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About Logik729

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  1. Hello everyone just as my thread title says i just bought morrowind the game of the year edition online and was hoping the community could share some advise on what mods to install i like major overhaul mods and small one as well. I have never played morrowind but i am a veteran of oblivion and skyrim,. Just got a little bored with those games and i heard so much about this game i figured why not give it a go even though is an old game. So i was also hoping for some tips on what to expect when playing morrowind in relation to the other titles i mentioned above. Any information will be helpful. I thank you all in advance for taking time from your day to help a fellow gamer out. Repectfully Logik.....
  2. Hi i don't know if this is related or not but i didn't want to start a new thread just for this so i figured i'll post it here instead i have been trying to download a few mods i get to the part where i pick a mirror and i get this message after selecting one Service Unavailable. Technical description: 504 Gateway Time-out - The web server is not responding Now i tried several diffrent mirrors and get the same thing and i have 4G internet connection here at my residence with a great signal so i know is not on my end. I just figured i bring this to you attention. Is no big deal i'll try again later on. Cheers and thank you for providing us this great website. Respectfully Logik729....
  3. That's great news thanks for the info. Hopefully that means most of the mods i have are safe to use as well. I you using any mods yourself?
  4. I like to know this as well or do we have to wait for a new SKSE update?
  5. Well i still have another hour or two before i can play. I can't wait to see what it looks like.
  6. Just bought Dawnguard and Heartfire for $16.00 not to bad of a deal.
  7. Hello my fellow members and thank you all in advance that decide to help a fellow gamer out. Basically i am seriously thinking of reinstalling skyrim and starting from scratch because of issues i have been having of late regarding all the mods i am currently running.Now i just within the last month or so returned back to playing skyrim after like a 5 month hiatus. Well it turns out that a lot of the mods i have where obsolete.But i just kept installing the newer mods that where released recently and tried to get rid of the old ones but i believe that somewhere along the line something got messed up but i can't get my finger on it.I just get a lot of random crashes and game freezes which back in march was not an issue for me.And yes my skyrim is completely up to date and no i don't have dawnguard yet.So i figured i just start over. So what mods do you recommend i start over with for every category and aspect of Skyrim? Also can i still use the HD Packs the Bethesda released in conjuction with the other graphic mods out there at this time or do i need to use the BSAopt 64 program to convert them into loose files and then remove the HD BSA files Etc so the graphic mods from here can overwrite the originals that came with the game like i had to do before? Thank you Respectfully Logik. P.S here is my Rig's specs just for reference. Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506) System Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC. System Model: CM5570 BIOS: BIOS Date: 08/11/09 15:03:14 Ver: 08.00.14 Processor: PentiumĀ® Dual-Core CPU E5300 @ 2.60GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.6GHz Memory: 8192MB RAM Available OS Memory: 8192MB RAM or 8GB DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Graphics Card: EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti 2GB GDDR5 SuperClocked 972Mhz GPU with the latest drivers. I currently have my card set up at 995 MHz GPU and at 2052MHz Memory Clock.
  8. Well i guess i am on my own.Since 28 people have viewed this thread and said nothing.Thanks anyways!
  9. Anybody got any answers for me.There are a lot of talented modders on this website surely someone might know something of which i am inquiring about.Please it will be greatly appreciated.Thank you...
  10. Hi i need some advice from an expert regarding a mod i am trying to create for myself using the ck.Basically i am trying to slow the leveling rates so it takes longer for me to level up.I was using Game setting organizer mod but it is obsolete. So i read around and found out that i can edit these files to have the desired affect that i am searching for. fxplevelbase fxplevelupmult imaxsummonedcreatures itrainingnumallowedperlevel ftrainingmultcost Now what i need to know what values does everyone suggest i use? I tried doing it on my own using the CK created a plugin of my own but when i start a new game my settings don't show up.I still level up fast.I looked everywhere on the web for a tutorial but to no avail. Now in the Ck under settings the xplevelbase value was 170.0000 or some thing like that i reduced it to 50.0000 and fxplevelbase was 30.0000 i reduced that to 10 and created a plugin and saved it.But As i mentioned above it didn't work. I will be very grateful for any information & suggestions anyone can offer me. Thank You Very Much. Respectfully Logik729
  11. Hi i have for the last 2 days have tried to download mods from here and it seems that i can't download any mod bigger then 10mb sometimes less before my download stops and quits downloading.I have tried to download the Skytest mod and a roman weapons and armor mod but every time i try to download them my download just stops after 5mb to 10mb. I have tried different mirrors to no avail.Now i have very,very good internet service as a matter of fact i have 4G and i have unlimited data for my phone so i know the issue is not from my end.Furthermore i downloaded Tytanis's mod a few days ago and it downloaded just fine.I was hoping if someone can shed some light into my perplexing situation. Thank You..Respectfully Logik729
  12. Thanks for the info.Downloading now. :thumbsup:
  13. Exactly what Luckylewis said,This is obviously an armor mod you are using.What mods do you have installed? I also searched everywhere for the bow in your other thread and the armor you are showing in your screenshots in this thread and found no info on them anywhere on the web.
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