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Everything posted by maywire

  1. Is there a mod that limits the amount of ammo you can carry?
  2. What am I missing...? Putting stuff in containers is way easier than putting them on the ground.
  3. Retexes of Phoynix's blaster smg and Arashi's Canister Rifle that I made. They may be included in another mod if I can get permission and be bothered getting to it.
  4. Crotch issues sorted (Thanks to Dimon), op updated, plus some new pics: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/ambidex/ScreenShot33.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/ambidex/ScreenShot34.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/ambidex/ScreenShot42.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v232/ambidex/ScreenShot43.jpg
  5. Wow, some of those look great! Shame about the lack of bullpup reload animation.
  6. This mod is basically a retex/retool of Firefly's Female Hellfire armour made to resemble something from Hellgate London. It's nearly finished, just got a few loose ends to sort out. The armour will be found on the corpse of a dead member of a female only sect of the Knights Templar. The story of the sect and the knight will be told on holotapes found on the body. It'll be located... somewhere out of the way. I haven't decided yet. There may also be weapons, like maybe a sword, and a gun that fires cross shaped bolts of electricity. So how does the armour look to you all? Any suggestions? I'll take requests if they're feasable and cool.
  7. I felt like doing a quick retex of the USAS shotgun from 20th Century Weapons, and it was going great, but now the part where the shellcasings are ejected has become all glitchy. It basically has stark areas of lighter and darker shades, and is affected by light hitting it. I don't think it's a problem with the normal maps, because it even happens if I remove them entirely. Anyone got any idea what's going on?
  8. Skree's working on it, he's already got some great stuff in game. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=92318
  9. Check this out: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=98560. He's nearly done!
  10. There are a few good spas 12 mods out there, but unfortunately there's no reload animation for that kind of shotgun. I really hate the vanilla combat shotgun model, so I'm always looking for a good replacement, but so far I haven't found anything that is just perfect. Vampire Bloodlines is one of my favourite games, so I think a spas 15 could very well be be that gun. Here's a picture: http://soldner.jowood.com/images/weapons/SPAS15.jpg Big thanks to anyone who even considers making one! :)
  11. Also you could open the geck and find the weapons in there, then right click and go to 'use info', that'll show you where they are in the game. You can even add them to a container for easy pickings.
  12. Not yet. I think you might be able to do that with Wrye Bash for Oblivion, but I'm not sure. You may only be able to transfer between savegames. Still, I figure it's only a matter of time before something like that exists for Fallout 3.
  13. There's a facegen in the geck with many more options than the one in the game, your best bet is to tinker with that. You can even copy/paste faces from other npcs (just make sure they're of the same race or it might look wonky).
  14. Thanks dude!Is it difficult to change the leveled lists in the geck? It's not particularly hard, but it can be a little time consuming if you wanna be thorough. It is however ridiculously easy to make your own vanilla weapon replacements. I've got most of the vanilla meshes replaced myself. And I agree about the minigun, I replaced it with an M60 :)
  15. The conspiracy behind this character is bizarre. I don't see what's so special about it to warrant it :ermm:
  16. Wouldn't it also change your footstep sounds?
  17. Looks familiar. I'm pretty sure it's either a companion or a savegame on this site. I'd recommend searching those categories. It's popular if I'm right, so sort by downloads, descending. Could be Pandora though, I dunno.
  18. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=821 this one? While I'm here, anyone know which mod this guy is using for the helmet?
  19. There's already a hologram based pip boy - the Holoboy! It works great, but I can't seem to find it here anymore.
  20. I use BABE MK3 because there's a mod which adapts the vanilla armour to it. I don't use the nude version though :P
  21. I had that problem too, but that solution didn't seem to help at all.
  22. I can't seem to get water in this level I'm making. Every time I try to add it, via the cell option "has water", the box stays checked, but the height resets to 0. Using placeable water doesn't seem to work at all. It's an interior cell, using utility bits. Any idea what's going on?
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