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Posts posted by Lateralizm

  1. This legal? haha

    Read the post. Click the links. Then, and only then, reply.

    Yeah, i actually was going to edit my comment, but I was busy. It makes sense that they did that, and honestly I doubt anyone at that company cares anymore because it is not like they could make more money off those dlc. Sorry!!!

  2. Yeah so do I. And I was talking in EST sorry for not clarifying ahah. I still have a multitude of games to play, but i like went to the store and got a bunch of stuff that will make me probably explode at a later point, but would allow me to not have to leave my computer to eat...that wrong?
  3. Well, it's 3 o'clock. DLC doesn't appear to be on Steam yet. I'll keep you guys posted if it shows up. Anyone having more luck?


    EDIT: 3:30, still nothing. Come on Bethesda!


    EDIT #2: It's 4 AM EST. I guess I'll go to bed now. I kinda wanted to download it tonight. Hmph.

    DLC doesn't update til around 5 or 6 EST usually

  4. Who else is highly anticipating the release of Honest Hearts tomorrow? I know I am. I have been scrambling around the wastes for a steady supply of weapons, ammo, chems, armor, weapon repair kits, etc. Basically, if the Burned Man winds up being an enemy, he is going to by baptized a third time...
  5. Thank you. I really suspect "Alternative" is more of a pseudo-genre. Most of what's "Alternative" is modern, and belonging to many different styles. Something that isn't genre-limited could also go under "Other". I see no use for "Alternative", but it looks like people have already voted on it so might be a bit unfair to get rid of it. I would also suggest "World" but that could go under "Other" as well. Just my suggestions :)

    I did that mainly to cover subgenres as a whole so no one is like well oh i only like black metal not classic metal or something along those lines. Haters are Welcome. :thumbsup:

  6. All of this is very much your opinion. Everything in your post seems rather biased as if to say "look, these people should not be uploading this here". Well they do. And there's not all too much you can do about it. When push comes to shove, you don't have to look at it in the first place. Nevertheless, I do sort of agree with you that tasteful fashion and "showing less is more" sometimes. But the term you are using to denote other mods you don't think are sexy regards those mods as taboo. I would suggest a more polite term (even "pornographic" would be more acceptable).

    When push comes to shove is awesome to say in any situation.

  7. I think this list needs some expanding. What about Jazz, Blues and Classical? (and Electronica if you consider that big enough to be its own genre). Seems to me mostly we've got everything after the 60's. Don't forget that music didn't start with that...

    On the contrary, most of what I listen to lately is modern stuff (Rapcore, metal) but my favorites are some Power Metal and Metalcore bands:

    1. Starkweather

    2. Textures

    3. Blind Guardian (Since this was already listed I'll give my favorite female-fronted metal, Nightwish and Epica).

    Yeah i understand that i definitely should have expanded on a wider spectrum, but off the top of my head those are the ones i thought of. I will add those to the list, but i dont think i can add much more.

  8. are you ok man? havent replied in a while I will wait for a few more days and then repost the topic

    Personally, again not that i couldn't, but i really don't have the time. I started getting lazy on my schoolwork and now i need to pick it back up. If i had more time maybe i would, but currently i don't have the time. Sorry

  9. It really depends on who you're talking about. Katy Perry is actually a good singer. Most metal singers aren't too special, but I'm going to go through my list of artists and pick out the ones who are. I'm talking about singing, here, not harsh vocals.


    I agree in that there are very talented pop singers, but I think many are very overrated; why else do they feel the need to use autotune?


    I've been meaning to check out Tool, any songs anyone can recommend?

    Vicarious, Schism, Ænima, and The Patient. I love all of there songs except for the ones off their album Undertow. Don't know why but i can't seem to listen to those.\

    Also, if you play an instrument, or just know what time signatures are, then you should know that in Schism they change time signatures around 50 something times and the time signature is like 7/8, 5/6, 6/8. Basically, they don't use music sheets, tehe

  10. Opeth

    Devin Townsend



    Get your pretentious Tool out of here, OP. :biggrin:

    Well, Tool has been described as a band for people who wouldn't normally listen to metal and want a little more thought out of there music than just to feel kickass. The leader of Tool intentionally makes very vague lyrics so as for them to be interpreted differently upon the person listening. He is a pretty well rounded person. He actually hides his career from his kids so they aren't messed up as they get older. This is why he is always dressed weird or looks different every other time they see him.Hell, thats my opinion anyways. tehe

  11. If it could be done, your computer would probably implode, explode, then implode again and create a time rift causing the world to explode, then implode, than explode. Everyone is dead, good job your idea doomed us all. Haha, no i have no idea if that is possible, it might be? I just couldn't pass that up :no:
  12. This is basically going to be sort of a music debate/compare. I will post my opinion and anyone can go off that. Also, I will post my three favorite bands at the bottom. Oh, that is gonna be hard to do. :tongue:

    Now, I am not trying to say one type of music is better than the other, but being a musician myself I find it somewhat of a disgrace to make music without people who actually play an instrument. Yes, technically vocals is an instrument because there is a huge difference between a good singer and a bad one. Plus, most of the mainstream music today is auto tuned. If your voice needs to run through a machine before it sounds good, maybe you should work on your vocals. I know i appreciate when someone does not use it. Anyone care to argue? :biggrin:



    1. TOOL

    2. A Perfect Circle

    3. Eh, hard to choose a third. Umm, guess I will throw Megadeth in there. Dave deserves some credit. :sweat:

  13. Dude i would suggest you take this down or something because announcing you don't have a legitimate copy of dead money will be considered piracy and you will more than likely be banned. Not going to report this mainly because I wouldn't want someone to do so to me.


    but if you want to just leave you are going to want to type "coc goodsprings", "player.removeitem xx006e8f" (xx standing for whatever it is in your load order which is probably going to be 02006e8f), and i don't know what quest your on so can't help you there.

  14. I will try to fit it in somewhere in my day, but I have been using up more time than I have with school and such. If i can get it done i will let you know, but someone more experienced could get it done a lot quicker so i wouldn't wait around for me to do it :tongue: .
  15. Did anyone else notice this? I am assuming I am not the only one, but it isn't in the actual game at all. It is a finished mod though. I could easily put this in myself, and am about too so don't anyone steal it :verymad: . I was just wondering why nobody did yet? Welp, oh well.



    Nevermind, I forgot that you can't load more than three mods for one weapon. I am smart :wallbash:

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