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Everything posted by reptileye

  1. Little update: Forgot to show the result. Works great, if no one sees you guards won't arrest you. Here it is in case it might be useful for someone. Code: int aiButton = 0 aiButton = rep_LootingMessage.Show() Actor Corpse = akTargetRef as Actor If aiButton == 0 If (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionPale)) CrimeFactionPale.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionFalkreath)) CrimeFactionFalkreath.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionHaafingar)) CrimeFactionHaafingar.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionReach)) CrimeFactionReach.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionRift)) CrimeFactionRift.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionWhiterun)) CrimeFactionWhiterun.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionEastmarch)) CrimeFactionEastmarch.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionSons)) CrimeFactionSons.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(CrimeFactionImperial)) CrimeFactionImperial.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(WIGenericCrimeFaction)) WIGenericCrimeFaction.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(DLC1VampireCrimeFaction)) DLC1VampireCrimeFaction.modcrimegold(500) ElseIf (Corpse.IsInFaction(DLC2SV02ThalmorCrimeFaction)) DLC2SV02ThalmorCrimeFaction.modcrimegold(500) EndIf Corpse.Activate(PlayerRef as objectreference, true) ElseIf aiButton == 1 EndIf How it looks ingame:
  2. I ended up making a menu instead and it works perfectly, but still thanks, didn't know about papyrus extender and i'll give it a look to see what's new ;)
  3. Hello. I'm working on a mod that takes into account whenever the player loots the body of a guard and adds a crime bounty to him. This works so far but i want to add a keyword to the corpse of the guard so the option to loot appears only a first time when the player interacts with the corpse. I used a perk with an entry point replacing the regular looting for a little window that says "loot". Once the player clicks that button the body can be looted as usual and the bounty is added as expected but i need to add a keyword to the corpse so the entry option appears just once and doesn't appear again on that corpse. This is for Skyrim Special Edition by the way.
  4. In response to post #75893178. #75902933, #75903903, #75935188, #75982873 are all replies on the same post. I don't know. I never had any issues with other sites until this happened. And never knew about TFA until this happened.
  5. And people pay for premium here uh? lol
  6. Or you could just install adblock and ublock and feel relevant :p
  7. In other news, we are not making a profit we swear!
  8. In response to post #64183701. #64191081 is also a reply to the same post. Point taken but that isn't enough. It's pathetic. People who can pay get the benefit but people who put actual content into the site don't? what a joke.
  9. In response to post #64099801. #64099871 is also a reply to the same post. All i know is that i'm going to be like the 95% of the people here. Come, get the mods i like, and get out. This way you won't get any more complains, from me at least. Good enough?
  10. What a joke. Let me get this. I'm a modder. I don't get a single penny for my work here, but in order to download content from other modders properly i have to pay? are you serious? at this point i think they are trying to get proofit, i mean i remember some months ago they were hiring some coders for this site? if that isn't an investment then what was it? it's pathetic honestly. People that come her and leech content, sure i get it, but modders? lol I think i had enough. I'm leaving. If there is some people interested in my mods, you can get them from my blog http://reptilecavemods.blogspot.com/2018/09/ will start posting them there. Bye bye.
  11. In response to post #64083096. #64083806, #64093581, #64097976, #64098541, #64099466, #64099491 are all replies on the same post. You changed the reply. Bravo.
  12. In response to post #64083096. #64083806, #64093581, #64097976, #64098541 are all replies on the same post. Sorry but if i have to use google to get answers in this site i prefer to put my money somewhere else.
  13. In response to post #64083096. #64083806, #64093581 are all replies on the same post. What in the f*#@ is a donation point?
  14. Nice and all, but how about increasing the cap also for modders? without us there is no nexus after all.
  15. I also have this issue. Don't use this shitty program, it isn't even finished yet. Conflict resolution my ass lol use wrye bash instead, the latest version at least does something
  16. T That tool causes even more problems than solutions. I guess it would run fine for people not using F4SE but come on who doesn't use F4SE?
  17. This only opens his inventory for selling, not his merchant/vendor chest, so it doesn't work as intended. I'm also trying to figure it out. Have a ferryman service NPC and i also want him to sell fish but can't make him use his chest instead of his inventory to sell stuff. Already did all the faction and chest link ref stuff and selecting a vendor voice but can't make him use the vanilla vendor dialogue, instead uses my ferry service quest dialogue, as intended.
  18. Uploaded a small update (223kb) like two hours ago, and it still says "The file is currently being uploaded to our file servers and it will be ready to be downloaded soon." Please help. Edit: forgot link- http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84709/?
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