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Everything posted by eltucu

  1. Hm. I just mentioned something related in the chat a few days ago. Tolkien elves are just... too good? I mean, they're DESIGNED to be better at pretty much everything, better warriors, better looks, better physique, better lifespan, better morals, etc. I find kinda eerie the constant hints of their superiority over other races. Its like at every point that a human/dwarf/hobbit does something, an elf does the same thing, but better. Except walking into Mordor of course. Bethesda wen't exactly the opposite road. They made the elfish race's ancestors a bunch of crazy xenophobic bastards, and the modern elves a bunch of not so crazy but still pretty much xenophobic bastards. And I like it. I wouldn't have it other way.
  2. Feargus Urquhart at Obsidian (the developer that made F:NV) recently said that he'd be happy to make another Fallout offshoot, and Bethesda or Zenimax, depending on who would make the choice in the end, would be crazy not letting them do it. Considering how well New Vegas sold, and that Obsidian only got payed a fixed amount (as opposed to getting a percentage of the sales) for a team that was smaller, and worked a lot faster, than Bethesda's which made F3, it would seem like a very sound financial decision. Especially when keeping in mind that NV was a more complex game than Fallout 3 (65 k lines of dialogue compared to 40 k, more player choices that mattered, deeper characters, etc). Sure it was buggy, but a few more months of development would have ironed the worst ones out. The idea of another West Coast Fallout game made by Obsidian excites me a lot more than a F4 by Bethesda set in Boston and centered around "the Institute" (but that setting may be nothing more than a rumor). It had more complexity in some areas and was made faster mainly because they got all the assets and the engine from Bethesda's FO3. Those two alone consume a LOT of time in game development. Having those sorted out leaves room for many things, which Obsidian took advantage of and did their thing with FONV. For example, that's why GSC could release 3 STALKER games on a relatively small frame of time. They have been developing Oblivion Lost for around 6 years, and after they scrapped it, they released 3 games in half that amount of time (ShoC 2007, Clear Sky 2009, Call of Prypiat 2010) out of the content they produced in those 6 years. Thanks for that link, good to know that Beth and Obsidian are in good terms and they're talking about this. I'm also more excited about a possible Obsidian's FO rather than Bethesda's. Hopefully, if they make it, they can grab a more interesting place than Vegas (which was a way less interesting environment by itself than DC). As they mentioned, LA could be nice. Anyway, talking about FO in the Skyrim forum is a bit off topic :biggrin:
  3. i think they'll do one more big DLC than some kinda of last hurrah DLC for skyrim. but ill be surprised if FO4 is announced this year. maybe it'll get leaked but i doubt an official announcement. I was thinking about an announcement at the end of the year. Not right away. Beth releases games in 3 year cycles so far. Morrowind end of 2002. Oblivion end of 2005. Fallout 3 in 2008. Skyrim at the end of 2011 (with Obsidian's FONV in 2010). If Beth uses more or less the same technology as Skyrim for FO4 (so no big delays for tech development happen), I can see them announcing it at the end if this year and releasing it sometime in 2014. I wonder is Zenimax is going to "outsource" a TES or FO spinoff again like they did with FONV. While I don't see them going the CoD route, with releases each year, I do see them having another studio providing "offshoot" content while Bethesda Games Studios works on the next big title of their main franchises. Now, one thing that comes to mind is that next-gen consoles are coming soon. 2014 probably. And maybe Beth would want to step up their engine for that kind of hardware. Otherwise Creation Engine as it is might look very dated in comparison to other titles.
  4. It was a meteorite shower. Not a single meteorite. There were many explosions around besides the big blast that damaged the city.
  5. Imagine what is right wing for the rest of the world. Then divide it in two parts. The left part of the right wing is what USA considers "left", the right part of the right wing is what USA considers "right". To the rest of the world looks like its between very right wing, or a little less right wing.
  6. One more big DLC, then FO4 announcement in a few months.
  7. In this case, its more about the nostalgia of the thing I guess.
  8. For me it would be enough for them to outsource the writing to Obsidian. Not just story, also NPCs and backstory (so you could actually HAVE a backstory for a change instead of "A and B happened, now you must kill C" ). Then let the artists and level designers of Beth to do their thing with the landscape. And the companion wheel. Can't understand why they didn't "import" that one from New Vegas.
  9. Deus Ex Human Revolution is pretty nice. You could try to play Mount & Blade in first person too :P
  10. I think that turn based RPGs were a byproduct of an age where you just couldn't simulate the complex actions that RPG systems required in real time. Thus, turn based mechanics in this day and age sounds pretty bad to me (like Cyberpunk from CDProject). That said, I liked what I saw from the Wasteland 2 video. Looks like it has a well done and interesting environment. While I probably won't enjoy the combat I could see myself enjoying everything else the game has to offer :D
  11. Nothing. I was going to navmesh my mod but no one seems to know how to copy a navmesh from one .esp to another. Anyway, right now Im far from home, far from Skyrim and even far from a PC with Windows on it. @pickel, a recommendation (gathered from my little experience with quest design), draw a diagram of your quest stages like a flow chart, it will help to sort things out before you mess up with the editor, which isnt the nicest thing on earth so better to not to have to fiddle with it too much.
