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Everything posted by lubronbrons

  1. then you should good to go with my second suggestion event handler --> https://cs.elderscrolls.com/index.php?title=SetEventHandler
  2. there two simple way to achieve that 1. use game setting fDamageToWeaponPercentage (default 0.06) set to 0 then all weapons never get broken, when used 2. use event handler on hit, whenever hit occur just repair the weapon with syntax SetEquippedCurrentHealth
  3. lol that's hilarious XD you could just call me L rather than 'I am L' ... this remind me of that movie.... 'I am Groot' lol as far as I know there is still no mod that can do what you want... maybe you might try your luck on other Oblivion mod site you can google it there's so many Oblivion mod sites that still running until this day
  4. Yes, AoG could do something like this (you should configure it as your preferred) ;Jail No Skill Loss. You can prevent random skill loss when player ;go to jail & serve the crime sentence ; 0 - Disable ;-1 - Enable, clean bail out without penalty ;>0 - Enable, BUT inflict # number of Disease to player ;Range : 0 , -1 , 1 ~ 10 set aog.noJailPenalty to 1 ;Jail Time Sentence. Immersive crime sentence where you must waiting ;in real-time not by game time hour to get out of jail ;Ex. bounty 500 and set value to 3 then = bounty / 3 = 166 secs wait ;Range : 0 , 1 ~ 1 million (divider) (0 disabled) set aog.jailWait to 50
  5. I have suggestion try mod AoG you could configure jail penalty as you like the link it's in my signature, I hope it could fit your request~
  6. this mod has animation about ride horse together --> https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39040 this mod has many companions that can ride horse too --> https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7819
  7. This mod add guards in shop for more realism better gameplay --> https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35265 sadly the drawbacks in TIE is many features can't be toggled on-off easily, even for us modder editing it all will be much hassle... this mod add random NPCs to cities for more lively ambient and merrier feel --> https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/38363 again so sad... the NPCs still cause lag if there is more than 10 in front of us...
  8. I already did that, and it's like the sound is not removed... if I just using override method the fps still dropping, I don't know why is that happening but I still not tried override it into something else, example changing its path record to zero size mp3
  9. GOOD NEWS ! I never thought that LOOPING sound in Oblivion is so NOT fps friendly :sad:example of looping sound : torch...just now I replaced all possible torch sound with zero size mp3 fileall of them amb_torchmounted_lp_01.wavamb_torchmounted_lp_02.wavamb_torchmounted_lp_03.wavitm_generic_down.wavitm_generic_up.wavitm_torchheld_equip.wavitm_torchheld_ext.wavitm_torchheld_lp.wavitm_torchheld_unequip.wav now there is NO drop for my fps at all in torch ! --> I use AoG Torch... the only torch mod that is fps friendly... I thinkbut....maybe we should get rid every loop sound isn't it ? they seems dangerous to me now.... :ninja:
  10. then I think you need a help from a modder than know OBSE scripting, to make certain esp to be stand alone sorry I can't help you on this one since I have other things to do... so the easiest solution that you can do right now is merging esps that don't have any dependencies
  11. that is how you merge the esp as for dependencies tool like CSE / TES4Edit / GECK / other merge tool can edit it BUT I think the only one that could REALLY edit dependencies is only CSE... there is several lines in script code from esp that prevent them from working if certain esp is not loaded you need to edit those mod scripts manually delete the IFs syntax that check the required mods, so it can be stand alone make sure that when you do this you already have the required mod in your load order if you can't do this... just merge esp that don't have any dependencies...
