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Posts posted by gusano

  1. There are a number of custom companion mods that incorporate thier own individual summoning systems. Maybe you could implore one of thier creators for assistance; or just use thier mods. :)


    Bella's sunglasses from *Bella's Bunker*, Melissa's radio from *Melissa Lewis Compaion*, and Sonia's phone number from *Radiaton Weapons Kit*.

  2. IMHO........here it comes.......ahem.......

    Until The Watchmen came out, there had not been a decent movie or tv translation of a superhero costume, since around 1980. Possible exception may be Spiderman, although that raised webbing pattern to the suit kinda reminded me of those *grippy gloves* you use for lifting smooth items. Movie producers and nerd fans seem to just want black leather for the cinema. Granted, on screen, some outfits would be utterly ridiculous (many are sad looking even in thier own books); but, at least a tiny bit of color and/or known trademark design would be nice. THOR looks like it might be a reasonable attempt at something.

  3. Not one functioning toilet.

    Have you ever taken any trip IRL with this many people, that someone doesn't need to take a bathroom break? On top of that, Raul is, what, 200+yrs old? Tell me he doesn't need to make frequent stops.

    An integral part of the game is consuming foods, and drinking irradiated water = need to go number 2 soon. Quite often, your character suffers various blood poisonings, and a bout or two of drug withdrawls = need to go number 2 right now. Once in while, you're forced into doing all of the above within three minutes = need new pants.

    There are toilets EvErYwHeRe, but they seem to serve merely as nasty drinking fountains. The only character who should be drinking from these bowls is Sunny's dog, and she doesn't.

    You may enjoy a reflective rest in the outhouses, but this provides no additional benefits (not even load weight reduction, or movement speed increase); and you can't even sit down on the porcelain thrones.

    Even beyond all of this.....Indeed: would not one of the most valuable commodities, in a post apocalyptic world, be toilet paper?


    Final thought:

    Maybe this is where companions are running off to occasionally, after you Fast Travel........hmmmm.

  4. Is using *removeallitems* to make a street full of people naked, and then *playidle dancenv 03*, considered cheating?

    If so, then yes.

    (I also regularly turn Easy Pete into a T-800 using the fabulous *I Am Robot* mod, just so I can walk by and say hi, to a robot wearing a hat.)


    ((yes. I did say fabulous.))

  5. Hi.

    I've not been within this FO mod community very long at all; but already, I'm impressed by how active and cooperative it is.

    Whilst regularly perusing and sampling various items uploaded by members, I couldn't help also subconciously examining the system in which they are organized, as well.

    The present variety of listed categories covers every main group, and looks to have served well for the greatest number, and the most popular of mods.

    Two other category types, however, are growing in the number of submissions they seem to be gathering.

    These are:

    Mod Resources (textures, models, scripts.....)

    Services (voice acting, play testing, editing, facegen.....)


    Perhaps the community could be served by these additions; as there is at times some confusion by new members when these types of items are mixed into categories mainly containing *user ready* mod packages.

    Just my two cents. Thanks for reading this. :D

  6. Dual wielding guns is overrated.



    It could make for a really nice addition, so long as the game's original playability isn't sacrificed.

    Years back, I was a big Red Faction player. When I saw the first look videos of it's sequels' dual shooter set-up, I was really looking forward to using it. Then it came out. The game was so crappy, not even the coolness of two-gun action could save it.

    Those nano pistols were really sweet too. : (

  7. Cheese.

    You will need to milk a brahmin at the very start of the game. You will carry the blocked curd with you throughout the game. Keep it away from all dogs, coyotes, and that fat faced bridge troll Alexander. The cheese will be sufficiently aged once you meet the Legate. You will have the option to give him the cheese. If your Dairy skill is +70 or higher, or +50 and you have 2 bottles of wine, he will surrender.

  8. Well....

    1. It's a lot of mods. Many players using mods suspect the upper limit for the usable number of mods to be anywhere from 140 to 150. But, this also seems to depend on what mods are being used. You have some big ones in there.

    2. As nice, and fun, as the *Cold Deck* mod is, I've never had any luck with either version. It caused me to stutter and crash often, especially when entering or exiting.

    3. Although I'm assuming you were using FOMM, whenever possible, to add mods; you may also want to get FNVedit. It will assist you in adjusting load order, and to create a patch for the mods to work together. Some mods rely on other mods being loaded before them.

    4. Having all four pre-packs is fishy. Fishy as in high seas. High seas as in pira........

    Just a heads up. :D Insert Bluebeard emoticon here: P{

  9. I don't think it'd be cigarettes then if it was indians, not likely tabbaco either if you catch my drift



    I mean, these could have all been really nasty old stale smokes, still sealed up and stored away from before the war. Later, they were found and spread by tribals, vaulters, whoever. The original Great Khans would be a good candidate for distribution, before they started producing chems. So, basically, our little video buddies are puffing 200 year old tobacco. Thats my silly thought.

  10. Sometimes....when a mommy cigarette and a daddy cigarette love each other very much...


    But really. This comes from my own eyes. Eastern US casinos are mostly American Indian tribal operations residing on reservation land; and so, are subject to the same tax codes as any other businesses on tribal land. (ie. No taxes, or at least low taxes)

    Long story short: chain smokers like to buy cigarettes in bulk when visiting a casino. Sometimes just roadtripping to get cheap smokes alone.

    Maybe sometime before 2077, most of Las Vegas becomes Indian owned land again, and we're looking at the Lost Hoard of the Hopi Peace Pipers?

  11. Hi.

    There are close to a bazillion NV mods in the Nexus archives. You might like to start at the front page by selecting -Browse Categories-, or target your specific wants by using the Search feature. For a mod to address the running, maybe try the animations category. The five-0 fuzzies, try the mod *Body Control NV*, it allows you to sort of preview a range of body replacers, a few selections even put some make-up on the ladies. As for map expansion? Holy Cow! Check out the archives: bunkers, forts, tunnels, vaults, entire expansion projects like *Project Nevada* and *Rust Town*, as well as quest locations like those in *Eve-900* and *Mobile Vault*.

    Remember: FOMM and FNVedit are your friends on this journey.

  12. I had seen there was a way to get an entire list in FO3 when using FOSE. However, in the meantime in FNV, using NVSE,

    type this console ~ command: gbo

    While clicking on item/npc in question, to get individual base ids. Hope that helps. Someone else should be by in a few minutes...........

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