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About zelurs

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  1. I think dragon armor is much better suited in Skyrim than the god awful Daedric set which makes you look like some kind of superhero..
  2. I've thought about the same thing, so seconded.
  3. Or even better, make a quest to ally with forsworns and become a briarheart.
  4. I'll support the idea, this is exactly what we need.
  5. I posted earlier same kind of idea about hypothermia(among other ideas..), my idea was that you would get cold damage if you are in water, so you would need resist cold potions (and nords would withstand it a little better). And greater damage from northern ocean than from lakes and rivers.. Disease is propably easier to mod, but I think you should stack resist cold potions instead of cure disease when fighting with cold :) But yes definitely something I would endorse nonetheles. Now I just roleplay so that I try to avoid water as much as possible, but a mod for that would be sweet.
  6. Sounds very good, that would indeed be sweet and I would download it immeaditely. But about your example, with high enough sneaking skill in vanilla, enemies can step on your toes and still don't find you (just murmuring about the wind killing his partner..) On the last mission of the Brotherhood, I sneaked through the middle of well lit tavern room full of people without them noticing.. you can make a better sneaker than Garret in vanilla.. :D
  7. There are lots of them flying around, at least eagles, crows or some such.. they don't land enywhere apparently, but there are birds.
  8. I haven't tried this myself, but MrSlackPants has done this mod: http://skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5288
  9. Really big linear railroaded pipes aka boring. And most of them aren't even that big. I think most close to my vision of a good dungeon was Arkngthand in Morrowind (dwemer ruin near Balmora). It was fun to explore, but even that was a little bit smallish eventually. Dungeons in Daggerfall were huge, but boring as they were all random labyrinths, but those were still more fun to explore than their counterparts in later parts of the series imo.
  10. Stand where you want to put the enchanter, open the console (the ยง button above tab) and write "player.placeatme 000BAD0D", without quotes of course. With setangle command you can rotate it to fit in place (eg. setangle z 250). You can read more from here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/477049-renovate-your-house-with-console/
  11. So, I have couple of mod ideas and musings that I wan't to throw in to the air. I don't know if they are possible to realize in to practice as I have zero modding experience, but if they are maybe some modder will get some ideas from these.. Cold water: Skyrim is a cold place so the water must be freezing (especially in the north on the ocean). So far I've been roleplaying this, I try to touch as little as possible to water as it would be an ugly way to die from hypothermia. It would be fun to actually have a mod for this. Maybe submerging into water would start to inflict cold damage to character, so you would need resist cold potions if you wanted to explore something underwater or just swim to that serpent stone. If it would be possible the ocean should inflict more severe damage than the rivers and lakes. More intense war actions: I sided with stormcloaks and I was pleasantly surprised from the siege of Whiterun and from that point onwards I expected some more epic war stuff, but I was bitterly disappointed. It doesn't need much, maybe some more imperial/stormcloak patrols on the roads of the Holds they are occupying. Maybe you should kill X enemy soldiers before you get the quests for the Fortresses. Maybe some siege camps near the fortresses when the quests activates and some catapults to throw fiery death upon enemy, same way they were fielded in Whiterun. Layered clothing and armor: In the olden days when playing Daggerfall, the first thing I did when arriving in a new town/city was to search it's clothing shops to see what kind of clothes they sold and try them on. They were layered in 3 layers if I don't recall wrong, first you put your underwear then clothes and on top of that armor. I spent literally hours shopping clothes (there were lot of them in Daggerfall..). And even in Morrowind you could put some clothes on top of armor or vice versa if I don't remember wrong, at least I was wearing skirt on top of my armor (same way Redorans did if I don't remember wrong, males could have skirts!). I don't know if that kind of layering is possible in Skyrim, but if it is, that would be so sweet. Better bras: I would love to see some bras more fitting to "time period". I think those bikini style bras were 20th century invention in the real world. Maybe someone could replace them with maybe some cloth wrapped around chest/breasts, or something.. and last but not least my number one dream.. EXPLORABLE DUNGEONS: I just love how the Elder Scrolls series handles the open huge world. There are lots of things to exlore and nobody forces you to follow some strictly scripted railway tunnel. ...except in dungeons and caverns. Why can't they follow the same design paradigm in the dungeons as they are following in the open world. I would love to see dungeons that I had to really explore the same way as I do on the surface. Fortresses with more realistic floor layouts, dungeons I could spent hours exploring and mapping, of course caverns and mausoleums/barrows could still be more linear, but at least couple of those "megadungeons" would be so damn cool.
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