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Everything posted by ratrace

  1. My guess on why Bethesda, the father who left us us at birth with the tools to survive (to quote your metaphor, Dark0ne), is suddenly back now is the following: They are preparing another paid mods debacle. Simple as that. And they want to cash grab with minimal effort in the same way that they release their games. Once again they've shown their indifference towards the modding community. They could have known better from the Valve / Steam workshop crap. But they chose to ignore that. They chose. I can't stress that enough. I can only speak for myself, but I must be clear: There's only ONE reason for me to play a Bethesda game at all: the mods. Their vanilla stuff is mediocre at best. So the dumbest thing Bethesda could do is upset the modders.
  2. In response to post #9039058. I agree with most of your posting. Thanks for putting some reality in here. I sometimes feel tempted to go rampage when I read some douchebags who are claiming that lack of money is the result of not working hard enough. Read that crap just yesterday on these very sites. And I feel deeply sorry for the makers of the Nexus that they have to cope with that. I know, there's no political discussion allowed here, but to keep it simple: All you "from dishwasher to billionaire" - baby boys and girls out there: The times when hard work could get you anywhere are not over, they were never really there. Anyone can become wealthy, not EVERYone. And if you get wealthy depends on anything else but hard work. To reduce the social and financial position of an individual to nothing else but his own responsibility is the pinnacle of stupidity and ignorance. The latter is even worse, it shows a malicious intent. But who wants wealth? Being able to live without feeling economical pressure by just buying food and paying rent already already would be good enough. Try to live on your own, without mom and pa and granny financially supporting you. With diseases disabling you and sending you to breadline. With unemployment. I hope you're not. I hope you're fine and will be til the end of your days. Stop kicking downwards. Try to look up. Try to face fears of social downfall without turning against others. Grow a spine.
  3. In response to post #9033473. #9034217 is also a reply to the same post. Didn't read it actually until now, and it addresses some points I made in my post. Most important "if you can't afford it, you don't need to feel guilty". Thanks for clarifying that. I guess a forum like this one may be the wrong place to go in-depth with some topics. So misconceptions and overreacting seem almost unavoidable. No offense intended, however.
  4. In response to post #9030501. #9030907, #9031358, #9033330, #9033413, #9033613 are all replies on the same post. "Catch 22...... that's a term I've not heard people use in a while" And a damn funny movie... sorry for the OT
  5. Quote Dark0ne: "No, Premium Membership is about people who want to help support the sites. If you're baulking at the price point then you've completely missed the point of the entire service and, frankly, you're not who I'm looking for support from. " Sounds like "You don't pay anyway, so shut up." At least to me. But what I really wanted to say is that the price raise does not only affect the Nexus, but also the average guy out there. On breadline you have to think how to pay your f*#@ing electricity bills, rent etc. So people who don't support the Nexus financially are not in every case those who don't want to. Some simply cannot. This may come to mind when looking out of the window.
  6. Hello folks! I think the topic says it all. I totally love the Princess of the Woods armour, but I like to switch body types every now and then, and sometimes I like to use UNP skinny. Unfortunately, there is no PotW conversion for that body type, and I don't know how to do that. I asked the mod author if she (I guess it's a she) knows anybody who did that or if she would be willing to, which she declined (which is absolutely ok and understandable, don't get that wrong). So I decided to post a request here and keep my fingers crossed. This is the original mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/18008/? If someone would help me out, SydneyB would link to the conversion on her mod site. Regards, Ratrace
  7. "48 CPU cores and 192GB or RAM across 6 virtual servers" Now THAT would make a decent gaming rig... Jokes aside, as much as I'm annoyed (sometimes) by the site downtimes or the download servers not working, I completely appreciate and value your work and effort.
  8. In response to post #8293877. #8293887, #8293928 are all replies on the same post. Rumors are that there are ladies here on the Nexus too, and some of them are even allowed by God and willing to see male genitalia. Oh-la-la. Honestly: I couldn't agree more with both of you. Anyone who can't stand nudity should be aware that this may very well be his business, but there is no law whatsoever that forbids sites like the Nexus to show nudity to adults. I for myself am tired of people trying to force their prudery, messed up sex education or religious beliefs on anything they see. Honestly, I've never experienced such a fuss on nudity like I've seen it here, and I really don't envy the mods and admins, cause they are the ones that must cope with that. They have better and more pressing matters to deal with. Just read Dark0nes previous posting(s).
  9. Happy Birthday Nexus and thanks to all the people involved for their hard work!
  10. I can't login on the SkyrimNexus since hours. It's ok if site has issues, even if it lasts for weeks, but if there is something bigger going on - what about a message on the front page? Somethong like "Login doesn't work, we're working on it" or so?
  11. The site issues were really annoying, but what is of much more importance is to take a break from the daily grind on a vacation. I hope you recovered well in Greece, and I thank you for your hard work on this site.
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