I decided to pick up on this project. Dunno if you ever managed to finish this, Geeves83. After a lot of trial and error, I have made a lot of progress. The current script works: scn 0HelmetHeadshot
begin scripteffectstart
if getHitLocation == 1 && getIsCreature == 0 && getEquipped 0HelmetList == 0
setAV damageThreshold 0
end "0HelmetList" is a form list that I made that includes all the helmets. Now, if you shoot someone in the head who doesn't wear a helmet, they don't get any Damage Threshold against that. This script is attached to every ammo type as an Impact Script. The only problem is, and I have hit the limit of my current scripting skills (this is the 2nd script I have ever made): They still have 0 DT after the headshot is made. So if it doesn't kill them on the first headshot, they don't get their original DT back. Any ideas how to fix this would be greatly appreciated, as this is a great step towards more intuitive and fun shooting gameplay in my opinion. Also, my next step is to make a script that only counts the helmet DT for headshots if they wear a helmet.