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Everything posted by AuroraMoon

  1. The problem here is that new followers have new voice actors. There's nothing anyone can do about vanilla voiced characters.. you could use existing dialogue, but there isn't much to use for what you're asking.. unless you have Paul Ganus's number (voice actor for all male nords). Well, you see... I'm Deaf, so the lack of voice actors thing wouldn't really bug me. But I can see how others would be annoyed... but I do know that there are plenty of voice actors out there who can easily mimick the oringal voice actors' voices. Just have to find somebody willing to do that. :) I'd just like for them to actually LOOK at other followers occisonally instead of always vacantly staring at me. They also don't have to carry on conversations like all the time.... but I also find it hard to believe that when you've been travelling for two days non-stop without ever resting at a tavern or something, that they wouldn't say anything about it. for example, my two most common followers are Lydia and Macurio. If I went ahead and did something like the above, I'd like to see them talking behind me about it. something like: Marcurio, mumbling: "Ugh, I'm so tired...walking non-stop for two days.... I'll fall over dead any moment. Not all of us have the stamina of the dragonborn you know..." Lydia: "Shhh, don't let him/her hear you! you should be more respectful of the thane!" Marcurio: "Oh come on, I see dark circles under YOUR eyes. You act so tough, but you're just as tired as I am..." Lydia: "....." And if we were resting at an tarvern, I'd just like to see the followers just drink and maybe sing a ditty together. something simlar to the mod "Followers relax too", only this mod would be more focused on them socalizing. like Lydia saying something like: "Ahh... it's so nice to be outside of a dark dusty tomb. The tomb we were in before had way too many cobwebs for my liking!" And Marcurio saying something like: "Agreed."
  2. I would like for my followers to actually have conversations with each other and stuff. I've found that it breaks my immersion when they act like the other one doesn't exist. Yes, I'm using the UFO (Umlimate follower overhaul) mod where I can have more than one follower. I would also like for my followers to interact with my spouse and child. When I adopt a child, I tend to leave behind followers like Lyida so that she can act as a nanny.... and again it breaks my sense of disbelief when she barely alknowledges my child. New Followers made by other Modders tend to conversate with other followers, even vanilla ones. So I would like for my Vanilla followers to do the same. simple enough.
  3. I litterally did everything that everyone suggested in this thread... uninstalled everything, even all the mods.... reverted to vanilla with hearthfire and dawnguard add ons, and still ctd. tried the ini thing, still CTD.... and so on forth. Guess Farketh will always be offlimits no matter what.
  4. Anybody have the ID for the Hearth fire oven? I wanna add it to my proudspire home.
  5. now that you mention it, I did recently join the brotherhood.... it was one of the reasons why I wanted a home in Falkreath. So that I could be close to them and not have to quick-travel all the time. =\ Really, the creators of Skyrim got to get their s**t together.
  6. I've been having the same problems... mainly around the lake bit where Lakeview manor might be. (a home you can purchase in Hearth-fire dlc). it's been pissing me off, espeically because the rest of Falkreath is fine, and I actually purcarcsed a land title from the steward of Falkreath for Lakeview manor... and now I can't use it on my character. =\
  7. yeah. it could be done. I've seen the heads move in the creation menu.... so I know the heads can be turned, etc. I'd also like it when the PC was idle, it could look at the people or creatures walking by. or when some npc comes up to talk automatically while you're in third person view, have the pc actually look at them instead of gazing vacantly into space! edit: never mind, seems that somebody linked to a mod doing this. :)
  8. honestly that sounds like too much work for modders out there... in fact it almost sounds downright impossible. A randomized child script MIGHT work though, with the spouse telling you that you two will be about to be proud parents. and having there be a cradle thing where you can "interact" with the baby maybe, such as naming it and so on forth. and then after a number of days, it magically turns into a random kid that acts like any other kids. example: Crib stage: You can't take baby out of crib, but you can get to select hair color, eyes, skin tone, etc. Name it. Then after all that's set, it's set in motion. Kid stage: After a number of days, it magically poofs into a brand-new kid! complete with the stats that you gave it at the crib stage. it does suspend the state of disbelief a little bit but hey maybe all dragonborn children are born this way. ;) dunno though. adopting kids still gives me the warm fuzzies, espeically when I know they were abused and needed somebody to love them.
