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Posts posted by lubronbrons

  1. me too, happen to have hard times making oblivion... now many problem answered after constant googling

    now I am tried to help a little

    in your load order

    16 Crowded Cities 15.esp
    17 Crowded Cities 30.esp
    you must choose one of this I think don't stack it,
    other than that. about your crashing issue. maybe this is about bad missing texture ctd?
    because I had this issue, now its all good after hard work and install from scratch then carefully arrange it one by one. manager used OBMM + Wrye bash + Mod Organizer
  2. yeah, first time modding oblivion. I happen to spend a long time to customize rather than playing it....

    but, after everything done and more stable. now the hard work of all that time, it's been paid of

    Good luck @Spasticon1 hope you found your way and solution

  3. @PhilippePetain

    I'am sorry :( that you feel annoyed at my comment before, yeah for me obge is real deal (especially makes my fps drops till blackhole)

    I mention 'OBGE is great' right? so please don't feel so offended...


    so far I'am using streamline for savegame manager, and proved useful. but still .... not certain which is save methods is safe and best

    and may change streamline to kuertee autosave. but I just don't have enough knowledge & resource, to make me want to use kuertee's

  4. Well then you obviously move on if you cannot make it work at all no matter what, simple as that.


    Just make sure to follow the instructions if there are any, or at least read the description thoroughly and excercise some additional brainwork before giving up. At the moment, there is a sticky that says two modules of Oblivion Reloaded will cause CTD and that they should be disabled until Alenet fixes them: equipment and grass modules. The mod requires some specific Visual C++ redistributable, too. And MenuQue. And must not be combined with anything OBGE or the separate grass and water mods by Alenet.


    I see... yeah I'am too lazy to fix ctd obge problem. Thx for explanation anyway


    Streamline was intended to allow low end PCs that would have trouble getting to 20 fps to work with Oblivion. If you see a consistent 30 or higher fps, then I don't recommend streamline. The way it works is to trade visual features for fps. On my older potato I used Streamline and it made playing Oblivion possible. But you had to put up with things like not being able to see the archer who was filling you with arrows, nearly walking into a wall of some fort before it popped into view and things at a distance fading out when you started moving toward them. When I upgraded, suddenly things popping in and out at distances became annoying and I removed streamline.


    Then, Streamline was never really finished. The author just vanished from all game sites with no warning or explanation leaving it at a permanently unfinished state.


    I'am curious.... streamline state that, using more safe method to create save games so I open it with TES4CSE and I found save game using 'con_Save' syntax

    so my question is...

    what's the different using normal save game with 'con_Save' ?

    and.... what's the deal using normal Load versus 'con_Load' ?

    if that con syntax prove better, how do you compare it with kuertee autosave mod ?

    please do tell

    thx b4

  5. you know when NPC engage you in battle... we can yield by hold Block (default : right mouse button) then press Activate (default : space)

    if the NPC have good disposition he/she can forgive you

    if NPC is guard and player have bounty then they try to judge you in dialog mode

    is that easy??? why they are so good & forgiven people in this crisis time and so primitive.....?!?!?


    If there is mod that can make yield to NPC more difficult, for example....

    - they want ransom right now, or give them amount of gold to forgive you

    - or they give quest to player to reconcile with them within time limit

    - or something like they want to duel with player without getting any bounty afterward

    - or the player requested by NPC to give one of our certain equipment, because they are greedy and want our posession


    well. If someone happen to make it. I surely want that one... I give kudos & endorsment for certain !!!

  6. me too, happen to get mod not merged correctly.
    the trick is.... my routine for this problem is,

    before you do bashed patch make sure you block ALL MOD then, hit 'space' button to make sure all mod is activated

    after that you should use BOSS to sort it out

    this is crucial, you must still block ALL MOD then do right click in the blocked area choose 'Mark Mergeable...'

    I recommend use normal bashed patch do not use CBASH remember I repeat do not use CBASH because its not that stable

    and finally, create bashed patch



    I remember when I try using mod Grass Overhaul, many area of the original Grass Overhaul being missing....

    then when I think it again, bashed patch is not directly give a user a hint of solution that : grass should keep minimum for performance but you can see better grass from that mod

    IMHO the message from wrye bash & community is like that. to keep it stable as much

    so.... the conclusion is : the inactive mod should be activated before you do another bashed patch. if you happen to miss this, the inactive mod will not work and not get merged correctly

  7. ahhh too much hassle mod detective :) this methods is just too much variable and guessing to handle

    I think you should install one by one start from scratch, with tools Oblivion Mod Manager

    because that manager can turn ON/OFF any mod without replacing any other

    so from there you can search the culprit for sure..... one by one, and can go back easily without breaking Data folder structure

  8. I'd say to ensure the "Update Masterlist" checkbox is checked too (screenshot 1)


    In Bash, right-click on Boss icon in the applications bar and make sure "BOSS Disable Lock Load Order" is checked


    ahh my bad.... @Dragon32 Thx for correcting me

    I tend to keep masterlist update remain unchecked,

    because I use BOSS frequently in testing and developing many mod

    but for this user case..... Yeah, it 'need' to be checked true

  9. use BOSS is good for sorting Oblivion load order, don't use LOOT or other


    make sure your BOSS setting like this, then click 'Run Boss'. the load order now should will be better


    EDIT : for new player in Oblivion, option 'Update Masterlist' need to be checked





    Here is my example of realtime sorting story



  10. yeah me too tried meddling with xml, bot no result... using darnified UI

    I just want to edit third column in player inventory to show ratio information (price diveded by weight)

    so I can fast differ what valuable item when looting the dead and container

    but xml using tag something like <user1> or <user2> etc .... sadly, it just happen can't proccess any calculation at all

    and want or show some info like quantity so player can sort by which items is the most pieces

    FYI, maybe you can start from this mod.... http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31855/?

    this mod give player more detailed information

  11. yeah, umbra kind of exploit. have great armor and weapon early...

    I've heard that we can disintegrate her weapon then steal it when her weapon break?

    please tell me how is this exploit can be done,

    method 1 : must make amulate or ring then place it at her? I don't think she will equip it right?

    method 2 ; cast disintegrate weapon to her? I think this will make her attack me, this spell is hostile right?

    so someone tell me please :) because kill her IMO is too brutal... steal from her is more considerate than kill


    my answer for this

    - When should I start the main storyline?

    >>> for Kvatch rebuilt mod user, should do until kvatch then start goofing arround. because you can have Martin to accompany you. He is built in NPC and immortal, not that tough but pretty much usefull for protection

    - Should I keep shadowhunt or enchant the glass bow I've found? If so, what enchantment? My strongest soul gem is a "greater" sould

    >>> paralize enchant! makes enemy go numb, this is usefull when you sneaky little arrow still not bleed enemy to the dead

    - I have room for 280 but I'm already occupying 220, I need to store something, where can I store items (I fear I might forget where they are at)?

    >>> err... I dunno about this. maybe try some player house mod?

    - Are the two swords I have good enough or should I enchant my own?

    >>> you should enchant your own, and use this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/24915/?

    - What enchantment would fit better my axe?

    >>> axe? sorry I'am not axe user.... maybe inject some element damage for versatile battle and paralize effect?

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