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Everything posted by Nintii

  1. Nintii


    Depression ... I don't have time to get depressed, I'm to busy ... and that's a cure all in itself, I used to get depressed but that's because I had to much time on my hands. Introspection, over-analysing and nit-picking detail after detail only ends up imagination becoming a reality and imagination is NOT REALITY, it's exactly that, "imagination" !!!!!!! Get busy, get a hobby, do something, get a friend, a real friend, and when you do, don't spend time discussing your misery, enjoy life, have fun and soon, very soon, you're going to say bye bye to depression, which will ultimately become oppression and then finally possession. Remember, depression will tell you that you will never be free ... it's a lie, ask me.
  2. Being successful is done on purpose, it never just falls on you ... goal orientated people always achieve more than those who aim for nothing. But, I am not my goal, and therefore don't feel like a failure when I don't achieve what I've set out to do, I simply search for another way up the mountain. Failures are those who quit, not those who suffer a setback but keep going. Many believe that their actions define who they are, hence the tendency to always ask people when meeting them, "what do you do"? As if their actions or career define them, no, I find that very shallow. What if you are a doctor and oneday your hands start shaking and you have to leave the profession or what if you're a professional sports person and you're involved in an accident and now your careeer is shot to hell, what now ? Who are you now, a nobody, an EX something or the other ? Rubbish, you are more than that, you as a human have such immeasurable value that you cannot tie it up in what you do, or your race, or your gender or even your level of education. Believe in yourself and don't wait for or look for approval or disapproval from others because that's a sure fire way of a crooked and stunted personality. Unfortunately, too many people look to their partners, family or friends to prop them up and then become co-depedant and weak and of course manipulated by the very same people. My strength, foundation and anchor lies outside the box, untouchable by convention. I am strong.
  3. Strength is the ability to be gentle.
  4. @ Zaldiir I did say "live long be strong" and I meant it ....... ok, ok, 500 yrs is a bit steep :rolleyes: @ AurianaValoria1 That's an easy one, the province will be Paradisus about 900 miles off the western coast of Anvil on the lost continent of Aurianus, so there :D @ TheReverandTholomewPlague No it's not going to be on uh Erm.. noton whatever, it's going to be on the western coast of the lost continent of Paradisus in the land of Aurianus (of which I have more to sayeth but not noweth) :biggrin: @ InuyashaFE Akavir ? ...... hmmmm must be secret code for Aurianus, I'm sure. Anyhow, let's first get to the 11th of the 11th twenty 11 ... power to you.
  5. @ Jim_UK "I can't see it happening in the near future, we don't have the resources or the money to acquire them. Also people are sick and tired of pointless wars, not just because of the cost in lives but also the cost in monetary terms. The U.S and E.U have enough problems as it is, we don't need another ground war." Fair enough, but the long term picture is this, that boat loads of "illegal immigrants" from Africa are flodding into Europe using Libya as their springboard. This will ultimately cost far more in the long run and the "terror threat" is still very real, can you afford not to be involved ?
  6. Yay, for the game and all the excellent ideas, but my wish is for you to live long and be strong and to enjoy both the game, and all the future releases right up to Elder Scrolls 100 and all their add-ons plus all the excellent mods that will come from brilliant modders here at Nexus.
  7. I'd like to look at the Libyan Civil War from a slightly different angle ... the African angle. For a start, the "rebels" for want of a better word are not strong enough and Africa won't help. The unfortunate thing - if you're anti-Gadaffi - is that Africa by and large is not really backing the U.S and the E.U in getting rid of the current Libyan regime. They won't lift a finger to help. As always Africa is not always a willing participant in condemning other African nations (their leadership) when they cross the line of human rights issues. The reason being that most of them are partly guilty of human rights violations themselves or plan to be, if they don't win at the election polls the next time they take place. When the international court - I think it was, I stand under correction - recently issued a warrant of arrest against Gadaffi and others for crimes against humanity, African leaders condemned this action. Why ? Because they themselves might be guilty of the same thing in time to come and they realise that a warrant of arrest could be issued against them as well, so they condemn it. It is because of this very reason, that such actions - the issueing of warrants of arrest - MUST BE issued against murderous leaders that kill their own and others. People must realise that they will pay for their actions, not in the sweet bye and bye but in the rotten here and now. This WILL cause people like Gadaffi to think twice about what actions they will take in a situation like this. If the U.S and the E.U really want to see a change in Libya, then they should make a concerted effort by putting together an army and go into Libya and "just get Gadaffi out". This dilly-dallying, half-hearted, half-cocked "involvement" must come to an end, and a decisive decision should be made. Africa won't help, so if you really want change then "make it happen". Who is going to pay for the effort you may ask ? Libya will, with their oil and so the U.S and the E.U won't be left carrying the can (especially the U.S and her Allies as usual). This post is not complete and so I'll come back another time to further furnish my point, depending .....