  9. So in those homes you build, you basically get a oven in your kitchen and the like. http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Oven But what about those vanilla homes that you already own? for instance my favorite home, Proudspire. The downstairs really irks me though... the shelves and that fireplace drive me crazy!! after I looted all of the shelves by the alchemy station they then no longer serve any purpose, and they don't act as good bookshelves. the circular fireplace serves no purpose for me, and just gets in the way. So I was thinking... could somebody please alter that part of the house so that instead of blank shelves which I've already looted, there's actually a oven next to the alchemy station? in fact I kinda doodled over my screenshot to show you what I wanted. I attached it here in the files so you can kind of see what I mean. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/SailorAurora/mywishes.png I don't really want the rest of the home touched though, considering that I have other mods which deals with the quest room and the enchanting/armory room next door already. I just haven't found anything that actually deals with that particular area in the way I want it.
  10. might be breaking the lore of skyrim a little bit, though. besides, isn't Talos basically the Jesus of Skyrim anyway? think about it: Talos (Tiber Septim) is basically a human with a god-like figure for a great-father or something, and ascended to godhood after dying and then rising up. And his followers is now prosecuted, and his religion banned, just like how the Romans of ancient times tried to ban Jesus's teachings and harassed his Jewish followers. So Talos is like an analog for Jesus, with the Thamlor being the Romans who oppressed the Jewish people and killed Jesus. I kind of agreed with the people that Talos worship shouldn't be outlawed... although I couldn't stand it to side with Urflic as seeing he clearly did not care about Talos and were way too much of a racist bastard. Maybe something on the empire's side where you can petition to bring back Talos worship? Besides, I can see how if Jesus was born and raised in Skyrim, that he might end up being like Talos anyway. :P
  11. I've been thinking. in Hearth-fire dlc, you adopt children and you get those awesome random events with them... such as them finding items and giving it to you as a gift. or even bringing animals home and begging you to let them keep the animals as a pet! And there's tons more they do. This is the single reason why I visit my home more often now. :P Why couldn't we have random events like that too with our married spouses? in fact I'm kind of dispointed that Health-fire didn't add random events or interactions with our wives/husbands. for instance I would love to see events where I come home to: 1) Wife/husband chatting with adopted children. Seriously they don't really interact with each other currently!! they don't even act like there's somebody else in the same room. 2) wife/husband and child coming up together and the child showing me what the wife/husband taught them how to do. it could depend on what the spouse specializes in. for example if you married a mage then the child could be learning spells from him/her... could have a funny event where the child accidentally set something on fire? could be good for laughs. likewise with teaching the kid how to cook, etc... could have botched food attempts until the child gets better at it. 3) wife/husband coming up to greet the player warmly just like how the children does. "Oh, you're back! so good to see you after __ days. tell me about what you did?" instead of just saying "Back from an adventure, I bet, my love!!" 4) Hug/kiss on the cheek interactions for both spouse and child. 5) Wife/husband asking for gifts and also giving player gifts. 6) chatting and having the spouse talk about their backgrounds and stuff. this could be very tricky, and probably would need to be done separately for every marriageable candidate that the player liked. for example, a Mauricio Mod for my favorite sassy mage follower turned husband, talking to me about how the Mages college kicked him out because they couldn't handle his awesomeness or something.
  12. awesome, good to know somebody else was bothered by that questline too. Now all we need is the rest. :)
  13. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=75889890 I've been using "An alternate start" which I posted a url to above. and I have to say, it's frigging awesome! you can start out as a simple farmer in the game, or be a khajjit traveling guard or be anything else you want to be, instead of always starting out in Helgen. The best part? it doesn't interfere with the main quest as seeing you can pick up the slack and become the dragon-born if you wish to be. However, it also doesn't leave me much to do role-play wise. since I made a new character (a wood elf farmer), I've realized that it wouldn't make much sense for a farmer to sudden just get up and travel the countryside looking to kill bandits and what not. So I'm thinking there could be a new mod that gives a role-play character a good reason to go out there. For instance, if I'm a farmer I would need clients to sell my stuff to right? So I'm thinking there needs to be a "become a merchant" mod where you can peddle your wares to ANY npcs out there. And I'm just not talking about farmers here. I also made another character who's a simple healer learning spells at the Winter-hold Mages' college. I also noticed that there aren't much in the way of quests there, aside from the main quest-line. I just suddenly became the arch-chancellor there, even though I literally had been only there a few days.... and I have to say, that breaks the immersion a little bit. I would like a option to turn over the leadership to Tolidior since how he's clearly much older and experienced than I am. There's also not much to do there after you've become the leader there! So I would like roleplaying quests for the Mages college too as well. Where I have to attend classes by all the teachers, and get rewards for doing so... like maybe scrolls, books, etc. or maybe quests where I have to work on enchantment, etc and level up my skills that way. And as an Leader, you have to work towards strengthening the relationships between the college and winterhold itself... since how it's no secret that the Jarl of Winterhold and other people seems to hate the college! I imagine that the Leader of the mages college has to play diplomat on a regular basis so that people don't storm the building and try to kill all mages. alternately, if you're playing an evil character you could maybe rally the mages into overtaking Winterhold for themselves? After all, why put up with all the hates towards mages? It's about time that skyrim learned to respect mages a little more. :P What do you think?
