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Everything posted by StanIsTheLaw

  1. No quest/environment mods of any type. One house for each minor village, a few minor mods such as missing smelters, smithingsmelters, house vendors, arrow crafting, clear fields, cmCompanions. A few armour mods, clothing, avoiding all major mods due to crashing problems. FollowerWander2 Multiple Followers. What's got me beat is I cannot even advance the Get to Know thieves (TG02B) quest. i enter setstage 10, then getstage and it returns 0. 3 games now and I cannot get Vex to talk to me at all and Del only training option after I complete golden glow.
  2. Having a problem with the Theives Guild quests, same problem in my 3rd attempt in doing the theives quests, same one each time. Vex and Mallory won't give me jobs and vex won't even talk to me. Have finished the first 2 quests (business and loud and clear). On each occassion the "No stone unturned" quest has started because I have found one of the gems before I get to riften. Tried consoles for TG02B, every stage and reset several times. Never get jobs from them or my armour. thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Level 32 now with auto update turned off and not added any mods since re starting and NO PROBLEMS!. One thing that may not have helped was i had Google Earth and it runs update checks in the BG and periodically these would fail and an error message would minimise Skyrim. Then i had to do Ctr/Alt/Del to get Skyrim back. I have deleteed google Earth for this play through.
  4. My original comment was that IMHO Skyrim was a lot less stable than Oblivion when you start using mods. I stand by that. I think the auto updating is really questionable and am turning it off. The whole Steam thing is a real pain IMHO. One other observation, I usually don't have trouble until I hit level 25+ in a game which means about 20% of the map is discovered. Once I get to level 40+ it really starts to cause issues. I have restarted and removed all but the most wanted mods. 5 houses, some companion tweaks, filling food, missing smelters. Level 18 with only one crash and that was when I was firing into a bunch of baddies in a corridor and one died and could not fall over. Auto updating is turned off.
  5. My observation too, since 1.5 have had more problems and are trying to run as few mods as possible. No Quests, no environment mods, nothing major. But since about 1.4 the lighting in some vanilla cells seems to have gone funny, totally blown out, part of BleakFalls Barrow for instance. Then I got sick of crashes so I started a new game with only a handful of mods, went to BFB and low and behold, the lighting was back to normal. So updates have certainly caused me some noticeable problems.
  6. Also, I notice that while on auto log in and update, problems seem to come and go. Pretty sure this does not help. While O/S last month I turned the auto off and it seemed to run better.
  7. I had a problem in my last game with the area west of Riften and some north and south of Golden Glow. I run no environment mods, just a few player houses/companions/msc things like crafting arrows and real food. Some companion tweaks. I was running Populated cities and UsefulPeople as well as travellers. I got into GoldenGlow for the quest by deleting the last 3 and then I got in. The game before I could not get to Skyhaven, it turned out to be a bad forsworn armour mesh in a mod. Skyrim is very buggy with any mods IMHO and there is no ryme nor reason sometimes AFAIK. I also abandoned a game because I had corrupted saves.
  8. Grand Staff of Charming I have picked up 2 of these, can't remember where, but can't sell them because they are quest related. But in UspWiki, they show no link to a quest. Anyone know what quest they are for? Thanks.
  9. It's not an opinion that i am not running one quest mod or one environment mod but still crashing. In Oblivion if you had an incorrect texture or mesh you got the yellow grey blob. In Skyrim it CTD's. In my second game could not get to Skyhaven because of a faulty Forsworn armour mesh. When I programmed Civilization Call to Power, the first line of defence against bad graphics was the game would not accept them at all and tell you which image/sprite was at fault so you could fix it. Pity Skyrim does not do the same.
