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Everything posted by eltucu

  1. The "ignore buttons" is kinda a reality shaping tool. "Press X to remove annoying people of my world" :P
  2. Sometimes i play videogames a lot, sometimes i dont. The rest of the time i read stuff on the interwebz or try to make sense out of OpenGL tutorials. Hardcore The Sims player FTW! :P Anyway yeah, the casual-hardcore thing is a matter of how much you play and how much it matters to you rather than a genre thing. There are hardcore RPG players and casual FPS players. For example, though being a "casual" RTS player sounds kinda rare but i could be considered one, i mostly suck at RTS games and i rarely touch one, but the ones i played i enjoyed a lot (Age of Empires 3, Supreme Commander, Age of Mythology, C&C Red Alert 1 and 2, etc).
  3. Well, he tried to kill a god... and kinda failed at it. So there's that. Besides, Sheogorath probably has as much potential as Jyggalagg had, being some kind of "brothers". The other Daedric Princes feared Jygalagg's power. We'll see if Dawnguard sheds some light into the Dovahkiin potential (besides the whole "strongest Thu'um" and all that).
  4. I'd like to know how some DRM software like SecuROM or StarFORCE is priced. I suspect it costs as much as paying a licence for an engine. Besides DRM and general data protection is a serious business. You dont go to the shader guys if you need a custom DRM. So Ubi and EA probably have tons of internet security techies designing their DRM (or in the case of EA, very few people working 12 hour shifts from monday to saturday :P )
  5. And there was that offer when Napoleonic Wars was launched, 7.50 USD for all three Mount and Blade, Warband and With Fire and Sword. Funnily enough, the DLC was priced 10 USD, so all three games costed less that a single DLC for Warband :P
  6. What a shame. Pff, Revan > all. He made the rule of two, your argument is invalid. :P
  7. I hope this isnt the last project Ken Rolston is involved with...
  8. I try to see views to downloads ratio every now and then for my mods and other's. Not that i would say "I GOT MUR PWNLOADS PER VIEWS THAN SKYUI!" of course :P
  9. Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning was sort of a side effect of the true project that Big Huge Games had in mind. It turned out to be better than the main stuff it seems...
  10. 83.6% of all statistics are made up. Sounds legit.
  11. They are aliens. But lets see how AC3 turns out first...
  12. Not at all, they even make you a few flashbacks before each game detailing the previous ones :P (worst way to cater the first time players ever, looks like the "in the previous episode" of TV series). What i missed i tried to read in the Wikia since there are also games for handheld and stuff in the middle besides AC1, AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations and AC3 (i read everything in between AC1 and Brotherhood, lost interest before Revelations) Take in mind that by AC1, it had nothing to do with the end of the world or (explicitly) aliens (so far so good), after AC1 they involved the end of the world, the aliens made their apparition, etc. There lies the point of inflection. End of the world... End of the galaxy... End of all life... The ancient aliens have the technology to stop it... Rings a bell? It has all the parts of a sci-fi game without the over technological futuristic environment. The context is one thing, but the core premise of that its the same as the one from say, Mass Effect or Halo (or probably thousands of old novels that i didnt read). Find the ancient alien technology, prevent the end of the world/galaxy/etc. This is not the problem (i even like that kind of stuff), the problem is what they left behind to pursue that kind of story. As i said, they started well with the more mysterious origin in AC1, with all the religious and philosophical implications that the powerful people had to deal with, then they steered it to less introspection of the characters, less self reflection, overall less thinking and evolving of the characters to a pseudo cliched theme of ancient aliens, end of the world, 2012 and all that. In AC1 you had all these "What if Jesus did existed and did made the water wine, but not like we imagined he would?" It had all sorts of implications of mythical and historical characters, religions and pretty much everything. Then they narrowed everything to aliens, standard sci fi macguffins created by aliens, and end of the world/life/everything prevented by you... and the aliens. They left the philosophy discussions, the religious points of view, everything that made AC1 interesting (to me at least). I... I kinda liked AC before it went mainstream now that i think of it :P
  13. I started with Assassin's Creed 1. It was very repetitive, but the philosophical discussions with the master, and the whole revelations of each guy you killed (the, "You don't believe!?" moment, the whole "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" discussions, etc), it was very interesting and very refreshing. Like it had a more close connection with the things that the Crusades represented, at least in the religious side. Then played AC2: Brotherhood. They made a good leap forward in gameplay (mostly, collecting stuff got boring after a while) but a biiiiiig step back in the story. Now it all became the dumb "Uncover the secrets of the ancient aliens" pursuit that we have seen on way too many games lately. Before it had more sense, with all the unknown things around the artifacts, but now that we have the "IT WAS ALIENZ ALL ALONG!" it's kinda standard sci fi without all the philosophical twists that AC1 had with gameplay concepts that they overplayed after every new title in the series. So, not looking forward to AC3...