  8. Most Christians hate the west as well with your logic. What is your evidence of most Muslims hating the west? What is your evidence that they don't ?
  9. The Danes and their humor ... you forgot, they should have put a gun in his hand and then asked him if it was ok to shoot.
  10. Who are "The Muslims?" You don't know ? Correct me if I'm wrong but in the context in which it's written, it's the muslims in Palestine ... Marharth, how many Muslims do you actually "know" personally and not from TV-land or from some friend who would know one or even from an opinion you've developed because of what you've seen or heard ? I not only deal with them in business but also personally and my working knowledge of how the majority feel about all things western exceeds yours by far. I've lived in their homes, in their communities, hung out with them, one of my closest friends is actually dating a Muslim. This is a fact, MOST Muslims hate the West, end of story. Palestine, is the frontline for those who hate Israel and "those Muslim's" who hate Israel will see to it that Palestine NEVER rests in their struggle against the Jew. Therefore, as I've stated before, Israel needs to demand as much as possible with the view to hold out for as long as possible. I do not say that Israel has been fair in their dealings with the Palestinians, but this is a war of survival. There needs to be a Palestinian State, but there also needs to be a buffer zone, it's an ugly thing and in this politically correct world it's an abomination but it's a neccessity if the Jews are ever to survive.
  11. @Grannywils This is primarily a matter of the heart and not the head ... to imagine that a secular solution to a racial AND religious problem is going to be solved by some type of "let's sit down and discuss this" forum\convention\assembly or convocation is going to work, is an illusion. No-one to this day has been able to "solve' this issue in this manner. The truth of it is quite simple ... "The Arabs want Israel dead because the Koran says so". Now as Nexus doesnt allow me to "flesh this skeleton" of a statement due to it it's ban on religious topics I'll end it here, but make no mistake, as long as there is an Israel there will always be a conflict. And so if there is always going to be a conflict then you might as well get stuck in and demand the most you can get as is the manner when you want something ... always ask for much more and so if you get a slight bit less well then at least you more than likely will get a lot more than if you demanded less. To repeat myself, this is a religious and racial war and will never be solved by a secular negotiated settlement from the West, East or anywhere else..
  12. If a Palestinian State means that Israel must partition Jerusalem then "NO", then I do not agree to any partioning of that city in any shape or form. All her territories or lands in and around Jerusalem must be handed back to her without any reservation whatsoever. If the Palestinians dont like it well then they can always go and live in Iran or Syria. Let them live in their own territory on the coast. Just imagine if the Cubans - I have nothing against Cubans ok, well except for that egotistical dictator and his brother - demanded a section of Miami, because they lived there, or if the Pakistanis - ok, so I have a problem with them and their double dealing ways at the moment - decided that a portion of London should be given to them because they live there. Or choose a city in your nation and give a chunk of it to some group who lives there in a great number or even just because they want it. How would you feel ? So yes after all that, give the Palestinians a homeland, just as long as it's away from Jerusalem.
  13. Yes kind sir I am.
  14. This has been a huge blow for all terrorists everywhere, the Brand that he was has been dealt a serious blow. The "big thing" about OBL - no wait he doesn't even deserve capital letters - the "big thing" about obl - ah yes much better - is that he had the label that he couldn't be caught, well he was and that whether you believe it or not, is a "major" blow for his Brand. Go ahead and ask anyone involved in marketing or who sells a product ... I have a few muslim friends, and on the very next day I went to visit one of them out of neccessity, they didn't even raise the subject of obl. And when someone did, they didn't even respond, trust me, a lot of muslims the world over even though they might not support obl felt a bit demoralised. This ought not to be so ... well I didn't mock my friend like the other person did and ignored them, I could see the unspoken gratitude. Not all muslims are bent on the destruction of the "West". Let's cut those muslims who don't support extremist philosphies some slack, this unspoken act will go a long way in keeping them away from the clutches of the haters. Nevertheless, let the haters rot in hell as the newspaper headline accurately told us the current location of the above mentioned demon in disguise.
  15. Well good riddance to bad rubbish ... Viva America, I salute you ... I don't care whether your forces had permission to enter terrorist loving Pakistan or not, I don't care whether it was right or wrong to kill with extreme predujice the most hated filth on the planet instead of giving him a fair trial, I don't care what the petty intellectuals and bleeding hearts, commies, marxists or any of the "ists" or "isms" have to say, Nothing matters exept for the fact that the pig is dead. Closure for many has come and I hope and pray for the families of all the innocents that have been harmed that they sleep well tonight. And as for the snivelling enemies of freedom who kill innocent women and children, I hope you cowards realise one thing ... you will never escape justice or the Navy Seals. Long may you fear and live in trepidation of impending doom and destruction.