  12. ugh... this is my weak point troubleshooting... I hope there is someone that can add some more deduction & solution but here my answer always start the game with obse_loader.exe not Oblivion.exe not OblivionLauncher.exe not via OblivionModManager.exe if you using Mod Organizer make sure you run obse_loader.exe NOTE : I don't know how Oblvion steam version can run obse but there is a way... try googling it~
  13. this tool can --> https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/36370/ make sure you install that mod correctly... it is a bit hassle at first but worth it, such as visual redist c++, obse 21, etc etc 1. open cse (not cs) 2. open esp, choose one esp as active file (merged esp), choose all esps that you need to merge 3. after the esp loading done... go to menu --> File --> Tools --> Combine Loaded Plugin done... merging mod is very simple
  14. your welcome TMSon, I choose windowed mode because it is much more convenient for me as a modder when testing my own mod or other mods, I always write something like notes / improvements / new ideas / to do list / bugs found while in-game my Oblivion windowed setting is like this iLocation Y=0 iLocation X=0 bFull Screen=0 iSize W=1920 iSize H=1050 This is how it looks like and several tips for you all
  15. uhh I think GBR Lodheads is risky, that mod is using syntax update3D I did experiment with that command in my clothing mod DWC (that's why I make that update3D toggleable in ini file) that syntax will make your game crash randomly this and there I already gave GBR a suggestion for update3D alternative but it seems he did not respond to my post
  16. then I can consider myself lucky, I can alt-tab and got No crash nowadays to the point I even get bored after 3 or 4 hours of gameplay without ctd this is the mod that I using, you might consider this as whitelist
  17. hahah I figured that is some exploring experience you got there with clipping 300 maybe you could play your game more stable in setclipdist 2000, it will be more playable and less crash but the view is become very limited I don't know much about Mac OS, also usually Oblivion users here is using windows platform to avoid alt-tabbing fullscreen maybe you could activate windowed mode in oblivion ini file bFull Screen=0 that's to be expected, face gen might improve bad or complex face file but it will Not solve the NPCs lag problems yeah.. I heard ENBoost and OR memory management could helps some setups I using that OR memory management, it seems stable in my setup and helps a little bit. my current OR version is 6.4.1
  18. with clip 300 you managed to exploring around ? then... it means either your Oblivion is overloaded or there's bad nif files in your load order / mesh replacer Oblivion tend to crash if fps go below 5, you should use software fraps to monitor fps... don't trust fps indicator from Oblivion built-in -- that number is wrong, the correct one is from FRAPS let us know your memory usage too, by opening your task manager (windows user), open Oblivion and enter the game, see how much memory usage in task manager that Oblivion used in your system, mine is start at 600 MB and go around 1100 MB after one or two hours gameplay in exterior (if I use fast travel and not go to exterior my memory usage is around 800 MB) my Oblivion usually freeze / hang up at 1400++ MB about face gen trick I doubt it will help much, but I agree it will helps in some systems... this is what I think, they (we) still will suffer in fps drop if there is 20 NPCs in front of them (us)
  19. ahh I see... so you did a workaround no prob happy to help~! Welcome to modding world,,,,,
  20. Glad it worked! Your welcome, happy to help. Great! You noticed I preferred to be called L :wink: Hmm... Maybe there is double reference assignment in your edit? How you assign that variable 'Source' ? I need to know how you did it, maybe the problem is there (that's why I wrote 'what is this for' in the code) EDIT : I have another suggestion, I've revised the code (see below). Now it should prevent double cast even if there is two or more references (I think) scn WolfHeartRestore float interval float pcHpFrag ref Source ;what is this for ? Begin Gamemode if interval > 0 Let interval -= GetSecondsPassed return elseif Player.GetItemCount (item) == 0 return elseif Player.IsSpellTarget (healStrong) || Player.IsSpellTarget (healWeak) return endif Let pcHpFrag := Player.GetAV Health / Player.GetMaxAV Health ;'I would like only 1 spell working.' if pcHpFrag < 0.3 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 30%. PRIORITY (Less Hp, More Heal)' Source.MoveTo PlayerRef Source.Cast (healStrong) PlayerRef ;'I would like interval time of casting' Let interval := 10 ;10 seconds elseif pcHpFrag < 0.5 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 50%' Source.MoveTo PlayerRef Source.Cast (healWeak) PlayerRef ;'I would like interval time of casting' Let interval := 5 ;5 seconds endif end
  21. a suggestion scn WolfHeartRestore float interval float pcHpFrag ref Source ;what is this for ? Begin Gamemode if interval > 0 Let interval -= GetSecondsPassed elseif Player.GetItemCount (item) Let pcHpFrag := Player.GetAV Health / Player.GetMaxAV Health ;'I would like only 1 spell working.' if pcHpFrag < 0.3 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 30%. PRIORITY (Less Hp, More Heal)' Source.MoveTo PlayerRef Source.Cast (healStrong) PlayerRef ;'I would like interval time of casting' Let interval := 10 ;10 seconds elseif pcHpFrag < 0.5 ;'restore health when pc HP falls below 50%' Source.MoveTo PlayerRef Source.Cast (healWeak) PlayerRef ;'I would like interval time of casting' Let interval := 5 ;5 seconds endif endif end
  22. this is interesting vanilla syntax SetActorAlpha can help reduce rendering process time a little bit I think I will use this trick for my main mod AoG to improve fps for everyone
  23. I see... so that iNumHWThreads is something like hidden setting huh ? even after I got three years of modding experience but I still miss some things out it seems XD haha how many of this hidden settings out there ? (in case there is still more..) hey 1Mac, for fast travel maybe you should try this --> https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/48150 it is fast travel alternative
  24. hmm... why in my oblivion ini file that 'iNumHWThreads' is not exist ? btw my cpu have 4 physical core
  25. in case there is no one to take on this request maybe this alternatives could be used https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27161 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/39544 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/31433 https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40843
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