  14. Actually.... the laws state that if any kids' genitals are showing it can qualify as child porn, even if they aren't doing anything dirty or pervy. in fact, some parents have actually gotten in trouble just for photographing their kids in the bathtub nowadays. thier kids were then taken away, even though they were good parents who hadn't done anything to their own kids. http://current.com/community/90986809_parents-sue-wal-mart-after-children-taken-away-over-bath-time-photos.htm Yeah, the law has gotten REAL paranoid regarding child nudity. personally, I wouldn't mind if there was like dozens of naked kids in game with their body bits dangling in the wind.... I would just look at such a scene, laugh and go "wtf! they're going to freeze to death!" However.... if I was to make such a mod, I run the risk of getting into trouble with the law here, and get labelled a pervert. I don't want that to happen. that's why I'm so against having the kids be naturally nude... unless they were naked like a barbie doll... skin showing, but no nipples, no gentials, etc.
  15. I guess it's just one of those things that we have to agree to disagree on. :P Quite frankly, with Skyrim being an land of constant winter I just can't foresee children going around in outfits that bare their midriffs. and if you looked at the wool underwear, their arms were bare and so were most of their legs. I think Parents would be more concerned with keeping their little angels bundled up in warm clothing so that they don't catch some illness and then die. To them, having their kids safe and warm in wool clothing and undergarments would greatly outweigh the money saved on using bikini bottoms. espeically if using Bikinis meant that their kids would no longer have a protective layer that kept them warm. After all, you see it in real life. kids used to bundle up in woolen undergarments before putting on clothes. this seriously kept them warm in cold places, and saved them from things like Hypothermia... which was often deadly back then. at any rate, I think the painted on underwear as it is right now has a good shape... I just think it needs to look like it's not painted on. it should look as if it was a real mesh all along, instead of being a part of the body. Sorry, but I'm trying to go for realism... it's one of the reasons why I don't download any bare-midriff outifts or anything for Skyrim. I like for the armor to look like real armor, etc... and for all of it to look like it could keep my character from frostbite.
  16. I like the first option myself. it's actually something I'm attempting to do right now myself. still slightly new to meshing though, so I'm scared that I'll f*** it up. :P Here's the face I was messing with in Daz Studio using a mixture of the Victora and Maddie models: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/SailorAurora/FemaleKidFace.jpg If Daz gives me permission to use that, then it's something I would like to use for the female kid in Skyrim. What do you think? If Daz say that I can't use their default stuff for skyrim, then I'll just attempt to model something similar in 3d max. ----------------------------------------- I never saw the big deal with Nudity myself. I mean, I live in America and in one of the most prudish states possible and I still do not equate Nudity with porn itself. The way I see it, we were all born naked, and we're just naked underneath our clothes. lol. But yeah, there is a lot of sickos out there who would love to use the nudity itself as a excuse for their own behaviors, just like how they would use the way a woman is dressed as justification to rape her. It doesn't matter of she's dressed like a prudish nun, chances are that somebody out there is going to find that appealing. Heck in the state where I live, there was two elderly women who were around the 67-80 age range who got raped a few weeks ago. They were both prudish bible-thumping grandmothers, so I doubt they were dressed like hookers. So that's why I can't help but scoff at how people still hold the outdated concept that rape itself is all about sexual arousal, instead of about power! I don't think that pedophiles truly attracted to the bodies of children as so much as they are attracted to the child's vulnerability, and the power they have over the children. The child in question could be dressed like a stereotypical female Muslim with only their eyes showing, and the pedophiles would still be gravitating towards the child because the child would give out this aura of vulnerability. Rape in all forms, espeically that of Child Rape, does not equal Sex. It equals power, which appeals to pathetic losers who feels the need to feel powerful over somebody even more weaker than them. This is something that people don't understand... they tend to confuse the two, and so they think that nudity is what causes people to go out there and rape like crazy. Because of course to them, Nudity equals sex. :P That said, I still wouldn't want the children of skyrim to suddenly start wearing adult gear and doing "sexy" adult things. :P And Skyrim is a pretty damn cold place, so I'd be worried for the child's welfare if I saw one running around completely in the nude. The only issue I have with the skin textures is the fact that the underwear just seems too painted on. I feel that maybe there should be some kind of underwear mesh for them, so that it looks more natural on them. Maybe some nice wool underwear, like in this image: http://www.theretroknittingcompany.co.uk/images/bestway/bestway148a.jpg I think it could be like that default nude man mesh... where he had that loincloth thingy when you took off his clothes. *shrugs*
