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Posts posted by lubronbrons

  1. yeah striker is right, set responsibility to 0 (zero) to make NPCs tolerate crime as victim


    also I have another few tricks that may works :


    - in AI package make sure you checked the "Defensive combat" option


    - alternate you can use SetPackageDefensiveCombat to set defensive combat


    - SetIgnoreFriendlyHits, you can use this script too to make NPCs tolerate any of your attack

  2. want to share :) try this


    Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul : about crafting, also add many fun thing, lightning effect revamped


    Amulet of Greed : change combat, and many things, fix many built-in oblivion bugs too


    Oblivion XP Update : change leveling to normal grinding common action game


    interface ? use this, must install this first before anything -> Darnified UI


    for graphics use this, may improve performance QTP3 Reduced


    and finally for zoom map is Toggle Zoom, for bird eye view use this MiniMap - Reboot


    I think, that's all :D



    25 DropLitTorchOBSE.esp [Version 2.4]


    my mod AoG (see in my signature) have drop lit function -> AoG Torch

    that torch eliminate torch lag problem for sure if you looking for more stability,

    also I think you may take a look at Greed Law feature in AoG

  4. Master Forli ! :D


    anyway, what my master said is right about "many internal flags in the game will signal the player death (like the dead music), and a simple Player.Resurrect won't restore them."


    that's why it will gonna be a long road if you try change original player death mechanism. you must overhaul the Oblivion system, just thinking about it is pretty much hassle itself


    I can create Greed Eternal (player immortal) feature is because I learn how to from Master Forli, he teach me event handler OnHealthDamage

  5. Follow up~


    this fix now is version 7


    Three mode you can choose, customize it in file .ini that is already included with this mod.
    Mode 0 : Force all buggy items to have 100% health durability (default, recommended)
    Mode 1 : Health dur not forced. Instead transfer all buggy items to Player inventory, so you can manage it manually.
    Mode 2 : Health dur not forced. Drop all buggy items to Player feet, manage manually, also prevent bug Player can have disappear items too.
  6. nope, not that much...

    usually the fps eater is HUD status bar, Minimap, Radar by vipcxj, Qarls texture pack, Open Cities, Oblivion Reloaded

    AWLS reduce global fps about 1-2 fps

    All natural is the same reduce about 1-2 fps

    all mod that I just said is great for sure, the trade of is fps -- reduced performance

  7. buddy!

    yay ! so good to see you my good friend :D

    Thank you hehehe


    medieval settings like Oblivion theme, beer + wine quest is needed for sure ! this is kind of adding some more of Nerussa of Wawnet Inn that need booze hahah

    yep clutter quest also good a good one, every Oblivion players will see more of clutter items as important then. Great !

    yeah its personal, the quest background is not that important -- NPCs don't need to tell it why :)

  8. create your own patch using TES 4 edit

    the add game setting that prevent skill level up message. see here cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=Category:Settings

    after that about sound, use dummy file that renamed to .wav

    you should place that dummy file to sound that you don't like : fanfare & skill level up sound

    the path for skill sound lv up is <your installation game folder>\data\sound\fx\ui\ui_stats_skillup.wav

    you should install Hear me not by famous Arthmoor for more immersive silent sound

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