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Posts posted by Lateralizm

  1. Hello, my name is Levi, im from australia, i thought i would introduce myself as i thought it was the polite thing to do. When im not playing guitar and writing songs, i like to play Fallout 3 and Oblivion and im looking forward to playing Skyrim, i like a lot of the games bethesda has churned out, they seem to have a knack for creating these vast open world games were you can create your own experience rather than having to traverse a straight forward path to some sort of obvious end point, but any way, i will shut up now, I look forward to meeting you all.

    Hello, and welcome to the Nexus community!!!:biggrin:. If you like Bethesda in general then you are going to fit in pretty well around here :thumbsup:. Also, the games genre that you are describing are called RPG's (Role-Playing Games) It seemed like you didn't know that :P. Sorry, if you did. Anyways, welcome aboard!!!

  2. So what went down, I don't have a Twitter account so I have no Idea of what happened.

    Lulzsec disbanded. By the way I don't think Lulzsec ever actually released anyones info. There was nothing about it I could find from any reliable source i know of.

    EDIT: Protip: you don't need a twitter do view someones twitter :thumbsup:

  3. I agree. I also play both, but I prefer Fallout 3. Bethesda took the TES-esque approach and made a very believable and immersed game for Fallout 3 and it was a very well and proffesionally put together videogame. Obsidian however did a very poor job at putting Fallout NV together. It can still be enjoyable, it just wasn't the same as my first playthrough for Fallout 3. The construction of the game was sloppy too. Even if you look at the game files in comparison from Falllout 3's GECK to fallout NV's GECK. I almost cried :facepalm:. Not to mention how glitchy Fallout NV was considering they just added new stuff to an already buggy engine. Had I not done everything in Fallout 3 possible over 12 times I probably would still be playing it instead of Fallout NV, but it feels too stale and I like the Vanilla game lightly modded for realism.
  4. i don't know how to say this..but for all those people who are trying to defend a crappy system like steam... STEAM SUCKS AND SHOULD BE ERASED... let's take a vote?

    Why does everyone hate on steam so much? I personally have never had a problem with it.



    Personally, I don't "hate" Steam. But I do know how it feels to spend $50 on game that turns out to be useless after countless attempts at activation. After one experience like that, I have never bought another "internet connection required to play" game again. A one time activation/registration process is fine, but having to download huge files that your connection may or may not be able to handle is too much.


    From a practical point of view I am not sure that it deters piracy any more than the simpler methods of on-line activation and it creates an unnecessary barrier to entry for those unable to access/afford high-speed internet. For someone who has never lived without high-speed internet and assumes that those who can't simply don't deserve it, then I guess that doesn't matter. (I am not referring to you personally)


    As an example, when I bought Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate, the activation process for the game and DLCs was quick and simple, just enter my codes into the Bioware site...instant activation. When I tried to activate my copy of Empire: Total War through Steam, it was a nightmare of resetting server connections, frozen screens and endless waiting without result or even knowing how/when/if the process might work itself out. In the end, I just gave the game away to a friend of mine ((who also gave up). No process is flawless, but the simpler and faster the better.

    Ah, so that is why everyone dislikes steam. I never go to a store to buy anything anymore. Too much of a hassled to me. I do online purchases now considering I am in PA so there is never really somewhere I don't have a decent internet connection. Well thanks for the info!!!

  5. i don't know how to say this..but for all those people who are trying to defend a crappy system like steam... STEAM SUCKS AND SHOULD BE ERASED... let's take a vote?

    Why does everyone hate on steam so much? I personally have never had a problem with it.

  6. It was to prove a point man. By his logic, the"minority" doesn't matter.


    And I'm a PC gamer. Hence my discontent with Steam.

    Was the point that it was a minority? Just wondering. Also, sorry if it seems like I was freaking out or something. I just saw the words Skyrim and console exclusive and almost smacked my face into a wall. :wallbash:

  7. Hello,

    I was wondering if someone from our wonderful community wouldn't mind teaching an aspiring 3D artist the ropes. I have tried using tutorials, but I often find myself forgetting things. If someone would help me it would be more than appreciated. Thank You!!!

