yet they don't have anything close to the accents the rest of their peoples have. Brynjolf has an Irish accent, Delvin has an English one, where in Tamriel would they come from to have such odd accents? o_O
  4. Jyggalag probably isn't concerned with the mortal plane at the moment, and you can't really commune with him because he has no worshippers. He's been Sheogorath the whole time, Jyggalag is pretty much unknown on Nirn.
  5. And the Daedric Lords would care about whether you know how to wield something because...? Most lords probably wouldn't give a damn, you're lucky enough to receive the artifact in the first place as far as they see it.
  6. The Bandit brave (or Stupid) enough to pickpocket a Werewolf and survive to tell the tale deserves a Mug of Mead and a medal. :thumbsup: Don't forget to give him a Darwin award. :P
  7. That awkward moment when you get mugged as a werewolf.
  8. I actually agree on this, hell, some tactics beyond just "rush until he dies" would be nice.
  9. I have two characters. Myr'Kva, an assassin-mage who joined the vampires in the Dawnguard DLC and proceeded to climb the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood and the Thieves Guild. She's psychopathic and only concerned with what she can gain from her endeavors. Far as she knows, she's always been this way... Garen the Gorgeful, a former Bandit Leader who was caught during an attempted raid. He took his apparent survival as a sign to stop his criminal activities (for the time being) and got caught up with his Dragonborn duties. While not the most moral Dragonborn, he's going through a rocky path to becoming Skyrim's hero. He dual-wields a couple of axes.
  10. The racism was a dealbreaker because Ulfric claims that the Nords are being oppressed and that he's fighting for them... And yet he oppresses the Dark Elves by confining them to a slum. That's utter hypocrisy.
  11. Call of Valor, it lets someone else take the heat while I save my sorry ass.
  12. Essentially I try to keep my game lorefriendly as possible. And I don't strip loot. That's less of a rule and more me being lazy, though.
  13. It depends on what you wanna play as, I've played mage, warrior, and assassin/thief and they're all pretty fun. Race is pretty much up to you as well, I usually can only stick to Argonians and Khajiits.
  14. You could probably change how the item is marked in the CK? Shouldn't be too difficult, if you have the know how. It's a pretty simple fix if I'm right.
  15. Is it the wizard mercenary in Riften? If so, I've got the same problem. I think it's caused by Amazing Follower Tweaks.
  16. Where did you guys read this?
  17. This is a motherf*#@ing outrage. Ya know, if it weren't for the mods I probably wouldn't even play your games, Bethesda.
  18. She was also presumably in hibernation. It likely depends on whether they're resting or not. If they're resting in a coffin, probably not. But if they're active, probably.
  19. If you ask me, it's more like the norse heathens are being oppressed by the church. Talos actually seems to be closer to Thor, according to my heathen friend. Talos and Thor are both hero-gods of their people, after all.
  20. I just started playing Morrowind today, and one of the things I'm disappointed Oblivion and Skyrim didn't have? Clothing that doesn't morph to match your gender. If I wanted my male Argonian to wear a skirt, I could put him in a skirt. Oh and Spears! f***ing Spears. Whatever happened to those?
  21. 1. Bug fixing 2. SPEARS 3. Weapon and Armor variety
  22. Sounds like a you problem, I have no problem with the Argonian voices. The human voices however, bug me to no end.
  23. If you don't want people to read it, don't post it. You didn't create it. You have no artistic license to it, nothing. The only thing you've done is play the games that Bethesda made, and Bethesda alone can actually say what Elder Scrolls is. If they want Dragon Riding in, it'll be put in. If you don't like it, go back to Morrowind. I have no idea what this TESF thing you're talking about is, but they don't represent the entire Skyrim fanbase. You know what? Just leave. Come back when you're ready to act like an adult.
  24. How long are you gonna keep saying that? You have no right to say what ES is, only Bethesda does because they made it in the first place. If you wanna go and tell them what their franchise is, go ahead, but they'll laugh in your face.
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