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Everything posted by Zonzai

  1. Very true. It's amazing how much you can insult someone as long as you are polite about it. I have found that regardless of what somebody else does, the best practice is to just be overwhelmingly nice to them. And then tell them why they are wrong (or an idiot) as you are being nice to them. It shuts the troll up and it shuts other trolls down before they even post. The best part is that it starts an avalanche of other posters who follow suit, politely telling the troll off.
  2. I agree with Mr. Dave. A lot of the comments are taken very personally when they shouldn't be. A good critique is essential to making a good mod. I am an art student and a wannabe writer. I am constantly seeking critiques of my my work as they are invaluable to creating a better work. I have a script (my first ever full-length play) that I am trying to get somebody at the university to read and I expect that the critique will probably be brutal (they often are when you do something new). As an art student nearly every piece of finished artwork has to be critiqued in class. I have learned so much from the critique process. It has made me a better artist. In fact here's an idea, I would love to see a section for critiques of mods as well. Kind of like uploading an image, where the author could choose to show it or not. That would be very useful.
  3. I find that the best way to end trolling on your thread is to very calmly, clearly and intelligently explain to a troll why he/she is completely wrong or off base without revealing even a hint of rudeness or annoyance. Doing this pisses them off to no end of course, but it shuts them up because they have no way to counter. The thing is you cannot use conjecture, opinion or subjectives when you do. Otherwise your statements will have no more validity than the troll's. I've used this technique in most of the threads for my uploads and it has worked well. I preemptively acknowledge the obvious argument that it is easier to just report somebody. But doing so does nothing to prevent future trolling and creates more (and often unnecessary) work for the already overworked Nexus moderators. Also, I wanted to make one more point. I have sometimes tried to provide constructive criticism to people on the Nexus and found that it has been taken very poorly. Partially because humor does not translate well in text (thank god for smilies), but also partially due to an extreme sensitivity on the part of some. I'm not arguing with anybody here or suggesting that there are no trolls - there are many - but I am proposing that sometimes a lack of eloquence can be misconstrued as a mean-spirited comment (we've all done this). Recognizing this is important because a large part of preventing trolling is not responding to it. And sometimes poorly worded comments are just that, and not purposefully insulting. It's just hard to tell in text. My advice; remain calm, do not respond in kind and try not to take it personally.
  4. The songs were probably made available for general use under creative commons licensing. Also, soime things, books and songs specifically, can become part of the public domain after a period of time. My suggestion would be don't upload your file here. There are many sites that will take it. If you can, try and send an email to the monty python guys. Find an official or semi-official site and try to get in touch with somebody who will be willing to give you the go ahead.
  5. I just use HQ to avoid confusion. At 4096 I suppose I could use HD but I wanted something that seemed honest but not arrogant or FOTMish. I'll stand by my high quality claim. http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1040 I think it qualifies. Though I know I am in the minority here. Most of the "retextures" (HD or not) seem to just be poorly inflated resized base textures.
  6. Followers can be killed after they drop to their knees. Enemy AI will switch targets when this happens but they can still go back and kill your follower. I've had it happen.
  7. Do they actually have to be fair and balanced or are we talking Fox News fair and balanced? Because I have some ideas for new perks but they're not really fair and balanced, just kinda one-sided deliberately not fair and balanced parading as fair and balanced.
  8. Talent: Texture Skill level: High (see my nexus mods below) http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1040 http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1977 Contact method: PM Availability: None until January
  9. This is totally legal. You created the weapons. Check these tutorials. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/485274-video-tutorial-how-to-get-custom-weapons-into-skyrim/ http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/ http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/475361-tutorial-adding-objects-in-cells-for-skyrim/
  10. THANK YOU! You get kudos for that. I was pulling my hair out trying to just turn off these terrible shadows. They have got to be some of the worst shadows in any game ever made since the days of 8 bit computing. Plus I just got a 20fps boost by turning off shitty shadows that's ridiculous. What a terrible drag on the system to have a few crappy pixilated shadows on screen shimmering every 5 seconds.
  11. The default body mesh is actually pretty good compared to most games. This will probably be the first bethesda game where having a body mod isn't practically a requirement. I think that if you just made your skins for the default body other modders could adapt them to theirs. Or get help from Ghogiel later if you find one you want to make a skin for. ;)
  12. I would like to edit a couple of the game clothing meshes but have no idea where to start. I can make textures but I've never tried modelling. Can somebody point me in the right direction please? Thank you.
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