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About MajKrAzAm

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  1. Just lol at this glimpse into the mind of people who think they're smarter and more informed than you. Nothing but smug and snarky remarks. In this case Aurelius was justified, it was not an Ad hominem because the points he was responding to were, in fact, too stupid to merit a proper response.
  2. Except in this case it is 100% justified.
  3. You either still don't get it, or you're doing the typical snarky millennial Jon Stewart 'gotcha' thing of focusing on one point like a lazer beam to catch someone out, but ignoring the main point. Let me break it down for you again. After decades of rule by an establishment that has repeatedly betrayed the average American, the election of Donald Trump is a revolt against that elite. Like I said in my previous post, Americans would have voted for Mao if he stood on the same platform as Trump. People did not vote for him because they were misled. You're trying to hammer the point that Trump lied, but you're missing the forest for the trees. No doubt Trump has lied, everyone knows what they were getting with Trump, but it doesn't matter. There is no lie that caused millions of Americans to vote for him, or for solidly democratic states to support a GOP candidate. People see very clearly the downward trajectory of America's future and chose to repudiate the entire political class. Progressives don't understand this. They equate it with tyranny. But Trump is a creation of the people, a manifestation of their will. Yes, we created Trump. Not the real estate mogul, but the man who talks about draining the swamp. He truly embodies the populist ideology we've been longing for years.
  4. Check out this article from FactCheck.org. You don't understand my point. Pedantically analyzing the accuracy of one of Trump's statements does nothing to understand the motivations of people who voted for him. Most people are not autistic and so don't care about about the individual details or correctness of a statement. No one really analyzes the tiny policy differences between candidates because it truly doesn't matter. Instead they vote according to broader issues and grievances. Fact checking was the swan song for progressives in 2016. You cannot win people over with 'logic' (or more accurately: debased pseudo-rationality). People are emotional creatures, and it is to emotional arguments that they respond. Most people instinctively know that something is fundamentally wrong with America. Donald Trump spoke of saving a once great nation from the abyss. I'm sure he has been given all the facts on immigration, the economy, and the stupid foreign wars, but instead of beating his supporters over the head with worthless data and statistics, he went right for the emotional heart. Obsessiveness over Fact-checking is why progressives don't understand human nature. It appeals to the kind of people who were shoved into lockers at schools. Let me know when someone fact checks the destruction of Libya and Syria, our border being a joke, multinationals screwing over American workers, the disaster of Obamacare, and mass racist Black violence and riots.
  5. Yes, let's get back to discussing the important topic of some idiot's meltdown on reddit.
  6. That's the point. Pundits forget that first and foremost, Trump is a repudiation of the modern GOP. The Republican Party are an empty vessel, they have absolutely no principles except tax cuts for the wealthy and the defense of Israel. They don't put up more than a token fight against the progressive onslaught. The average GOP politician is only good at giving a concession speech. They have surrendered on every important cultural issue to the left and have sold out the American worker to international capital through labor arbitrage. The election of Trump is a reaction to this.
  7. The outbursts we are seeing following Trump's election are very worrying. I have never before seen public meltdowns like this in my life. They represent something deeply wrong with our culture and portend a very dark future. I find it difficult to avoid the conclusion that we are seeing the beginnings of a cold civil war. A lot of people realize that big changes are happening concurrently in the West, but we are yet to assess the exact extent of these changes except to say that what we are witnessing the end of the neoliberal consensus that has dominated for decades.
  8. Germany is a joke. Europe is undergoing one of the biggest migrations in recent history. Hundred of thousands of mostly male Muslim foreigners have walked straight into Europe and have caused enormous social problems. It's insane. If someone had told me twenty years ago that you would have have mass slaughter on the streets of old European cities, trucks mowing into crowds, mass sexual assault of women, priests being beheaded, then I'd have probably said you were a nutjob. Yet here we are in 2017 and people think Russia is the problem!
  9. You just don't get it. At this point in time, many Americans would have voted for Mao if he ran on a ticket of economic nationalism and anti-immigration. Trump is an imperfect messenger for Trumpism (populism + economic nationalism + white identity politics). There is no 'lie'. This is the consequence of the past twenty years of the ideological and physical shrinking of mainstream conservatism.
  10. It's quite instructive about our society that these non-entities can't even perform a basic civic duty -- one in which they are specifically cast as non-thinking proxies for the general will of their fellow citizens -- without pulling some hysterical fit.
  11. Have you been listening to a word I said? If Trump had invested his inherited fortune in a neutral investment like an index fund, he'd have more money. He has underperformed the market. He is, by definition, a below-average businessman, and all his “deals” have been simple exchanges of money for entertainment and to feed his ego. It amazes me that people are still peddling this BS. Let me break it down for you: Trump was already a billionaire by the time he received his inheritance. There were no index funds when Trump started his career. The ones that developed were largely unproven until the mid/late 1980s when the market started to pick up. Also, let's just lol at not playing the market directly. If he had put his money into an index fund, then there wouldn't be countless physical assets and real estate. He would not have created thousands of jobs or paid millions in local taxes and regulations. Why don't you support the local community MB?
  12. Here is why I will vote for him: after decades of rule by an establishment that has repeatedly betrayed us, it is time to revolt. Not by electing a psychopathic, incompetent, stroke-addled shrew. I will only vote for someone who will preserve the integrity of our nation. The likes of Obama, or Merkel, or Hollande--these people can go to hell. The misery they have fostered around the world is maddening, their venality and amoral behavior is in a class of its own, yet I am supposed to be frightened of Trump? Has it occurred to you that the entire reason we have a national security state is that we insist on importing people who do not belong here? It is blatantly obvious that muslims are, as a group, incompatible with our society. Read up on Rotherham. Read up on the zones of sharia law that have cropped up in Western cities with high concentrations of muslims. Read up on the rioting, the drugs, the prostutition, the dole-leeching aggressive young men that form their sewage product. Perhaps what it will take with you is to be woken up at 5 AM by a call to prayer from the local mosque zoned into your whitebread residential area. The idea that we are all the same and infinitely miscible is patronizing babble from sheltered liberals who think that everyone really is just like them, because who would reject their deracinated, hedonistic outlook? The propaganda of a hyper-partisan left-wing org is intended to lobotomize you. Support Marine Le Pen's National Front. Support Pegida in Germany. Learn something about the immigration crisis abroad. (It is not a "refugee" crisis, for starters--the immigrants are from all over, virtually all of them seeking Europe's generous welfare state, not escape from hardship.) This is no time to stay wed to ignorant leaders and failed policies. They will only produce an endless succession of crises.
  13. Absolutely. We should flood an increasingly aging and childless Western Europe with hostile foreigners that are completely at odds with its culture, history, religion and heritage. As bad as American government is, Europe's is deeply insane. Europeans resist full rebellion because they would rather do anything than be labeled racist. Hopefully in both places people lose their timidity about this.
  14. The good news is that neocons are being unmasked as liberals primarily devoted to an aggressive foreign policy on behalf of you-know-who. Not only does Trump reject bedrock neocon foreign policy, he rejects the bedrock neocon/liberal cultural doctrine of the propisition nation. He embraces nationalism and rejects neocon globalism. Trump has called out the neocon policy of the past 25 years. Right now, Hilary Clinton represents a continuation of the neoconservative consensus.
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