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    TES4 Oblivion

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  1. Actually I don't think there will even be a next one (i.e an installment that is a significant improvement over skyrim, like skyrim was over oblivion) unless the engine is improved even further, think pixol based engines rendering in atoms with powerful physics capabilites (actual footprints in the dynamic real time accumulating snow) Most likely what we will see i the near future are official addons (DLC's) and more importantly mods adding the rest of tamriel to skyrim (apparently the dev's have already included the rest of tamriel albiet in a smaller scale beyond the skyrim landscape, so the base already exists.)
  2. This model ought to be made for the star trek excalibur project, its the only way you'll get to explore and pilot the model. Not to mention actually use all the equipment you've made for the interior of the ship as mission assets. With regards to Oblivion/Fallout or even Skyrim, its clearly out of place and will only be available as a static map. You will also need to divide the exterior from the interior if you want to avoid the rain falling through the decks.
  3. Are you planning to release this as a mod for Oblivion? Whil I'm certain there are several members here looking forward to a Trek Oblivion mod, to make full use of your model, you should include this ship in the Star Trek Excalibur project. THis is exactly the kind of ship they need, they'll even provide you with the engine for the purpose. Its the only project that allows the crew to walk through the interiors of the ship. Contact them here http://stexcalibur.com/ P.s being the NCC-1701 i'm not sure it'll fit into their current plotline, but considering your work, I'm certain they will accomodate it by any means.
  4. Hi, I'd seen a mod that added traps and dangers to the IC arena. (such as spikes and slaughter fish pits) Basically as a means to enhance combat. Any suggestions on what this mod was? Regards.
  5. I think you're referring to Claudia's little secret (I'm suggesting this based on a video I saw of it which seems to match your description) What those two women would be doing (according to the video) is well... *censored* and thus the missing mesh is probably the strap on for one of those women. Come to think of it what kind of dream is this?!
  6. Try these mods, might help probably? 100% chameleon (Its different from invisibility and permanent.) http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12114 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5232 Changes to the chameleon shader http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2411 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23552 (same as above I think) Sneaking http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37385 You could use a companion mod (like CM partners) to build a small militia that accompanies you on your travels. This way you'll have the upper hand when attacked by enemies. There's a mounted combat mod that allows you to trample enemies (very useful if you're in a hurry to get someplace) Another way I use is running off and climbing the nearest rock. Then I camp there and pump magic and arrows into them, however if they are at a higher level it does take quite a while to kill them. You could also use a mod that adds high leveled travelers to the roads (crowded roads, immersive travelers, heroes of cyrodil) and accompany them into battle. Though the side effect of this is that most FCOM creatures will be killed off even before you have a chance to meet them, not to mention substantial lag because of multiple AI packages.
  7. Try these mods Tamriel NPC's revamped (standalone/COBL version) and XEO (though I personally thing XEO is a bit extreme) Also Try beautiful people (though I don't think it affects NPC's) beautiful people + COBL races will give your characters googly eyes. w.r.t body mods, go for Roberts Male v4/v5 for males (I think the UV's for v5 won't be compatible with mods using v4 as a base for body textures) HGEC (recommended because of more variety of clothing mods for it) or Roberts Female for females Links : TNR - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=16843 XEO - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22787 other - http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/totocharacter.html
  8. No don't do that, since every few meters you'll have to get off and walk to combat your enemy.
  9. Its just annoying to get off a horse to fight a wolf. Its impractical, makes the player character look stupid. I won't never buy the game, I'll just stick with oblivion till someone mods it in. Oblivion with all the graphic enhancements looks close to skyrim anyway. The rest of the features like dual wield and the dragons, I'm in no hurry to experience. Imagine if you're on a horse and a dragon approaches. So long as you stay on the horse, it'll just keep circling mindlessly waiting for you to get off. I'd like the LOTR 3 experience where I'm picked off the ground and tossed, and I have to keep running to put up a fight. You know hide from the flames not face them mindlessly since there isn't an animation that show's I'm getting burnt. The dragons here seem to want to give you the upper hand. Its corny.
  10. Hi this should help, Check out this video about deadly reflex, You need to be at a higher level (around 25) to use the moves. That will take a long time, read this (table) http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Increasing_Skills For criticals there's an .ini config that you need to tweak. set skycaptainssb.criticalchance to 30 ;critical chance multiplier in all critical calculations change it to like 100 same with set scc.magiccriticalmult to 1 ;additional mult for magic criticals & set scc.arrowcriticalmult to 1 ;additional mult for marksman criticals
  11. Well I won't be buying skyrim if there's no horse combat. I'll wait until they release a DLC, or its successfully modelled in. In oblivion horse combat was achieved but it was player only and no horseback archery due to engine limitations. Seemingly this will be the case with skyrim as well. I've played oblivion quite a bit and getting off my horse to kill a lower leveled critter makes my tough character look like an imbecile.
  12. So yet again I have you dismount like a fool if a wolf attacks me? And what about if a dragon lands at my feet, will it wait until I dismount to start a battle. What if I want to run from it, I sure can't outrun it on foot!
  13. Seems it was a fault of the game (I think) I reexported (didn't change any settings) and the texture mysteriously appeared in game. P.s Also during that time, the bump map was visible (I checked with a tatooed model), just the texture turned white (but not in the inventory) Also once you've welded the mesh in 3ds max. Prior to making modifications and then are done with the rigging, how do you seperate them again (since the skin modifier won't allow it. In blender I noticed that you could join the meshes, without welding them, the then seperate them just as easily. Its like the skinning there didn't mind what modifications one did to them mesh. In max even if I so much as touched the editable mesh with the skin modifier active, I lost all the rigging (movind skeleton bones no longer moved the mesh)
  14. Hello, When I download a file that's below 2 mb, the file downloads automatically. Then the page refreshes and the same file is downloaded again automatically! So now I have two of the same files. I've noticed that this does not happen with larger sized files.
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