  14. Does your Hitachi HDD support SATA 3/6Gbps ? Still, if the HDD doesnt surpass the 200Mb/s mark (most reach at most 150Mb/s), it wont make a difference. SATA 2 officially supports up to 300Mb/s but SSDs that work between the 200Mb/s and 300Mb/s range usually benefit from SATA 3 anyway.
  15. Bethesda Softworks played the dck card and sued Interplay for it. http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Interplay-Bethesda-Fallout-MMO-ZeniMax,14457.html So expect an MMO from another part of Bethesda Online Studios sometime in the future.
  16. Which is limited to guards only. Hell, i had hoped that once i became the listener, ppl would just say "Dont kill me!" when i approached them...
  17. I don't think so, he doesn't actually knows what the player knows. Though yeah, saying something about it would have been a very good choice. Like: Tullius: "This is exactly what they wanted, don't you realize!?" Dovahkiin: "Well no, I read a document from their intelligence that says that they don't want the war to end, that's why they tried to intercept Ulfric's execution in the first place." Tullius: "Oooooh, now it makes sense!* Dovahkiin: "Good for you!" *cuts Tullius's throat* Anyway i referred as an oversight the fact that we have these conflicting accounts. Not because they're conflicting (conflicting opinions is good for the story!) , but because one particular opinion is delivered in a overly dramatic moment. So it doesn't looks like it was made like that for the sake of making Tullius a deeper character that thinks "they" want Ulfric to win for whatever unexplained reasons, but just for the sake of trowing that cliched line in a dramatic part of the game before the execution of an important character. Tullius: "Don't you see? This is what they wanted all along!" Dovahkiin: "OMG, now I understand EVERYTHING! You're my father and Ulfric is my lost twin sister!" See?
  18. Beth played well the first meeting with Stormcloack's head. Instead with the Imperials you get 1. Death penalty because you look the type who doesnt likes their head attached to their body. And when meeting Tullius 2. "I dont give a f. about this place. Fo' teh emprah!" Even playing a pro-imperial Khajiit, i find hard to not to get the f. out of there and run to Windhelm. Though at the end of the campaign i dunno what to make out of Tullius words. "Its what they wanted" ? I played a quest that explicitly stated that its NOT what "they" wanted... It may be just bad writing (or miscommunication between the main quest team and the civil war quest team), since its cool to make think the player he made a bad call and all that, but its hard to think that when you have proof that "they" want to prevent both sides from winning so the war doesnt ends anytime soon. Maybe Tullius is just mis informed, though i'm leaning to that its just an oversight from the writers, which would be on par with Beth's usual writing.
  19. Looks like an avg MMORPG from the pics alone. Hell, you could call it "The Revenge of the Evil God Online" and i woulnt even blink at it lol
  20. Its not that bad! We dont have to play it, and we will get the lore anyways... Though i do hope that there isnt a "No TES 6 in Alinor cuz its covered in TESO!" I'd really like to go to Elsewyr, you get desert and jungles in the same pack! (besides, the last desert i played in a RPG was in Gothic 3, it was awesome). Uncovering ancient Khajiiti cities buried in the sand or lost in the deep jungle, expecting fully mayan and egyptian inspired content! If TESO covers that, then maybe i wont be seeing that for TES6 :(
  21. :psyduck: Your knowledge about economics is unmatched, often surpassed, but never matched. PD: Kudos to whoever gets the reference :P
  22. It will be a smash hit just like skyrim. You can write a book about the things that went wrong with Skyrim but yet everyone bought it, every one played it, everyone loved or hated it and everyone is discussing such things spending hours and hours of their lives doing so. TESO will be pretty big i think. I wont play it though. MMOs dont appeal to me, im eager to know what new things will be fitted in the lore anyway.
  23. "My favorite kind of magic, Lesbomancy." - Random dwarf in Witcher 2
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