  16. Russia, Iran and Egypt will attack ISRAEL, the European Union will retaliate and desteroy them, then China will mobilize and make their play for domination and all armies will meet in the Valley of Meggido for the great showdown .... it's called ARMEGEDDON. That's as brief as I can make it. Believe it or don't, it doesn't really matter. And no, I'm not Jewish but Israel is central to "WWIII" events.
  17. Hey ho Capitan ...
  18. Well now this is a topic that has myself and my brother locked in some serious arguements ... because I side with Gaddaffi ... yes you read it correctly. Now why on earth would I want to do such a thing ... isn't Gaddaffi a violent aggressor against his own people, a dictator, a former terrorist supporter, the devil in disguise ? Whoa, just a sec, my mom always used to say "better the devil you know than the one you don't" ... clever lady. Because whatever Gaddaffi was or is - hopefully he has reformed from his terrorist past, well it seems that the EU and the US did kind of warm to him a bit now didn't they - well as I was saying whatever he was or is HAS NO BEARING on those who would TAKE HIS PLACE. What do you know about these "freedom fighters", who are they and what are their politcal philosophies as far as the West is concerned, because that's what's important to me. As far as I know, they could be in cahoots with old Ah-give-a-meanie-jab or whatever that lunatics name is from Iran ... That is NOT GOOD NEWS, and that bothers me. So, as far as I'm concerned, I'll support Gaddaffi with his eccentricities thank you very much. Hey, how's the petrol\gas price lately ? Annoyed aren't you, well you're gonna be a whole lot more annoyed if the "freedom fighters" turn out to be fanatics and hold you to ransom by jacking up the price of oil. Besides, the lunacy of the entire "uprising" had to be stopped somewhere ... end note.
  19. Nintii


    RACE differentiation is an absolute neccessity in combatting the Big Brother One Mind, One People, One Order authoritarian dictatorship. We are all different from a cultural perspective and our identities as individuals are preserved in celebrating our diversities. Communism - a failed system - Marxism - another failure - and many of the leftwing socialists - though not all but most - embrace unitarian philosophies where the differences between peoples are blurred for the sole purpose of creating a "oneness". All of these people had a cookie-cutter mentality "we are all the same", this kind of reminds me of Star Trek and the Borg .... all were control freaks. People power, another term for domination and dictatorship - check history for any nation called the "Peoples blah blah blah" and you will find that conformity to the "Party" or "State" is and was always enforced and had a history of brutality and jack-boot control. Political correctness is always a form of people control and an erradication of individuality or self expression. This however, is as far as I am prepared to go when it comes to lauding my "differentness" or my "race". Let's take Morgan Freeman as an example, he isn't interested in "Black History Month" and I agree with him wholeheartedly ... I personally believe that if you are an American - I'm not - then you are an American, now I don't care what color you are, you're still an American - no matter your background. Initially this might sound like I'm contradicting myself, because I at first am applauding individuality and now I'm talking of unity ... to clarify this, I still support individuality yet, I'm supporting UNITY as far as all the peoples within the context of a single nation\counrty are concerned and their "sameness" or cultural similarity. However, where language and cultural differences are very different, then care needs to be taken to not swamp or drown or overpower or "assimilte" those who are different. Getting back to Morgan Freeman and Black Americans in general, their "cultural differences" with White Americans is absolutely minimal, they are essentially the same person, just with different skin color and that's it. Yet Black Americans DO DESERVE a mention in AMERICAN HISTORYas a segment of the population that was once discriminated against and every such instance of said discrimination is now removed and equality within the peoples of America is a thing of the past. So, what of a "Black History Month" or a "Hispanic Music Awards", what of such entities, where race is mentioned, where do you place them ? First let me ask you, would it be ok if Whites (in America) had a "White Grammy Awards" or a "White Oscar's" ... would people mess their pants because you're mentioning the term "White" because it somehow seems synonymous with racist ? If that bothers you, then go check your own personal "racist barometer" because it would be in the red. Rather, when faced with such entities, you should point out that such institutions already exist where EVERYONE IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE has a free and fair opportunity to compete. However, allow them to exist as long as they don't get bent out of shape when you have your own RACE brand show or whatever ... fair is fair, right ? I have much to say on this subject but let me give it a rest for now ....
  20. Hmmmm, you look pretty good old man ... :)
  21. Thanking you kind Sir, from the bottom of my heart .... :)
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