  17. I wonder, if it would be bad form to import some face meshes from programs like Daz Studio and Poser Pro? Because I've made faces on there, and sometimes I import some of the face shapes for 3D max and stuff. Now those are my own custom faces but they're also based on DAZ's kid and adult templates. So I wonder if it would infringe on them if I imported some of that to Skyrim. Hmm. I guess I'll have to e-mail them and see. I've already edited a little bit of the Skyrim kid model in 3D max, to make the body seem more feminine in nature. I gave it a little bit of what you could call girly hips. not full-blown child bearing hips, mind you. just enough of a shape so that you can tell that when the girl grows up, she's going to have some excellent child bearing hips. :P The body mesh is still flat-chested though because I don't agree with giving a child that looks 7-8 years old boobs, no matter how tiny the breasts are. I'll have to take a screen-shot and show you guys soon. I've also been looking at the animation part, and trying to figure out if I could tweak the animation for the little girls. So that they could have more of a girlish run, etc. Just so that there's some actual difference between the little boy and little girl model. :P --Rex You bring up a lot of excellent points. personally, I don't think the Argonians would have any visible body parts. I think they're most like lizards and or snakes in that their reproductive parts are retractable. However they're a cold-blooded species who need heat to survive. So maybe the reason why they wear clothes is so that they can survive in Skyrim's harsh weather. otherwise they might just get the strong urge to hibernate until hot weather comes... and in skyrim that might never come. So maybe wearing warm clothing is their way of offsetting their natural urge to Hibernate forever and work for their other needs instead. http://www.bcreptiles.ca/reptiles_north.htm you can learn more about how reptiles operate in cold weather here. I imagine hot springs would be very popular with them though, as seeing that's one way they can shed their clothes and be in a more natural habitat. I can easily picture a modded village centered around a hot spring, full of Argonains. :P Heck, that could even be a tourist site for other races who also enjoy taking a dip in a hot spring. the Khajits... well it would be hard for a mesher to model 4 breasts on a woman and not have it look super weird. so let's just stick with humanoid breasts. I agree that a cat's sense of modesty would not be the same as a human's.... however I do think a female would want to protect her nips from the cold. So maybe she would wear nothing but a bra. she would go "bottomless", not "topless". ;) I know it's pretty pointless to discuss all this until we have some actual working meshes completed, but I think it's still nice to think about those things. Especially if you're planning future projects. :)
  18. @ Rex -- thanks for such a well thought-out reply. It's been highly helpful to me in letting me know what could be done. :) I'm more of a graphical artist than a true mesher, so I wouldn't mind helping you out with your child texture problems. After all, I'm also looking to team up with somebody while I try to figure out how CK works, and what can be done with it. If you're interested in having my help or seeing what I can do, pm me. @behughes -- True, but at least it'd be better than nothing. But maybe we don't need that many? After all, half of the the races are pretty much just humans with different facial structures and skin-tones. Plus, some of them you actually don't see much in game. Take High elves for instance. You rarely see them around despite being a playable character. Most of them are in the thlamor business with the exception of a few high elf merchants. So it could be argued that High elves actually don't like living in Skyrim, and prefer to live elsewhere. They're only in skyrim on business, and as an result they wouldn't take their children along with. So we wouldn't need high elf children that much in game. Having children be a "different race" seems to be the most viable option so far, and it's also something we can start with. We don't have to do 30 races all at once, just start slowly.... starting with human race first. Or, we could actually just go with Three templates-- Humaniod, Reptile and Beast children? The Humanoid children could easily be configured to look like human, orc or any elf races, espeically if you've got that mod where it allows you to change your skin-tone into different wild colors, like gray or pink despite being a human or whatever. To give them elf ears, it could maybe be an equipped item? I've seen mods where you can equip elf ears or cat ears. :P The orc teeth could also be a equipped item to make them seem more orcish. Hmm. Having only three body/race templates for child races would definitely cut down on having to make 30 New races. Especially if you don't mind there being no teens in game, just 7-year-olds. *Shrugs* just a thought.
