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About Jebbalon

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    United States
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    Skyrim Special Edition, Creation Kit, FO4
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    Elder Scrolls

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  1. There is also Supporter membership, which (correct me if I'm wrong) along with premium, removes the ads. Premium membership removes the premium notices that seems to be the major point of contention.
  2. Hello, Yes, I can confirm that the Site and Forums are different (see spoiler image) The forum is correct time for me, site is hour ahead behind ahead / needs to NOT spring forward... Edit... On the forum - My Settings - Profile Settings - General Account Settings - For the time zone, there is a check box for DST and I have it off. The site settings does not have that as far as I can see.
  3. I live in one of the few sane places that does not observe Daylight Savings. In My Account - Preferences - Global Preferences - Time Zones ... I choose my overall time zone but there is no option for my specific area which, unlike the overall zone, does not observe the time changes. Also, there is no option to untick DST. I keep seeing comments from the future and it's nuts! How do you live like that! We just don't comprehend it over here! :P Not sure what can be done, adding more time zones or a No dst checkbox or just use system time? Looking at the Windows clock options, it has all the options. OH! that's what I could do is just make mine the next time zone over ... brilliant! ... have to remember to change it back in fall though. Anyway, Thanks!
  4. Okay mod is ready ... Jebbalon's Reagent Revealing Recipes Check it out
  5. That is the idea and it is how it works. I've been working on this and playing with different scenarios. I read all 113 recipes in game and checked a container with nearly all the ingredients from the game. There were only 4 ingredients that did not have any effects revealed and there were 2 that had all 4 effects revealed. So, reading recipes can really help a player now. When it comes to learning alchemy.
  6. Edit: the mod has been released, find it here... Jebbalon's Reagent Revealing Recipes I'm working on a mod that will reveal effects on ingredients after reading the potion/poison recipes in the game. Actually the mod is just about done. I just want some feedback to make sure I've covered everything. Skyrim LE has the mod Learn Alchemy from Recipes by NeoRunek. Their mod does similar thing and is definitely an inspiration. My mod takes it to the next level though. I have not touched any of the recipes in the game adding scripts to them. Quest aliases are used instead. I've added 85 additional recipes to the game as well. They cover most all of the Alch... effects and all the DLC ingredients too. If you look at the comment section for LAFR you'll see that I tried to contact NeoRunek for permission to port the mod to SSE but did not / have not received that permission. That was in 2017. Since then I have been thinking about and working on the mod I have now. (longer time on the thinking part) Let me know your thoughts about this... -Jebbalon
  7. Ultimate Deadly Encounters: Sands of Time Version 50.0 Coming Soon! Prepare yourself
  8. Papyrus AddPerk() only works for the player. Quote from that page " This does nothing for NPCs. " So, only use that on player. I think there is a way to use the spell or Magic effect to add the perk to npc (not through script) - would have to look at it again. It is convoluted.
  9. Okay... I think what you are asking is how to get the script and effects onto the player and or weapon. For that you want to use a Quest with an alias for the player. Mark it for Start Enabled if you want it to apply from start of game. Or you'll have to have another way to start the quest. Then attach the script to the Player alias. Or a perk if you have that set up.
  10. Depends on what you are trying to do. - If you want the placed weapon to dance around when the player enters the room then attaching the script directly to the Object Reference is the way to go. - If you want to hear "Ta Da !" every time the weapon is drawn then attaching the script to the weapon record would do it. - If you are scripting for the Magic Effect so that things happen when using the weapon then you add the script to the Magic Effect record. The Magic Effect then goes onto an Object Effect (Enchantment) record and that goes onto the weapon record. .... actually changing the draw sound would be easier than scripting the "Ta Da" - it's just example.
  11. Sounds like an animation thing. The death animation and the " stand up from alchemy table " animation and the " turn to ghost goo " effect. Try not to one-shot him. Use an Iron arrow or get his attention first so the stand up animation plays out then kill. If that's not the problem - you can narrow down the mods involved by using the More Informative Console mod to get lots of info on that NPC and the mods affecting it.
  12. Hey JVD and Pickysaurus, I think I know what is going on... When editing a mod page you have the WYSIWYG view and the BBCode view. Switching to BBCode and entering a Spoiler tag looks as it should with [ ] and all. Switching back to WYSIWYG the Spoiler tag does not change. It still looks like it does in BBCode view. Saving and viewing the mod page the Spoiler will show correctly so that is working. It's the WYSIWYG that doesn't show the box to click. Maybe it's a programming thing with the WYSIWYG but I think that is where the issue is. -Jebbalon
  13. In response to post #68753116. #68753876, #68755671, #68755921, #68756021, #68756816 are all replies on the same post. That is utter bull crap and if anyone tells you different F- them. SOME participants are on 1st name basis - NOT all. May not be as educational as you like but I feel it is more about sharing an appreciation for art in all forms and from all levels of talent.
  14. In response to post #68621986. It's British Pounds actually but no matter... Have you heard of conversion rates? I'm sure PayPal and the banks that Nexus uses have.
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