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Posts posted by Undeadbob666

  1. Well since I'm not much on technical advice, the only advice I can give is if your using any mods. Try disabling any recent mods you've added, and then load your game to see if that was the issue. Most likely culprits would be any mods that alter settlement building. If your not sure what mod did this you'll have to deactivate all your mods and then activate them one at a time (while starting the game each time) to see if this fixed the issue.


    Best of luck, playing a beth game is an exercise in patience if anything.

  2. Have they changed that back from what they posed in the FO4 agreement, because in that they clearly stated that mods are the copyrighted material of their creators, not the company.


    What they have is an allowance clause, meaning they can make use of the idea/theme a mod has and implement something similar if they wish.


    To be fair I based my statement off the morrowind TOS, since its the only one that I had a physical copy of lol.


    Anyone planning on releasing such a mod would run into a copyright and ported content problem, since Bethesda doesn't allow swapping their stuff between their games.


    Seeing how they excelled at blatant mod theft i.e porting New Vegas mod Autum Leaves into Far Harbor, taking the modding community for granted by making the RTS a fundamental game mechanic (yeah they acknowledged the modder. And the modder got ZERO for all heir hard work to date), it seems only fair to reciprocate.


    Recreating assets would be a waste of time. However, ideas can be permanently borrowed without permission. Or rediscovered and/or reinvented with a different coat of paint. If BGS can do this, then so can the modding community



    Actually according to the terms of serivice, betheseda owns the copyright on any mod. You have no right to them, they can do whatever they want with any mods created past, present or future. Since as a modder you are using their toolset and game assets to create such mods. Its all in the terms of service, I would suggest reading them if you do plan on creating mods.


    Nope, that person would get banned for using one game asset in another, Bethesda doesn't allow it, and Nexus enforces it, which is also why no mods exist for it.

    But I've seen mods for ''classic'' stuff in Fallout 4. Could a model and textures be made from scratch instead of reusing the 3/New Vegas stuff?



    Yes it could be made from scratch, however most mods are made by people who want to use them. It just takes allot of time to create such projects from scratch, especially for no finacial gain - however sometimes you luck out and maybe someone somewhere is working on this same exact thing.

  5. There are some good elements in fo76 that I could see as fo4 mods. If doable.


    - The condition system would be ok. Repairing weapons and armor every now and then would be cool. We are already doing it to power armor pieces... so... maybe?


    And... hm... nope. Don't know anything else constructive to take from fo76 (that isn't available as a mod already). Maybe someone will get the scorched added to fo4. You know... really REALLY anoying pseudo-ghouls everywhere. xD


    I thought there was a armor condition mod, but I'm not finding. This is a mod for weapon jams, this one for weapon overheating or this one for weapon repairs. There is not one for armor sadly, though it was the damage thresholds mod but I guess not. So fallout 76 is still has nothing to offer lol. Well except for armor damage, those bastards.

  6. Well I read the mod page, and it seems it really only works if you use mods that jack-up the precombines by altering the outside world space. If your not using mods that add objects to the world space, you might not need the mod. Also under posts he/she notes that if you use this ini entry "bUseCombinedObjects=0" that you should remove it (I don't know if I ever had that, been playing Skyrim lately).


    I would say you don't need it unless you have mods that alter the landscape, or if you have really bad FPS in boston.

  7. Todd uses all the profits for MC Hammer pants, what makes you think they'd ever release a less-buggy version of any game. Beth programmers are garbage compared to all the god-level skilled modders that exist out in the ether. Without mods we'd never have all the bug fixes that exist currently, beth creates more bugs never would they lower themselves to fix any.

  8. I've used it in my survival games, I have PTSD from the skyrim fast travel bug so I decided to never fast travel in future beth games. It makes my game pretty stable, and it usually fixes problems my mom has with her game (she has a crappier computer). It also fixes more than boston, would have to look at the mod page since I don't remember. However you may just be fixing the same thing the mod fixes, not a modder so it may just seem like a simple fix for you guys lol.


    I also use Private Profile Redirector, it fixes a very glaring problem with how scripts are loaded with this antediluvian engine beth games use.

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