  10. I run no environment mods at all, no quests, nothing, just some armour/companions/player home mods. One small house for each minor village, and a Breezehome addition. No other changes to terra firma. Meaningful food, arrow crafting, minor stuff like that. My list is 1/3 of the one above. In Oblivion I ran many major quest mods, plus castles, homes, armour, clothes, everything. Kavatch Rebuilt, OOO were bigger than all my skyrim mods put together, and had much less trouble than Skyrim. AFK Weye, Down In the Hole, was one quest in a 12 + series, and it was bigger than the whole thieves quest put together, ran like a dream. Came out after killing 75 daedra in that one. BTW, w/o a crash. IMHO the basic design of Skyrim is not up to scratch for mods. It may run without them, but its boooooooooooooooring and has no real purpose after you finish the main quest. Why does it crash when I try to enter a Jarl's residence, or Ragged Flaggon, and my solution is to delete mods that have nothing to do with that area. I am not running any of the mods listed in yellow by XLCR.
  11. IMHO Skyrim is not as stable as Oblivion, nothing like it. It may be the mods mainly, but when I look back at some of the huge mods I was running in Oblivion compared to Skyrim, with a lot less problems, Skyrim is buuuuuuugggggy rubbish. In Oblivion I was running several mods which were as big as a major quest line in Skyrim with nothing like the trouble I am having in Skyrim with a few armour/companion/player home mods. Not one major expansion/quest and CTD all the freeking time the further I get into games. Dropped populated cities, cats and dogs, more useful people and crash, crash still. Not one environment mod, no enhancements etc. I cant open any container under water, my latest crash, cannot even look at Balmora Blue in the Dainty Sload Thieves quest. Everytime I tried to open the underwater chest, ctd, so gave myself the item after paying for it, then CTD when I even try to look at it in my potions inventory. Parts of the map have become inaccessible. Some Jarl keeps as well. Often does not load cells properly. Tried 2 reinstalls. No improvement. Sometimes if it crashes, it wipes all auto and quick saves in that session, going back to the last hard save or auto/quick from a previous sitting. I have no idea how anyone not on PC can play with any mods. I have to use console 10 times more often than in Oblivion to save/complete quests.
  12. I Have automatic updates on, but how do I know if I have 1.6? Thanks.
  13. Thanks, Barbas was waiting when i returned with the axe:-)
  14. What happens to Barbas if you tell him to stop following before you complete both parts of his quest? After the first part, I got sick of him barking so I told him to stop following and he ran off. Now I have the axe, what happens if I return it? Will the quest end? Or do I go look for him? Thanks.
  15. I might have been a bit too harsh with my weak combat comment. Just did Azura's star, only scraped through after 25 tries, and resorted to slow time (should have been more advanced when i tried it). But I had real fun with Madanach and Cidhma mine. I waited till I had my gear and kept him talking till the others left then killed him. Stepped outside and whammo!, there was a huge fight on 3 levels all the way down to the smelter. Guards, my companions and Forsworn. Took several hours to collect and sell the loot. So far I have had only 1 quest really not work even with reloads etc. That is a random quest to kill a bandit leader. I was given Stony Creek Camp by the Jarl of Morthal. Killed the leader, the camp shows as cleared but the arrow still points to the dead leaders head and the journal won't update.
  16. I am going OS for 5 weeks, when I come back i will try again to get my hear around scripting. Before challenging for high King, need to become a Jarl first. In the meantime, I hope this idea keeps going.
