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Everything posted by omeletted

  1. I'm no modder but would tweaking fAIMaxSmileDistance help? Wrye Bash has such a tweak, should be simple enough to do the same thing with CS and save it as a tiny plugin.
  2. No clue. :P Better question would be what did you do that corrupted the shaders though.
  3. Seen it mentioned before, apparently it could be something wrong with your shaders. Try replacing them with the original ones and see if it helps, be sure to backup the files first though.
  4. LW hands down, but yeah I agree it's not a fair comparison.
  5. Always thought it was tied in to the camera, not the animations. Thanks for the info. :laugh:
  6. Well, DR only does melee. The best archery mod isn't available on Nexus, google for Duke Patrick's Combat Archery. As for mounted combat, don't really know of any other, there's a standalone mounted combat but that's the same as DR's.
  7. Haven't I answered you in your other thread? :P But once again, nope can't remove it.
  8. Ouch, hate it when that happens to me. Would help do a CRC check and compare with your file, but I no longer have the original archive. I packed both the main download and patch together long ago.
  9. *blinks* Grayed out? Where are you trying to do the rename?
  10. Yes, you're just suppose to right-click and rename it. There's a separate archive with the esp files.
  11. Well, they did mention the changes in the changelog, most mod authors just haven't gotten around to updating things yet. :)
  12. No no, both links are on that page. To make things easier, here you go. That is QTP3Redimized.zip, after that you'll need that patch. The original package they were talking about was the original version, which is this one, not the one you needed.
  13. Which is sacrilegious, in my opinion, you should have more. Needs immediate rectification!
  14. There are several varieties of QTP3, regular could mean the original. Redimized is another version of that. So, to be clear, download both files from here and install them. The smaller file is just a patch.
  15. You don't need to unpack the BSA file, just rename it accordingly... BSA files don't show up in OBMM. It'd make it harder to install new versions when they're available since you've unpacked all the files. I suppose you could leave it as it is for the moment though. You were suppose to rename it to "Mart's Monster Mod.bsa" if you're only using MMM, for example. Then install the archive with the esp files.
  16. Yes, it's worth it if you can get it working right. :) Hmm, the wall thing might be related to DR as well, some people have mentioned that. Never could actually pin it down to anything concrete though. Did you install any animations/skeleton replacers perhaps?
  17. That is from Deadly Reflex, and nope no way to just disable head bob. Also, use only one Natural Weather and DR Timed block plugin.
  18. Nobody has figured out why the spell causes CTD's for some people, best avoid it for now. I used it a couple of times with no issues but find it too over-powered.
  19. WB 292 breaks backwards compatibility with wizards due to some changes in the scripting language, mods need to be updated with new wizards. BBC hasn't gotten around to it, All Natural has for example.
  20. Who's there? *hopes it's not a terrible knock knock joke* >_>
  21. Looks like you have OBGE shaders enabled, since you're using the support plugin there should be a misc. item in your inventory. Click on it and you should be able to see the menu to enable/disable the shaders.
  22. You're still not using Wrye Bash then, specifically v292? Because that's causing some oddness with a lot mods with cbash being on by default.
  23. Here's a wiki entry that might help.
  24. BOSS doesn't do that, it's either the auto-ghost function of Wrye Bash or OBMM Extended. You might want to check whether you have it turned on in either program.
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