3 years 1 person working on it at a given time (Swaps hands across 2-3 people) few hours (2-4) per week progress while each having a full job to tend to as well a persons own entertainment as well family to have. in that perception making a mod would take a LONNNG time. however he often teases us releases, and finally shows a picture. such a big tease he is being. It is a shame nobody wants to work on this mod, this is the best chance to ever see something like this come to Skyrim. in truth I lost faith of it coming out while ago so many teases of release over the entire year of 2015. but seems refuses to release alpha/beta and resistant to have others assist him. I understand development, I know its not easy, I do not understand what is going on in his life nor tell him how to live it. I respect and thank you for working for it so long spite the teasing over the years, I hope it does come out within this month or the next. But I doubt it. :sad: Check back in November to see status.