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Everything posted by omeletted

  1. It's already possible with Wrye Bash. You can save your load order list and have a different Save game profile for each of your characters. Switching profiles will automatically activate the load order list it was active with, if something is missing you can manually load it with the saved list. If that isn't enough and you want completely separate Oblivion installs, check out Multiple Oblivion Manager also known affectionately as MOM. :happy:
  2. No, these creatures use a completely different skeleton. Coronerras' isn't useful here. Guessing you've recently installed UOP v3.4, it made some fixes to Clannfear and Daedroth meshes which conflicts with FCOM. Delete the following: Data\Meshes\Creatures\clannfear\Clannfear.NIF Data\Meshes\Creatures\clannfear\skeleton.nif Data\Meshes\Creatures\daedroth\Daedroth.NIF Data\Meshes\Creatures\daedroth\skeleton.nif That should fix them.
  3. No need for mod. Open Oblivion.ini and search for fDlgFocus, the higher the value the less zoom.
  4. Don't need any of those, DarkUI Darn already comes with wz Inventory.
  5. Superseded by the latest round of updates to the unofficial patches, so no longer necessary and was removed.
  6. Oops sorry I missed this. It's in the Files section of the mod, scroll all the way down. Or here's a direct link. :happy:
  7. Author requested ban on his account, he probably removed his mods as well. Not certain where else to get it, maybe a kind soul would send it to you.
  8. There is a walkthrough for the mod in its Files section, under Miscellaneous.
  9. Script Effect Silencer should be what you need, give that a try.
  10. No problem, thank you too. :)
  11. Have you installed OBSE and run the game using obse_loader.exe?
  12. Nothing to do with OOO, should be PJs Lightning Strikes.
  13. Yeah it's in the Beth forums, suppose to be "set OOOLightOfDawnUseFlame to 0" in the console.
  14. Pfft, you've been doing it far longer than me. :) Thank ye!
  15. *stamps on the crickets* There's a Go button, you mean you don't see it? Which page are you trying to sort? And yes, having it as a user option would be nice.
  16. Click the green button call "MANAGE TRACKED FILES" at the top-right in the tracking centre, you can untrack from there.
  17. Combat Archery has reduced running speed, you can turn it off in its ini. Streamline, you might need to re-initialize the ini. Use ctrl + home to bring up the menu in the game, there's a re-initialize from ini option there somewhere. You can also change the settings there directly.
  18. Let's not make it too complicated... Just have new files this week that are hot, so every new mod can have a chance and won't stay in the spot for weeks. Kinda like Files of the Month, once a mod has been in the limelight it'll make way for others next month.
  19. By default it's in the directory you've installed Fraps into, you can view/change the folder in Screenshots settings.
  20. DR6? Nudity meshes were included unintentionally and you can safely delete them yourself. Go Data\meshes\characters\_male and delete the following: body.egt, femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif, femaleupperbody.nif, foot.nif, hand.nif, lowerbody.nif, upperbody.nif upperbodyhumanfemale.egt
  21. I won't mind if other forums were ran by this sort of "dictatorship". I was a member at another forum for 7 years, saw it grew from less than a 100 members to the massive 600k it is today. It has also become the worse forum I've ever been to, a far cry from the close-knit community it was in the beginning. It's filled with underaged, oversexed boys, trolls, flamers and spammers. The moderation team is about the same size as Nexus but they don't/can't do anything about those silly people and let them run amok. Everything goes as long as you don't do anything really stupid. So yeah, really appreciate what the mods/admins are doing here.
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