  19. I know that there's at least 4 different kill-able children mods, and 3 playable child character mods. BUT, that's not what I'm looking for! But so far none of them have the option to completely change how all children look in game, and espeically put in teenagers and other different ages. The only ones that has any true change and realistic stuff seems to be those two mods: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13104 and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6172 I was wondering, is it possible to use the weight slider thing for changing the ages of children out there? like the lowest setting you would have the child's default age... and the highest weight would have them be a young teenage. or is it too much to have that weight slider turn into a height/age slider? The reason why I'm asking this, is because I've been trying to work on a project where all the children of skyrim look different from each other, and even have different hairstyles. I've been learning my way around meshing, and also my way around the CK. Meshing isn't really my strong point, but I'm more experienced with texture and bump maps. as seeing I sell plenty of clothes and stuff on IMVU (a 3d chat program where I make clothes for it). And so far from what I've seen Making clothes for Skyrim via texture/recoloring isn't really that different from making clothes for IMVU avatars. The only problem I have is making it so that it doesn't overwrite the original existing clothes. I was hoping that if I teamed up with a more experienced mesher, then between the two of us we could actually make it so that none of the kids looked like clones... and actually had different face shapes. I would be able to help with making new clothes for all of them... so that they would have cute, child-friendly clothing that was lore-friendly. Heck, all of them would be different varying ages... from 7 year olds to 13 year olds, thanks to that "height/age slider" idea that I have using the Weight slider. But that's only if it works. That way they would all really look different. :P I've been messing around in 3d max, and actually managed to give the child's face a different look. But I'm not sure how to make it so that you can fully customize the face just like you would do with your own player character. If the idea I have actually pans out, then you'll be not only getting a highly superior playable child mod... but the children of skyrim will finally stop looking so creepy. :P
  20. yeah. It really made me feel good when some random npc would say things like: "Wow, those are some really nice clothes you're wearing! where did you get those?" Now the only time in Skyrim they would comment on my appearance is if I'm wearing Deardic armor... and that's usually only if a guard notices it. and i hate wearing dedaric armor. Although at the same time I also don't want all of people in skyrim to be completely shallow. I don't think it would be realistic for a person to suddenly like you if you were decked out in finery. If it's a npc that hates you, they should say something like: "Humph, you think dressing up in such fine clothes impresses me? Far as I'm concerned, you're just a well-dressed pig!" or something like that. =D I can understand if some certain characters really were that shallow though. I know that one snobby guy in Whiterun might dislike you when you're in rags and then suck up to you when you're dressed up. XD
  21. never mind, found out that somebody already did the mod I ask for. sorry about that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11789
  22. So I got Mellok or whatever he's called to become my dog follower. However, if I ask him to go back home he doesn't go back to any of my homes at all.. but back to the home of his dead master. that's why he always sounds so sad when you ask him to leave. So basically I want to be able to tell him to go to one of my homes and live there. I also want extra features, like giving him food and drink. :P is this possible? I already have the "dogs are essential" mod, so I don't need to worry about him dying too much when he's my follower.
  23. I'm all for this. look up Actor's ball from Oblivion. it was a item that allowed you to use a lot of animations and or poses. I wish it could be imported to Skyrim. :P they also had sitting and resting animations in it... so that's the one thing we should ask for.
  24. f*** YES!! I would so totally love this mod hardcore. there's already a mod where they allow your husband/wife to go out and run a store, but the rest of it is pretty lackluster.
  25. I love this idea. although it would be too much to build the ENTIRE city. I think it would be better to just build all the famous recognizable places in the book series first, and then build the homes for all of the recognizable characters. blam, you got a city that's larger than all of the other cities in skyrim, even if it's not as large as it was in the book. * The Tower of Art * The Mended Drum * Opera House * The Patrician's Palace * Pseudopolis Yard * The Temple of Small Gods * The Unseen University * The Shades *The guilds *post office *Royal Bank You build all of that, then you've got Ankh-pork at it's core. it doesn't have to be a exact copy of the maps out there... this is a skyrim version of the city, after all.
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