  17. I am playing max difficulty and am lvl 47 now and can summon Frost Atronach. The game seems over. I do have 2 companions but combat has never been as hard as modded Oblivion (e.g. OOO). I never played OOO on more than about 60% difficulty with 2 companions, because I got wiped. I remember spending a whole evening just killing "Voice of Nature", took me about 25 goes. Lots of new stuff but just lacks the immersion of Oblivion. Most quest locations are just narrow and linear and get very repetitive. A few non "go somewhere and kill something" quests but they tend to be very insipid ones, deliver a letter, thanks here is your gold, big deal. There were some quests in Oblivion that made me feel sad. The ghost at the Anvil lighthouse in AFK Weye really moved me. There is nothing like this in Skyrim. The few mods I have downloaded for Skyrim are all eye candy stuff or little things, I hope we get some meaty quests soon but I gather modding is much harder in Skyrim. Smithing and enchanting better but I don't see any point in cooking at all??? The cooked meal is a waste of time, I pickup up plenty of cooked food anyway. Lots of little bugs which I think must be to do with the auto updating. I see people doing mods complaining they fix one thing and the next day there is another problem. About 6 weeks ago my shouts unloaded when I loaded the game (most of the time, 75%). Would go into battle and hit Z and nothing happens. Now I have to remember every time I start to check my loaded shout. My biggest annoyance is too much variety of things like weapons and potions, does not add to the game after a while. The better graphics mean I wont go back to Oblivion.
  18. Not sure why the engine needs to be revamped again? People are expanding towns and adding buildings galore anyway. In Oblivion at least some of the building mods required you to work for the reward or pay for it. When I play, I try to counter the freebies in mods and the game by paying bills, i.e. once a week i buy and sell stuff for a loss to "pay my bills". Nonsensical that you can own several houses and have servant housecarls in attendance and they cost nothing. I have downloaded a house mod for each smaller hold but put a title (book) in the local shop, and dont use the house until I became Thane and buy the book (usually 8-12,000 gold). And I never add gold to myself. U can use console to do most things anyway so I don't see that as a n issue, sorry.
  19. Wondering if someone could make a small mod that allows you to deduct expenses. As part of trying to be realistic, I have downloaded some house mods so there are additional player homes in each of the smaller reaches, Dawnstar, Morthal etc. But I don't use them until I become Thane and purchase a book at the local store which is the title deed for the home, usually about 8-10,000 gold. But I should also have ongoing expenses for the place. So every Monday I try to remember to buy and sell at a least 1000 gold for each house i have (each has a servant in attendance) and 500 for each of my 2 companions. But its a pain to keep remembereing and doing it. I have tried but can't get my head around the new scripting. The simplest way I see is to create a global variable that you can use the console command to alter. e.g. playerEXPENSES Then a script that runs once a week that deducts from the players gold an amount times a variable. The amount could be set by giving another variable a value, e.g. playerExpensesUnits. The first one would be how many homes you own, the second one an average value you want to deduct for each one. If you don't have enough money, all but 500 is deducted anyway and the balance plus 2% is added to a carryover figure that is added to the next weeks amount when it is up for deduction. That would really make life in Skyrim a little more realistic, too much stuff for nothing in this game IMHO. Thanks in advance for any help.
  20. Got to thinking It's time to be able to become a Jarl. Levl44 atm, highest difficulty, Thane of 3 holds and 4 reaches, and I have to take orders from lazy or useless Thanes that slouch in their chairs and do nothing. How about a new small town, say at the crossroads N/NE of Falkreath, where the southern road from Markath to Whiteruns crosses. A Jarl who you can actually replace after doing the quests to be Thane. Now that would be good, but you should have to be level 50-60 plus before you can become the Jarl.
  21. Just an entry to keep this idea active:-) I want to marry Elesif after proving my worth:-)
  22. I would thinik you have to complete MQ, Winterhold, Companions, become Thane of every hold, win the civil war and a lot of smaller quests to become high King. Hope someone is working on it as I approach completing my second Skyrim:-)
  23. How do i alter the list of mods, Skyrim default data seems to use alphabetical order. I downloaded a mod that says it must come after 2 other mods.? How can i change it? Thanks for any help.
  24. A quick question re followers. I have several mods that alter the housecarls. But I was in a fight and Lydia died, even though I had marked her as essential in a small mod I made. One of the later companion mods I downloaded must have "unticked" her. I am not suing NexusModManager, just letting the game load them in data on start up. Am I right in saying the last mod in that list would be the settings used for things such as companions?
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