  12. Meh. Looks pretty standard for me. I've seen more craziness from Invader Zim. Though now I know why there are so many pony memes around, they sure give a flood of material for them in the show!
  13. OMIGOSH! Thats it! The mudcrab holds the secret of EVERYTHING!!! Maybe reading an elder scroll will turn you blind, but placing the mounted mud crab will turn you sterile, blind AND tell your girlfriend about that time on the club with your friends.
  14. Meh. It looks like filler. I'm more into lore-expanding expansions than "Hey, look at this new feature" or "Hey! This evil and unrelated menace popped out just yesterday and you need to kill it!" content. Though to be fair, there are ways that kind of content can be stirred up to expand the lore of the main game (ala Shivering Isles, totally unrelated thing but very enlightening about one of the main things in Oblivion, the Daedra Princes). BUT I dont see this DLC heading that way thus I don't care about it... Unless making a house can explain some things surrounding Akatosh, Alduin and the Dragonborns that is.
  15. Skyrim doesn't uses a video for menu backgrounds. It renders a scene.
  16. Or something like that lol I have this house upgrade mod (link on muh sig!) that needs to be navmeshed. I have two versions that differ slightly (one uses dialogue for buying the upgrade, the other one uses a simple script attached to an activator), their interior cell modifications are exactly the same. So, there is a way so I don't have to navmesh both versions separately? It's not much work to do them by hand two times but I'd like the mod to be consistent.
  17. ^^^ This. No five tenets Astrid? Then die. You're not DB. Cicero was the only true Dark Brotherhood member before the Dragonborn showed up, so he deserved to live along those that followed the Dragonborn. I played the role of the guy which his sole purpose was to bring back the DB that was once powerful in the 3rd era. So that kind of fanaticism that Cicero showed was exactly what he needed for the "reborn" DB. If not for Cicero, the DB would have ceased to exist right there.
  18. Of course dude. Any asset you take from other game would be stol... ehm... "ported" material. Do you see any "Gothic 3 OST in Skyirim" mod 'round here? Pretty much everything that is copyrighted, not in public domain, not for free use or distributed without author's consent will be considered something to be taken down.
  19. I know, custom design is expensive, but you forget that Beth isn't licencing the content to one single dude, they have more than 8 million customers. The licence of the content may cost such ammount, but Beth isnt targeting a single customer. The profit margins are waaaaay bigger than that. That's something we all should notice when talking about pricing. If Skyrim costs 60 usd to 70usd at launch (depending on edition/and/or platform) and gave me almost 200hs of content, you surely cant expect i'm willing to spend 1/3 of that for 1/10 of equivalent content. When 'I paid the 70 usd for Skyrim I paid for the content, along the engine, the middeware, etc. When i'm paying for a DLC, i'm paying for EXTRA things that have such developments already given. Me too. Remember that Bethesda Softworks (publisher) denied a bonus for obsidian because New Vegas didnt reached 85 (or it was 90?) points in Metacritic, it reached 84 if im not mistaken. While to me it looks like an overall better game than FO3 (though to be fair, you have to transform an isometric RPG into a 1rst person RPG first for such thing to happen, which is something Bethesda Games Studios did first with FO3).
  20. Try to be a coder with a tight time limit for a project, you suddenly feel it should be illegal. Or do you think that all of Beth team are 3D artists? You don't make 20hs of gameplay by making textures and meshes alone. Hell, you could make 20hs of gameplay with clever scripting and good writing alone.
  21. No, i'm actually trying to get a Computer Science (Computing Licentiate specifically) degree and be a software developer, and I still think it should be priced 15 USD at most.
  22. That whole "We never said we were going to release Dawnguard for PC/PS3!" issue was a very cheap shot to get Dawnguard appear on search engines again... Anyway, not going to get it for now. Haven't played Skyrim in a while and this DLC doesn't tempts me to play it again, besides, price is a lil bit higher than i expected.
  23. Au contraire to what FMod said, 1Gb GTX 560 Ti may play Skyrim on HD pack pretty well BUT it stutters (i have one and only official HQ texture DLC, maxes out vRAM easily). So 1Gb+ is a must, I'd choose the GTX670 instead of the GTX570 anyway. Its faster, cooler, and requires less power to work. Having 2Gb+ of vRAM is more future proof. Today you might use 1,5Gb for some games (Skyrim, BF3, etc) and be happy, but mid 2013 2Gb vRAM might fall short, who knows (well, im pretty sure that you will need 2Gb to play nicely, a bit more to use higher settings) . So you might want to go the 3Gb uber kill AMD way IF the price is reasonable. Remember than today you can find lots of 512x512 and 256x256 textures on videogames, with a few 1k/2k on the most detailed things BUT the day 1k becomes the bare minimum resolution for most textures (that means way more common 2k and 4k textures), possibly happening with next gen consoles launch, then we will need much, much more vRAM for nice stutter-free gameplay.
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