  8. If it turns out to be a minority, it won't matter. Minorities aren't justifiable, economically/marketing wise.


    49% is a minority. The PC crowd in itself is a minority. Why not just have it be console exclusive?


    The fact is they would be losing sales, and disappointing the consumer. Just because one person has a reliable internet connection, doesn't mean the person without it shouldn't be able to get the game.


    Anyways my main beef is with Steam.

    The reason they wouldn't have it be console exclusive is because of modders like us. (Us=Nexus Community) They want people to mod the game because not only does it allow them to see the talent in the online community, but new ideas to implement into either new games or really anything they might do. Plus, the PC community is only so small because so few people are able to afford computers capable of running games at the point where they look amazing. I look for that in a lot of games, and I have a good internet connection. Way I saw it, PC was the best choice. In short, the company would not lose money from the PC community. They actually have a chance to make a lot more money from the PC community. For Example, the weapon mod system implemented into Fallout: New Vegas was only added because someone developed a mod that allowed you to mod your weapons in Fallout 3. Without the "minority" that the PC gaming community, you yourself could be missing some game content from your games. Think about it :thumbsup:. Also, I am not a PC fanboy, if there is such a thing. I do play my Xbox 360 often too. Oh hey look, I just rambled for a good two paragraphs. tehe

  9. I was gonna post about it this the other day when I read it on Lulzsec's twitter. I was checking it occasionally for any signs of something I should have worried about. They said a while ago that they had only intended on being around for like 2 months or so. They did cause a lot of damage and I do not approve of anything they are doing, but at the same time they beefed up a lot of people's awareness about their internet security. In my opinion, at least some good came of it. Anyone agree or am I alone in this here boat? :psyduck:
  10. The reason they are rebooting them is because the nostalgia and the success of those games. When you think about it, all they are really doing is taking another generations childhood, dusting it off, and giving it to a new one.

    Which isn't really a good thing.


    I don't mind having rebooted games, just don't start replacing reboots with new games in the series.


    Maybe I am just crazy, but I still want a prequel/sequel to majora's mask.

    Whilst a sequel around that time would have been AMAZING!!!! I don't want them to do something like that now because LOZ is like my whole childhood and I just want to remember it and play the older ones. Twilight Princess wasn't bad, it just wasn't the same. I don't know about your opinion, but that is mine :biggrin:.

  11. The reason they are rebooting them is because the nostalgia and the success of those games. When you think about it, all they are really doing is taking another generations childhood, dusting it off, and giving it to a new one.
  12. I don't know if something is wrong with my internet connection or something, but i have noticed that I often find myself timing out when trying to connect. I actually have been trying for quite some time now to just be able to post this. Took a while for the site to actually load, but I got it. Also, the chat wasn't working when i tried to connect. Told me to notify an administrator and considering my messaging isn't working either I decided to just post. So, help please!!! Thanks!!!
  13. Welcome to the community, seem's like you'll fit in and what not. Anywho best await the spam.


    Thank you Flintlock, :D but.. what spam? And thanks again.. :)



    I think he meant because a lot of people are going to welcome you, and there are a lot of people on this site. Basically, you will probably get a lot of notifications :thumbsup:

  14. Not every 'simple' mod is 'useless' I have seen several that are consistently on peoples recommended lists and are then often included in an unofficial patch later. :thumbsup:


    I often see the remark "Anyone could have made that mod" and yes, anyone could. But 'anyone'didn't - Then 'someone' came along and did. One example is the first mod I ever downloaded for Oblivion - all it does is remove the 'loading new area' message that appeared constantly as you moved from cell to cell. It was later incorporated into the unofficial patch along with a few other "Anyone could have made that" type mods. :biggrin:

    I understand this entirely. The last thing i wanted to portray was that I thought these modders work was insignificant or something. I just am a clean freak and like things organized :tongue:.

  15. The category is important when searching: if a category is not specific about what a mod does its rather useless -- I'm pretty sure most people search for mods that do specific things and the categories help with that.


    Perhaps though you are referring to the weapons category because it has so many mods I think it could definitely use sub-dividing. I don't know how many melee weapons there are, not many compared to guns I think, but if they split it into melee, 1h guns and 2h guns that would be a great start in making it easier to find things.

    Would probably be a better idea, could remove a lot of the clutter

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